High Magic Earth

Chapter 987: Subway (4)

"A brand new morning has arrived, a morning full of hope, open your chest to welcome joy, look up to the endless sky, open your chest to welcome joy, look up to the endless sky, listen to the sound of the radio, take a deep breath, and turn your healthy heart towards the oncoming Let the wind stretch! Come on, one! two! three!"

"Your life is over."

"If you want to go back, just kill this guy."

"Please go."

"Task release."

"Black Star"

"Characteristic: At first glance they are ordinary people."

"Like: Little Black Ball."

"So... this is our mission goal this time?" Xuan Yeji put his hand on his knee, holding the x-gun combat pistol in the other hand, kneeling halfway at the black sphere in front of him, frowning. Said to himself.

Five minutes before the time was set back, the guntz room.

This time, as usual, there are several new partners who have joined in. I don’t know if they should be said to be lucky or very unfortunate. Unfortunately, they are already dead. Fortunately, compared with other dead people, Took a chance.

Enter the guntz room, complete various tasks in the fight, and get the chance to be resurrected.

Of course, whether this is lucky or unfortunate is actually not well defined.

Xuan Yeji believes that he is lucky, because guntz gave himself a second chance, and let himself see, a vast world far beyond his previous cognition.

The vast expanse of universe and starry sky.

Guntz is a kind of magical thing, and Gensuke doesn’t know much about it. It only knows that its appearance is a closed sphere. In a room where the door can’t be opened, looking out from the window, it seems that it’s still Staying in Tokyo, but a little stranger.

Xuan Yeji's first contact with guntz was after his death.

On an ordinary day, when he took the subway to school as usual, he occasionally met his childhood playmate, Kato Sheng. More precisely, he saw that he was on the tramway, trying to help a drunk to the backstage. Kato Sheng.

I don't know where the maintenance staff of the subway has gone, and there is no help around me. Xuanye Ji pretended to be unseen, but Kato saw him.

In desperation, he can only jump off the platform, together with Kato, trying to lift this abominable drunk.

As a result, the drunkard was rescued, and the two of them died instantly because they could not escape the train that could not run fast.

Let's celebrate the lack of two pit teammates in the game world.

Immediately afterwards, Xuanye Ji and Kato Sheng were transferred to the guntz room. Two ignorant newcomers and their teammates bumped along and killed countless people. After struggling on the life and death line for countless times, they finally figured out guntz. What kind of existence is it?

It seems to protect the world.

Every time it will be handed over to the missions such as Xuanye Ji, so that they will hunt a certain, or some aliens, and then send them to the vicinity of the target.

But often, it’s not that Xuenye Ji and others are hunting aliens, but... they are prey.

But after completing the mission, that is, killing the aliens on the mission target, they can get points rewards.

As a reward for points, you can use it at guntz, which is placed in the black sphere in the center of the room. 100 points can resurrect a person who died in the mission. 100 points can forget everything about this place, resurrect, and then completely leave here.

And guntz did not let them die. The black ball provided weapons and combat uniforms. Although the black tights-style combat uniforms looked a little ashamed, their abilities were one-on-one.

It not only has powerful protection functions such as shock resistance and shock absorption, but also can greatly increase the user's strength, speed and even jumping power.

It can be said that it almost enhances all human attributes in combat power by three to five times.

Unfortunately, it is also not perfect. Protective clothing cannot counteract damage such as penetration. That is, it does not have much effect in the face of firearms.

And it has a limit of use. The protective clothing is composed of two layers. There are many convex covers on the outside. It looks like a small valve. Between the two layers of protective clothing, there is a very thin layer that can hardly be felt. Liquid is flowing.

Blue liquid.

Once the attack received by the protective clothing reaches the limit, the liquid will flow out of the valve and then gradually lose its function.

Xuan Ye Ji has reason to believe that the source of the strong seismic resistance of protective clothing is because of this liquid, and the liquid is obviously unable to defend against the penetration of swords and bullets.

Fortunately, it can be replenished by guntz after each use.

Thanks to the weapons and equipment that guntz gave them, Xuan Yeji and others can grow from ordinary people to warriors who can fight aliens and protect the earth.

It's just that with time slowly being postponed, Xuan Yeji and Kato gradually discovered that the black ball does not seem to be simply protecting their earth.

The aliens that are harmful to the earth will be cleared, harmless to the earth, and even have no attack power, and the harmless aliens who love peace will be eradicated.

It is indiscriminately killing aliens.

Although Xuan Yeji and others are not very comfortable in their hearts, they have no other choices, and can only continue to struggle under the black ball task.

And this time, their mission...is this black star...

"The appearance looks ordinary...then this task may be easier." When Xugeno thought about it, guntz had already sent him out.

Guntz's mission is very fragmented. Sometimes the mission goal is easy, sometimes it is almost impossible to defeat, and the number is not fixed. Although only one goal is shown, it may be a creature of a certain ethnic group.

Before the battle started, Xuan Yeji did not dare to say anything.

The familiar teleport gradually overwhelmed his eyes. Xuan Yeji instinctively closed his eyes. When he opened it again, the surrounding scenes had already been transformed.

Just because the body has not been completely transmitted, he cannot move, but this does not hinder the observation of the surroundings.

Before waiting for Xuanyeji to see clearly, he had heard the fussing of his surrounding companions, "Oh, here... is it on the train?"

At the next moment, the soles of the feet stepped completely on the ground, and Xuan Yeji immediately placed his hand on the x-gun combat pistol, then frowned and looked carefully around.

As the companions were surprised, they were on a tram.

"Mum! Mum!"

In the next moment, the lights of the entire train turned on, and the carriage began to shake slowly.

They didn't seem to buy a ticket, they entered a train that had just departed.

Even Xuan Yeji was a bit at a loss, because he didn't know whether to leave or what, guntz must have their own reason for sending them here, because every time they would not be too far from the target.

But if it is here...

Soon, Xuan Yeji had no time to tangle, because the shaking train drove forward for less than a minute, then stopped again, the doors opened, and a large number of passengers were ready to ride from both sides.

And a group of them stood in the middle of the carriage wearing tights and combat uniforms, which was really embarrassing.

After the train started again, Xuan Yeji could hear the whispers of people around him, as well as their unabashed action of taking photos with their mobile phones.

The middle-aged uncle Ryoichi tried to explain to the surrounding passengers, but to no avail, their embarrassment was not relieved at all, and the surrounding passengers still regarded them as a group of role-playing fans.

But that's all. Although their clothes look weird and make people doubt their aesthetics, no one would think that this combat uniform is something that can play a real role.

No one will realize...maybe next, a war will break out here.

None of these things had been taken care of by Xuan Yeji. At this time, his head was full of questions about why guntz sent them to the train.

Because as he thought, once the fighting broke out here, then all innocent people would be involved.

Why does this happen.

Never before.

Xuan Yeji lowered his head, his face was not pretty, and the people around him stared at his toes silently. The train was moving forward quickly, and people continued to come up or down, and the nearby discussions and low laughter never stopped. .

Some people even came together to take photos with them.

With the exception of Gennoki, everyone felt pressured. When the train stopped at the new station again, Kato Sheng couldn't help but ask, "How long has it passed?"

Middle-aged uncle Liang Suzuki shrugged. "Four stations... or five stations. I can't remember. I don't take this line often."

"I just want to know...how long we have to wait." Another young man in tights and combat uniform stood aside, spitting expressionlessly.

But at this moment, Kato Sheng suddenly raised his head and frowned at Xuanye Ji, "Xuanye, have you heard?"...

The superposition of the two submachine guns is much more powerful than that of fighting alone, because the manic bullets will block all the escape routes and tear up the things that are in front of them.

Not to mention that these are fifteen submachine guns. Although not all guns are submachine guns and some assault rifles are mixed inside, the effect is still very scary.

Almost in a blink of an eye, the passengers who were standing in front of Gennoki and others all fell to the ground, and a large-scale bullet storm even tore their bodies into pieces and became incomplete.


For a moment, Xuan Yeji's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and then he roared loudly.

The moment before they were still thinking about the mission target, the moment after they heard gunshots coming from a distance, but before giving them reaction time, these black stars have already gathered together.

And who would have thought that they directly took out guns, which threatened huge things in small spaces such as subways.

In such a small space, even oneself and others dare not face it, because there is no place to avoid and move, only to avoid its edge.

But these black stars came too quickly. An unaccompanied newcomer was instantly hit by a bullet storm into a honeycomb. The next moment his body was torn to pieces and scattered.

It's just that Xuan Yeji and others couldn't counterattack back, and could only turn around and leave.

The surface of the protective clothing instantly turned blue, and Xugenoji and others showed a speed far beyond ordinary people, almost in the blink of an eye, from the middle of the car to the exit of the car.

Leaping forward, they rushed into the next compartment.

Hiding aside, using thick car door junctions to avoid bullets, Xuan Yeji and others held the x-gun pistol in their hands, but then, they just stiffened.

Because the people in this carriage have not left yet.

They had just realized what had happened, and they hadn't even reacted. They were strangely watching this group of eccentrically dressed guys running in at an incredible speed.

Then the next moment, the blood everywhere and the sound of gunshots that just rang through my ears immediately made them aware of what had happened before.

"It's killing!"

"There is a gun!"

"There is a gun!"

The crowd swarmed in the opposite direction to the Black Star, but it was too late. The Black Star saw the target running away, immediately holding the submachine gun, and then quickly rushed forward.

And in the process of sprinting, the muzzle of the submachine gun was still spitting tongue.


Seeing the crowd falling side by side, Xuan Yeji knew that he could not continue running, that would only kill more people, his hand lightly touched the x-gun pistol, he hid behind the door and extended the combat pistol diagonally , "Boom!" means positioning twice.

In an instant, the dense gunshots of the black men stopped.

Xuan Yeji knew that they were avoiding the positioning attack of the x-gun pistol, but it was also clear that this time, no target was hit.

But fortunately, they created time for those innocent people to escape.

Others also realized this, and immediately took out their combat pistols to prepare for shooting, but Xuanye Ji immediately stopped them. The power of the x-gun pistols was great. If several people fired in volley, I am afraid the whole car would be blown out.

Perhaps the star in black doesn't care about this, but once the train rolls over, everyone will die. Xuan Yeji and others can't care about human life.

It can be said that the battlefield is very unfavorable to them.

The star in black obviously doesn't have so many scruples, and although the firearms are very harmful to the human body, it is still a little difficult to interrupt a car.

Faced with an opponent who couldn't fight back, more than a dozen black celebrities held guns, and Xuan Yeji, who was suppressed by a dense bullet storm, could hardly lift his head.

The stars in black salute, and then move forward step by step, but Xuan Yeji and others who are hiding on both sides of the car door have no way to do it, because as long as a little outcrop, they will be beaten into honeycombs.

But there is no way to hide in this way ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because when the black stars approached, they avoided unavoidable, and even the sturdy compartment door could not resist the power of so many submachine guns, and would be penetrated in an instant.

Xuan Yeji looked anxiously at the roof of the car, and then looked at the ground under his feet, trying to find a way to break the game.

The gunshots of the black man are getting louder and louder, but Xuan Yeji's brow still doesn't let go.

Including everyone such as Kato Sheng, everyone put their hands on the x-gun pistol. Although this combat pistol would damage the train's carriage, it was better than death.

And...if it hits the target, it will not destroy the slightest external facilities.

If there is still no way, they will fight hard.

The hands of Kato and others gradually grasped the combat pistol, but at this time, the gunshot of the black star suddenly stopped. After countless battles, Xuan Yeji, who was somewhat familiar with the firearm, immediately realized.

Their magazines are empty. (To be continued.)

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