At this time, the outdoor temperature remained at minus 85 degrees, and early in the morning, Ye Kun took a shovel and began to dig for snow.

After such a long time, the thickness of the snow has decreased, but this decrease is not that they all melt and lose, but settle.

If there is no precipitation, people walking in the snowy mountains will collapse very deeply, and after precipitation, it will not be.

It is also because of this that the weight of each shovel of snow digging before and the weight of each shovel of snow digging now is different.

Jiang Yuyan and Luo Wen are also wearing thick clothes, including Dan Jin, Sophia, and Elizabeth are all the same digging snow outside.

The nearly 7-meter-thick layer of snow dug forward in an oblique manner to dig out a lane.

Outside, a large pot of hot water is also boiled, so I throw the dug snow into it and heat it, and then sprinkle it on the dug road.

Doing so allows the snow to melt and sink a little more, after which it freezes quickly and is no longer in a state of snowflake precipitation.

After freezing, it will also be chiseled on it, which can increase friction.

The reason for this is that the car does not sink deeper when climbing hills, does not let the car skid, and does not need to do this to move on the plane of snow.

The force used is different.

After doing this, it also took a week, and I didn’t rush to work, so the speed was a little slower.

When Ye Kun drove the super heavy truck out, it was filled with a large amount of materials and then slowly 547 slowly went up the slope, and after reaching the top, Ye Kun slowly drove away.

If it is a doomsday RV, the speed will be a little faster, because the doomsday RV has a better snowwalking function, and the super heavy truck also has it, but the function is not as good as the Doomsday RV.

But the Doomsday RV doesn’t have as many things as super heavy trucks.

In this transaction, Ye Kun was also severely slaughtered by the Dragon Kingdom official, but that was also Ye Kun needed too many things, and even some things were too precious and rare.

If it weren’t for Ye Kun’s face, the Dragon Kingdom official would not be willing to trade.

For example, precious metals are needed to build underground cities and produce cutting-edge equipment.

Where the survivors outside have this condition, where they will need these, Ye Kun also needs it.

After more than an hour, the speed was much slower than usual.

In the process of going, I also saw the official military truck of the Dragon Kingdom, and even the appearance of the snow was pressed down by about a meter.

Obviously, during this time, the Dragon Kingdom official sent people out again to collect resources, especially mine resources, building resources, and so on.

“Yo, long time no see! Do you still have Hanako? ”

“Of course, I said, I have a lot of reserves for this thing, and if it is properly stored, the shelf life is long, isn’t it?”

“That is, it is only stored in an excellent dry environment for 2~5 years, and some taste bad after 2 years.”

The captain smiled and took a package of huazi from Ye Kun’s hand and said, if it weren’t for this bag of huazi, he wouldn’t have been able to come out to greet Ye Kun in person in winter.

Similarly, he would not persuade the leader to trade some precious metals with Ye Kun, including various chips, some electronic components and so on.

These are all Ye Kun collected to make some equipment in the future.

For example, submarines, just a good chip, and then write program code in it, etc., and other important electronic components are to be purchased from the official Dragon Kingdom.

“Congratulations, is that woman Jiang Yuyan pregnant?”

“Well, there’s another person.”

“Oh… Double happiness, not bad! Still, I suggest you come to the dungeon. ”

“Hahaha, although this advice is very good, we are also doing well in our own shelter.”

“Alas, you are living very well and can still have children, but have you thought about the large number of your subordinates? With so many people, there are always a few people who want to be like you, right? ”

“They… They don’t have such a good life, maybe they have this idea, but more of a thought is that it is difficult to survive on their own, you know what I mean? ”


Are there subordinates there?

But what the captain said is also correct, but Ye Kun has only 12 people, even if it is 14 in the stomach, support death (bfea) plus a Phnom Penh pastoral.

There are a lot of his men there.

It’s just that Ye Kun can’t say anything about this, and he played a perfunctory past.

The captain did not say much, he could only say that Ye Kun, the leader, was able to make everyone obey his arrangement, which was Ye Kun’s ability.

Until now, he has been able to live well, and presumably Ye Kun’s shelter and other conditions are very good.

After opening the super heavy truck, a large number of new things and materials were moved.

Including some fruits, it is also a very precious food in the dungeon.

The dungeon is not ungrown, but it is impossible to grow too much, mainly growing some crops with high yields.

I eat those kinds of dishes back and forth every day, and even sometimes I eat sweet potatoes every day, and I am almost eating soil. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There’s no way!

In ancient times, they didn’t even eat, but now it’s good that they can eat enough and maintain a certain amount of health in their bodies.

“And these warm clothes, warm fabrics.”

The materials Ye Kun needed were also moved to the car, and the warm clothes in the baby products and the thermal fabrics of several horses were also taken from the captain.

Especially in place of diapers that are not wet.

Ancient recipes, ancient techniques, ancient products, but diapers that accompanied countless babies in ancient times.

Well, anyway, it’s a very soft fabric as a diaper, just change and wash it frequently.

Most of the poor in ancient times were open pants, either predicting the baby’s excretion time in advance, or watching them urinate indiscriminately, and then tearfully clean up.

Now there is not so much cotton, most of the cotton is collected from the outside collection of duvets and other products, the underground planting area is not too much, or food-based.

“Ye Kun, if you really need it, come to us.”


Before leaving, the captain patted Ye Kun’s shoulder and said, the meaning can also be understood, that is, there are too many things that pregnant women should do and pay attention to before and after giving birth.

Especially when giving birth, accidents can occur.

In the end, Ye Kun finished smoking with the captain, and then dashingly returned to the super heavy truck and went back.

The captain who remained was a sigh on his face.

Including the subordinates around him, they were all full of envy for Ye Kun.

Life can live so easily and dashingly to him, even if it is ten or twenty years to reduce life, they are willing to ah! !

Especially when there is a serious imbalance in the ratio of men and women in the dungeon, they …

Alas, that’s it!!

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