Higher Level Wife

Chapter 132: : The self-defeating little Hou Ye

   Jin Fengju didn't know that the good thing Yujie was talking about was the one that Jin Ming bought. The poor big five huā snake who died before he got his master, thought it was Fu Qiuyu who came up with some weird way of eating, and smiled: "Okay, let me see what your grandmother did. "As he said, he looked around and smiled: "Nothing happened today, right?" "

   "What's the matter? How can my wife and grandmother Wan make a comeback so soon." Yujie is a straight-tempered person, and waited until he finished speaking that he thought of his disrespectful remarks. Fortunately, Jin Feng lifted his mind and floated elsewhere without noticing. She slapped her mouth lightly and said with a sweet smile: "Grandma is in the house, please go in quickly. Why didn't Manager Jin come?"

   Where did Jin Fengju dare to say that Jin Ming "cannot bear the condemnation of his conscience." I was afraid that as soon as I entered the night wind hall, I would hear about someone who made the snake scared, so I didn't dare to come over. Because he slowly laughed and said, "Oh, he, there are some things, so I won't be here tonight." He said, cursing in his heart, secretly saying that Jinming, you are not promising, look at the appearance of the rain step, it is clear that it is It's okay in Wanfengxuan, but you are so scared that you dare not come. Strange, didn't it mean that five or six snakes were released? There is no reason to be found, right? Well, at this time, the snake was released a bit early, and those lazy bones refused to swim around, so no one noticed it?

   "What is the Lord looking for?"

   Yujie saw Jin Feng lift up and looked around, and couldn't help but feel a little strange. He also looked around and asked.

   "Oh, I didn't look for anything, look at the huā on this tree, they are all withered." Jin Fengju quickly retracted his gaze from everywhere, and said casually.

   Yujie is secretly funny, thinking that although the master is smart, sometimes it is difficult to get rid of the true nature of a nerd. When huā opens and huā falls, it is like this every year. What is there to sigh? Who cares about this except those acid writers? Thinking like this in his heart, of course he didn't dare to say it, and while snickering, Jin Feng let Jin Feng into the room.

   Fu Qiuning saw him coming, and hurriedly let him into the small huā hall. After sitting down on the couch, he poured a cup of tea and said with a smile: "It's a coincidence that you came here. I have something good for you to eat today."

Jin Fengju smiled in surprise: "I just said that when I entered the rain step, now you are also serious about it. I don't know what it is that makes your master and servant like this. If so, why don't you go to the kitchen to be busy, or just say , This thing is not too late?"

"I used to do it, but this year some of the subordinates you called here happened to be better than me, so it was handed over to him. Let's wait and eat." Fu Qiuning finished speaking, and then took a look. The sky was dark, chuckled, and took a nap for an afternoon, and it must be almost healed. Yujie, you go to the kitchen and have a meal if it's ready. "Yu Jie promised to go, here Jin Fengju curiously asked: "What is it? Can you disclose it? I'm surprised, is there anything in your place that you didn't have in the mansion now? It is bear paws and deer tendons, which is not uncommon to me, or is there any weird way to do it?

   But you just said that someone did a better job than you. "

Fu Qiuning smiled and said, "What's the urgency? Don't you be impatient and can't eat hot tofu?" After finishing talking, he picked up huā and embroidered. Jin Fengju just sat next to him for a while before listening to the rain step and said: "Grandma, it's done. The young lady has just left school, and the slave servant has asked Yu Niang to take someone to put the meal in the dining room." Fu Qiuning put down huā, got up and said, "Let's go, you will know when you go to the dining room." After finishing speaking, Jin Feng took a glance. He glanced at the half-embroidered lotus huā and smiled: "The huā you embroidered is getting better and better. You gave me the sachet a few days ago. Many people saw it and said it was beautifully done. When will you make another one for me?" Fu Qiuning He smiled and said, "Why are you so greedy? Wait until the one is worn out." The husband and wife talked and laughed and went to the dining room. But seeing that Jin Cangfeng and Jin Cangjiao were all there, seeing them coming, the two children respectfully saluted Jin Fengju, and were picked up by him one by one. Qiu Ning took off their shoes for them and arranged to go to the kang. Then he sat across from Jin Fengju, Yujie opened the lid of the casserole on the table for them, and in an instant, a strong fragrance filled the room.

   Nowadays, Fu Qiuning's tableware is no longer what it used to be. Although it is not luxurious enough to use gold bowls and silver chopsticks, they are all very exquisite utensils. Jin Fengju only glanced at it, and then smiled: "It's so fragrant, I don't know what this thing is?" Fu Qiuning said with a little surprise in his eyes: "I haven't eaten it before? My concubine thought you were going north and south, so I saw this thing. I know. It's just that we are rare in the north." She hesitated in her heart, and secretly said that if Jin Fengju hadn't eaten it before, give it to him again. What should I do if I vomit?

   She knows that some northerners don’t eat snake meat.

"Don't talk about eating it, if you smell this scent, you shouldn't forget it." Jin Fengju smiled. Jin Zangjiao had already put a small bowl in front of him, and said with a sweet smile: "Quickly, daddy It’s delicious to eat. My brother and I have been thin since we were children. Fortunately, this mother's thing has nourished our bodies and is healthy and lively today."

   Fu Qiuning laughed dumbly: "Who said this to you? Where is it?"

   Jin Zangjiao was dissatisfied and said, "Yuniang and Yujie both said the same. My brother and I thought the same way. Mother forgot to drink? Little...

At that time, we couldn’t eat Ran after the New Year, very poor, very poor, fortunately..." She was about to say Snake Soup, and suddenly rang out to sell her dad. She quickly accepted the words and said with a smile: "Anyway, anyway. , This is a good thing.

Jin Fengju had already scooped a spoonful of snake soup into his mouth, savoured it carefully, and smiled: "It's really a good thing, I don't know what kind of meat it is? It's so fragrant and delicious. It's amazing, I haven't eaten it, even In the palace, I haven't seen it either." As he said, he took a few tablespoons and ate it.

Fu Qiuning didn't dare to tell him on the contrary, she only said vaguely: "Master, it's good to eat, and you don't need to get to the bottom. Don't you think you eat an egg and it tastes good? Do you want to see the hen that lays the egg? "This is absolutely unreasonable, but Jin Fengju didn't pay attention, she just smiled: "It's not the bottom line, I think such a good thing, the Imperial Kitchen has never made it. The hot pot you recommended last time. The emperor still loves it very much today, if this is..."

   "Never." Before Jin Fengju finished speaking, Fu Qiuning hurriedly interrupted him, seeing Yujie and Yu,

The mother was all snickering around. Now there are many more servants in the night wind hall. They are not willing to eat in the same room with the master as before, lest they be criticized, so they are all standing on the side at this time. Serve the four masters.

"What's the matter?" Jin Fengju was surprised, and then hesitated: "You are so anxious, shouldn't..., is this thing a rat meat? Hahaha, don't be afraid, I went to the border to issue an decree back then At that time," he happened to follow General Chen to fight Beiyuan, but was trapped on the hill. The reinforcements ate before they arrived. We caught the mice in the woods to eat, but the taste is naturally much worse than this. "As he said, he took another big mouthful.

Fu Qiuning heard that he had even eaten mice, and then he relaxed, and said with a smile: "It's not a mouse, it's snake meat. Today, Yuji saw a big five huā snake in the grass...Master...what's wrong with you?" It turned out that before Qiu Ning finished speaking, Jin Fengju almost squirted the snake soup out of his mouth, and was busy covering it with his hand to swallow it, but was choking. She turned her back and coughed constantly, and Yu Niang quickly poured a glass of water. Give it to him, Qiu Ning helped him pat his back and follow the breath.

"Cough cough cough..." Jin Feng coughed hard, his face was red, and then turned around and said with wide eyes: "Qiu Ning, what are you...what are you talking about? Is this...is this snake meat? snake……

   Snake Soup? "Fu Qiuning nodded, and said: "It's snake soup, and my concubine thought that my master had even eaten mice."

   It shouldn't be a big deal to eat some snake soup, it's all my concubine's fault. "

Jin Fengju sat there like a fossil. It took a long time before he bowed his head, as if he was self-defeating, and asked: "You mean, you saw a snake in the yard, so... you caught it and ate it? The rain step caught it?" Qiu Ning was talking about the rain step just now, right? Jin Fengju looked at the beautiful little maid silently, wondering if he was still a woman? It’s normal to see a gecko not scared~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But if a woman sees a snake, not only does it not run, but dare to catch it?

Fu Qiuning laughed softly: "It was Yujie who saw it and picked it up with a wooden stick. In the past, we didn't know where the seven inches of the snake was, but it was killed with a big stone. Today, there happened to be a servant who came from Lingnan and caught it. After killing the snake three or two times, he fell to his death on the wall." "That is to say, you have eaten snakes for more than a year?" Jin Feng held his chest and couldn't accept this fact.

"Yes." Fu Qiuning smiled awkwardly: "At that time, because of the pressure of life, the children didn't see meat a few times throughout the year. Fortunately, there are many grasses around here, so I often encounter huā snakes, and I was scared at first. , But then I am not afraid, not to mention that the snake meat is delicious and it is so good, especially in autumn, so I can eat a few pieces every year."

   Jin Fengju is almost speechless to ask the sky, is the woman in front of him really the concubine of the prince of Zhenjiang? Even if it's a concubine, it should be everyone's lady, right? He sighed, but he was still not reconciled, so he asked curiously: "You guys...are not afraid of it biting you? This...women don't all see snakes. Should I scream? How can you be as sturdy as you?"

Fu Qiuning was a little embarrassed, and coughed twice and laughed: "Generally there are no poisonous snakes in the north, and some are fat grass snakes, and grass snakes do not bite." As soon as the voice fell, Yu Niang said, "We are also screaming. , I didn’t even see it. When Yujie saw this snake, how loud was it 〖excitingly〗 it was that I couldn’t find this thing in winter, and I didn’t eat it all in the winter. Then the girl saw the snake, eyes It’s all glowing green. This snake deserves to be unlucky. In previous years, not to mention the snake, and the snake skin couldn’t be seen together. This year, it came out so early, isn’t it just slaughtered and eaten."

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