Higher Level Wife

Chapter 133: : The last one

   Jin Fengju was speechless, the smile on his face was more ugly than crying. He coughed and nodded: "Is it? Yujie is so brave, it's really good..." He looked at the bowl of snake soup, thinking about Snake Brother, Snake Brother, I am sorry for you, and wanted to ask you to help me. With the help of one hand, I didn't expect a difference to send you into the wolf's den, causing you to be so embarrassed and killed. After death, there is no place to be buried. Oh, let alone no. Isn't this buried in our stomach?

"Okay, don't talk too much when you eat." Fu Qiuning glanced at Yu Niang, and saw that the snake soup in Jinfeng's bowl was gone, he hesitated and said, "Master, do you want it? This snake soup actually tastes very good. Master has even eaten mice, shouldn't you be bored with snakes?"

Jin Fengjue nodded his head fiercely and said, "Give me another bowl." He doesn't feel like snake meat disgusting like many northerners. To be honest, if he knew that snake soup was so delicious, he would have eaten it. . Now I was thinking that Brother Snake would rather be buried in my temple of the five internal organs than to satisfy the appetites of the murderers who killed him. Because I took the bowl again, I ate with Jin Cangfeng and Jin Cangjiao.

   was eating happily, and listened to Yujie said: "Grandma, Lin Sheng is waiting outside." After that, Qiu Ning said: "Let him in." So she quickly opened the curtain and let Lin Sheng in.

   "Please greet Master Hou and Grandma." Lin Sheng and most southerners are exquisite and smart people. Seeing that there are snake soup in Jinfeng's bowl, I know that this dish is right for Master Hou. Sure enough, Qiu Ning said with a faint smile: "This snake soup is made extremely well. It is worthy of your ancestral craftsmanship. Both Master Hou and Miss Young Master like to eat it."

"That's the honor of a slave." Lin Sheng smiled but couldn't see. Hearing that Jin Fengju rewarded him with five taels of silver, he barely flew him to the sky with joy. He straightened his chest and said with joy: "Master and grandma like it. It’s good to eat. Today the slave swears to touch her father and grandmother in front of the house. This season, the slave caught five big huā snakes, all of which are very fat and tender. The slaves are now kept in the house. Someday, grandpa and grandma..." Jin Fengju squirted out the snake sacs in his mouth before he finished speaking. Well, Jin Ming put a total of six snakes in, so that you can clean up in one day. How amazing is this combat power? Jin Ming ah Jin Ming, I feel guilty for you, and I am embarrassed to come over, do you know that it is your master who is frightened now, I am not the women in this evening wind house, my god, your master, my heart is almost scared and won't beat NS.

Xiao Hou Ye is the most elegant person. The inelegant words are basically insulated from him. Even if he occasionally slanders a few words in his heart, he rarely contains dirty words. Today, because he was too shocked, he burst into his heart twice in a row. Foul language, this is the only one in his more than 20 years of life.

   Therefore, after the cloud and rain that night, I was a little unable to sleep. I closed my eyes and tried to use a snake in my heart. This trick failed. What other tricks can scare the people in the evening wind? Just looking at the sturdyness of Qiu Ning and the people around her, it seems that it can't be a trick. Otherwise, he suspected that even if he put two black bears in, he might come over by himself the next day and he would be able to eat beeswax bear paws.

   Because of thinking about it all night, I went to the court the next day. But when he saw that Jin Ming also wore two dark circles under his eyes, he felt unhappy, so he sneered: "Master was worried last night so I didn't sleep well. Why didn't you fall asleep because of these two big dark circles? "The minion is scared." Jin Ming said bitterly. "You don't know, Lord, when I brought the snake home the day before yesterday, I accidentally let my woman see it, and immediately passed out in fright. The minion thought yesterday. Now, I don’t know if Granny Ning and the others will be scared if they see those snakes. Lord, the minion thought about it, this is the fault of the minion, shouldn’t buy those big snakes, they should buy two snake cubs. Just put it in and bluff. Grandma is a lady of everyone, and Yujie is also a delicate quality. Not to mention, the servant has never seen a softer and weaker woman than her..."

   Jinming blamed himself as he spoke, but suddenly realized that his face was a bit wrong, as if he was smeared with black charcoal. He hurriedly stopped, and cautiously said: "Master, you...what do you look like? Isn't it...Is it possible that those snakes really frightened grandma?" "Scared? You want to be beautiful. "Because of the warm weather, Jin Fengju felt a little irritable, so instead of sitting on the sedan chair, he walked to the palace with Jin Ming on foot. Seeing that Jin Ming's face turned pale at this time, he took a bite and said bitterly: "I told you the truth, the six snakes you bought were wiped out in less than half a day. One of them changed last night. It became a snake soup and served on the table. Lord, I also ate two bowls. The remaining few have been raised, and they may become snake soup as needed at any time. You said you shouldn’t buy a big snake, you don’t know Qiu Ning and Feng Er Jiao'er and the delicate rain step in your mouth and the soft and weak Yu Niang only complain that it is not big enough. I hope that the snake can be fatter enough for them to eat two more meals."


Jin Ming was stupid: "Lord, no... isn't it? You... You said that Granny Ning and the others saw the six snakes, and then... not only were they not afraid, they caught them and ate them? This...how is this possible? What? Lord, isn’t the minion dreaming?" "I hope you are dreaming." Jin Fengju sighed to the sky, then shook his head: "It's true, Qiu Ning told me that they had eaten snakes. Later in the year, the snakes that appeared on the eaves of the grass in the Wanfengxuan were all eaten by them. Alas! This is also my fault. I threw them there that day. Who would have thought that they did not have a half source of livelihood. As a last resort, Qiu Ning had to kill the snake and make soup to nourish the two children."

"Really... I didn't expect that Grandma Ning... is actually like this... Female... Female middle school hero." Jin Ming stammered, blinking, and couldn't put the three weak women in his mind. Linked to **** things like killing snakes.

"Help me think about it, what else can I do?" Jin Dan raised his brows and frowned: "I don't want to make people pretend to be fools to scare people now. This is really possible to scare people. Think about whether there is anything that can scare people. Theirs?" Jin Ming swallowed. Drooling, thinking that the snake can't be scared, what else can you expect? After thinking about it for a long time, Ai Ai said, "Why don't you try with a locust? It's just that the locust is really biting and sucking blood, so I'm afraid of hurting my grandma and the young lady..."

Before Jin Ming finished speaking, he was stared at by Jin Fengju, and listened to him with a cold snort: "Do you think that snakes don't bite? What happened? Isn't it the snake soup? You put dozens more. The locusts passed by, if I go there at night, there is a big bowl of braised locusts on the dinner table. You want me to stop eating for a few days, don’t you?"

   Jin Ming was stunned, and then said: "No... not so much? Grandma and Miss Young Master...

   shouldn't be so scary, right? "

Jin Fengju snorted from his nose, looked up at the sky and sighed, and said sadly: "Then before that, can you imagine that they can eat snakes? I heard that when Yujie spotted the big huā snake, his eyes turned out. Shine the green light, and the saliva flowed down."

   Jinming felt his legs weaken, and almost didn't sit down on the ground. After thinking for a long time, he said in a desperate voice, "Master, there is no other trick. You can let go of the ghost, as long as you don't let the slave pretend to be a ghost." "You must not be able to do this." Jin Fengju One sentence resolved Jin Ming’s worries, and then listened to him murmur: “In case Qiu Ning doesn’t believe that there are ghosts in the world, ask those family members to surround you with sticks. , Are you wronged?" "Master, you said...Mrs. Ning and the others... shouldn't be able to eat human flesh, right?" Jin Ming's calf trembled again, and then he was kicked by his master: "What about Hu? You can't just insult Qiu Ning because she eats snake meat. Let me hear her next time and let someone sew your mouth." Who is going to pretend to be this ghost?" Jin Ming slapped his mouth lightly, and continued to ask with a smile.

   "It looks like I need someone from the guards to help." Jin Fengju thought for a long time, and finally decided on a candidate. The so-called guard is a group of people who have long followed to protect him when he was an imperial servant. Although they are not in the Yasukuni Palace ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, they are always ready to be sent by Jinfeng. And the most important thing is that this bodyguard has no more than a hundred people, but all of them are masters who can fly away from the wall, so Jin Fengju will put his idea on them.

   Now I discussed a few details with Jin Ming, and when I walked to the palace gate, they had already made a plan.

So when he went down, Jin Fengju invited a tall and thin guard named Yang Ming from the guards to have lunch. During the dinner, he said his plan. Yang Ming was resolute at first. of. This is not a joke. You go play a ghost and scare the sweetheart of Xiaohou. It's okay if you succeed. Once you are scared to death, will Xiaohou think that this is his bad idea? In case of being blamed, this is not injustice.

   It’s just that Jinfengju would give up easily? The person who had always been calm and deserted suddenly rose up, and focused on describing the outrageous atrocities committed by Fu Qiuning against the invading grass snakes with two henchmen. After that, Yang Ming was finally moved by Jin Feng's actions: Lian Snakes dare to slaughter women who eat, shouldn’t they be afraid of ghosts? He told himself this in his heart, and finally took on this difficult task with the determination to die.

On the agreed day, before Jinfeng returned to the house in the evening, Jin Feng met with Yang Ming specially and discussed the other party’s dress carefully. After all, he was his beloved person. Naturally, he should be more cautious. What should I do if Qiu Ning is really scared?

In the end, Yang Ming was also courageous and stammered: "Xiao Hou Ye, look at his subordinates, it's better not to show up, and blow a blow directly behind grandma, or flew over and flew over with a light effort. , Just let them watch a movie, so that it won't be too scary. "

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