Higher Level Wife

Chapter 134: : The result of acting as a ghost

   Jinfeng thought about it, and thought it was a good idea. So he nodded, and Jin Ming who was next to him immediately agreed with a smile: "Yes, that's right, this is a good idea, if grandma is not afraid, it won't be too late to reappear in shape." Before the voice was over, Jin Feng kicked him to the side and listened. He bitterly said: "You are a crow mouth, you can't pick something nice to say? When do you want to let me toss it?" Jin Ming immediately didn't dare to speak, thinking that the master is really true, he can't deal with Ms. Ning. Just use me to vent your anger, God's guess, but let the second grandma Ning move to Fengya Building earlier, so that our father is happy, I can also stop and die.

   So the plan was finalized, and Jin Fengju Shi Shiran returned to the mansion and used the meal with Xu's. He left under the pretext of going to the study to deal with matters. Of course, it is impossible to go to the study, but came quietly to the night wind.

   found a hidden place outside the courtyard to hide his figure. The sky was already dark, and there were a few big trees outside the door of Wanfengxuan, making it extremely easy to hide her figure. After a while, I saw Yang Ming approaching as scheduled and learned two cuckoo calls on the courtyard wall. Jin Ming replied with two owl calls, and the operation officially started.

It’s also a coincidence that just in time for Fu Qiuning to finish reading the homework of a pair of children in the study, and arrange for them to sleep, and then they came to the bedroom with Yujie Yuniang. Then Yang Ming was on the roof and looked at the machine. Don’t miss it, I hurriedly hung an upside down golden hook, hooked my toes on the eaves, and hung down on the rain steps and jade,

   Niang blew a breath behind her neck, and then she turned into the room immediately, her movements were faster than lightning.

   As expected, after hearing Yujie and Yu Niang scream, Fu Qiuning quickly turned around and asked them what was wrong. Yujie shivered and said, "Grandma, someone was blowing on the back of my neck just now, this...this is something that has never happened before, will it...will it..." , Yu Niang also anxiously said: "Yes, I also felt it, it was indeed someone blowing, my God, grandma, could it be... Could it be that kind of thing?" Fu Qiuning frowned and said, "That kind of thing? Are you talking about ghosts? Well, it's possible, it's okay, maybe some ghost passed by, accidentally overflowing, scaring you." "Grandma, it's a ghost, you and you are not at all. Aren't you afraid?" Yu Tier trembled, making Jin Ming and Jin Fengju feel a little comforted, the snake brother who died innocently and tragically, finally this woman is not afraid of fear, and it can be regarded as revenge for you.

"It's not that I'm not afraid, but I firmly believe that I will never do bad things in my life, and I am not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night." Fu Qiuning kept walking into the bedroom, and calmly said: "You are too, and it is not the evil spirits who come to you for revenge. What are you afraid of? Hey" She screamed suddenly. At the same time, Yu Jie and Yu Niang were about to scream in horror. Fu Qiuning stretched out her hand to stop her and listened to her solemnly said: "Don't scare the children and the servants." It was there. Just now, Yang Ming found that this level of scare was not enough, so he stretched out his figure and used his light power to the extreme. He swept from the room on this side to the room on the other side, looking in the eyes of Fu Qiuning, Yujie and others. It was as if a ghost "swish" passing by.

   "It's really a ghost, grandma" Yu Jie and Yu Niang shivered, each of them clutched Fu Qiuning's arm tightly: "What should we do? We are afraid."

Fu Qiuning stood on the spot and looked around for a while, then sighed and said, "It may be someone who has been wronged by the owner. You are short of money. Tomorrow someone will go to the street to buy more paper money and come back and burn it to help. It should be fine. "After she finished speaking, she continued to walk into the house, smiling at Yu Niang and Yujie: "In fact, ghosts are nothing more than the souls of people after death. Living people have flesh and blood and souls. You are not afraid. Now when you die, there is only one left. Soul, without flesh and blood, are you scared? What is the reason?" "Grandma said so lightly, don't you have to be afraid at all? Although you don't do anything wrong, you are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, but you really encounter this thing, why? Maybe not afraid?" Yujie seemed to be crying.

Fu Qiuning shrugged and said: "I'm really not afraid. Thinking about it, I really want to see what a ghost looks like. If I can see it, I just happened to ask him by the way. After he died, he could stay young. What about the appearance? Or in the underworld with an old face? If so, isn't the underworld mostly dangling old people with chicken skin and crane hair? Well, that's not pretty." Yang Ming almost fell on the roof of the house. Coming down, I thought to my mother, what on earth did Grandma Hou give birth to? Don't it be some fairy gods and fairies, right? How else could you have such a weird idea? I heard Yu Niang shivering and said: "It won't be like this. Young people die every year. Is that sure to stay young?" Fu Qiuning solemnly said: "Young people die, there are always fewer deaths than old people. , Unless there is a war on the border. Alas! Once you have succeeded in ten thousand bones, can there be fewer dead people? However, the heaven guard estimates that now I am going all over the world and the nations are surrendered. There will be no war, finally People are happy..."

   Yang Ming retreats in embarrassment.

   "Little Houye, I think you are still dead. Pretending to be a ghost will definitely not work."

   I originally wanted to wait to hear my lover scream, and then immediately... a hero, Jin Xiaohou, who happened to save the United States, appeared in the end, but in the end he only waited for the return of his confidant love, like a wild goose with wounded wings. Before Jin Fengju could speak, Yang Ming smashed the opponent into the ice cellar.

"Shiwei Yang, let's not make this assertion. Isn't this just a few stray winds that I haven't put on makeup yet? Our mistress Ning is very courageous, maybe this strength is not enough, maybe it's clear If you put on makeup at night, she will be frightened." Jin Ming hurriedly cheered on the sidelines, joking, if he can't even pretend to be a ghost, what can be done to urge Fu Qiuning to move out of the night wind hall?

"Jin Ming is right, Yang Ming, don't be discouraged because of a momentary setback. How do I teach you on weekdays? Be persevering and never give up. Come on, tell us what is going on tonight, although Across the distance, I can’t hear what they are saying, but I feel that Yu Niang and Yu Jie are scared. It seems that only the mistress is still trying to calm down.” Because in front of his subordinates, I am embarrassed to call my lover’s name directly, so Jin Fengju Also called Fu Qiuning by the name mistress.

  "Don't be humble, Xiaohou, the mistress is definitely a hero in female middle school.

   Your subordinates have been following you for so many years, and asking yourself these eyes are amazing. Where is the compulsive composure? Basically, it is calm and steady. Yang Ming took a breath and wanted to continue, but saw Jin Feng raise his hand and waved his hand, indicating that he can stop talking.

   Indeed, the current information is enough for Master Hou to put his heart in pain, right? Yang Ming looked at his grown-up sympathetically, thinking that it was fortunate that Master Hou was born and died in these years, and he has exercised his current concentration. How can there be such a bold woman?

   "Master, what should I do next?" Jin Ming blinked, thinking that Ms. Ning is the only way to make our man Jiang Lang. Poor Young Master Hou has always been an unparalleled scheming strategist. He managed to win thousands of miles away, but unexpectedly, he kicked an iron plate with the mistress today, which was still hot.

  "As originally planned..., make up tomorrow., but saw Jinfeng stand up and said blankly.

   "Huh? You still have to play ghosts." Yang Ming was anxious, thinking that I am not the opponent of Ms. Ning, Xiaohou Ye, so please forgive me.

   "Success or failure depends on this. If tomorrow is still unsuccessful, I will never bother Yang Ming." Jin Fengju patted Yang Ming on the shoulder and said solemnly, and then went without looking back.

  " Yang Shiwei, the Lord has never been so polite to anyone, showing how high his expectations of you are.

   Don’t cry and lose your face. If you don’t succeed tomorrow, I won’t bother you anymore. "Jin Ming said with a smile, but his words can't comfort Yang Ming at all. Indeed, what's to comfort him? If tomorrow I play a ghost and still can't succeed, then this path will be dark, 1],

   Master Hou either wants another brilliant trick, or he is poor and honestly admits his fate. No matter which way, he really doesn't need to use himself~www.wuxiaspot.com~Has Feng Ju slept well recently? Why are dark circles so dark? "The old emperor raised his head from the memorial, and helped the glasses on the nose beam. Yes, they are glasses. There are already these things in this era, but Fu Qiuning hasn't discovered it for the time being. In addition to the old lady, she also I haven't seen other old people, and the old lady doesn't read or wear it on weekdays.

"The emperor Lao asked, the minister was only annoyed by something at home," Jin Fengju quickly replied respectfully. He just handed over the papers for the impeachment minister, because he is currently the prefect, so he has the power to tell things. Of course, with his prudence, it can never be a rumor, and he would not act without real evidence.

"Oh? What annoying family affair? Tell me, maybe I can relieve you of some sorrows. I always live longer than you for so many years." The emperor put down the memorial with interest, and this was taken by him. The young man who treated him as seriously as his son could be said to be extremely clever. It was really impossible to imagine what would be difficult for him, so Lao Yandi was rarely interested.

   Jin Fengju was dumbfounded, thinking that the emperor, when did your curiosity become so exuberant? Could it be that the empress dowager infected her elderly? Just how dare you say it like this, want to die? So I had to confuse: "It's nothing, nothing more than a daily chore. The relationship between the wives and concubines is really not balanced."

The old emperor did not suspect him, nodded in sympathy, and sighed: "Yes, this woman has a needle in the seabed, who knows what they are thinking about? More, the balance is more difficult."

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