Higher Level Wife

Chapter 142: :Fengya Building

   entered the Yuchui Garden and within a few steps, he listened to Jian Feng and said, "Grandma, is that the Fengya Building that my wife said? Why don't we go in and see what it looks like."

Fu Qiuning smiled and said, "What's so interesting? It's nothing more than a courtyard." After saying that, Yujie also said, "I don't want to move here, just to see what I'm afraid of? I have visited the garden in the past few days. , Only this Fengya Building, because it is far away from the evening breeze, so I haven't visited yet." After finishing speaking, he took the master and walked in because he was the proud person in front of Fu Qiuning.

"Master Xiaohou is right. This Fengya Building is indeed a place that does not lose to Wanfengxuan." Fu Qiuning looked at the exquisite courtyard with a sea of ​​bananas and a few scattered peach and apricot trees on the other. The yard is piled with Taihu stones, and there are seasonal flowers, but they are all potted plants, unlike the spice yard of Wanfengxuan, which is a large flower garden. The shelves against the courtyard wall were also covered with rose honeysuckle and other objects, as well as some small yellow flowers that Qiu Ning didn't know much about. The petals were layered on top of each other, but they were very beautiful.

Suddenly the breeze sent a scent of fragrance. Fu Qiuning was taken aback, turned around and saw that in the northeast corner, a large cluster of thorn roses was planted. At this time, the branches were full of purple or pink flowers, with a strong fragrance. Bashing.

Fu Qiuning is really surprised and happy. This is her favorite flower. In the past, this thorn rose was planted in modern times, in the community, the Chinese Opera Academy, and the courtyard of the opera troupe where she had stayed for a while. She especially loved the strong and good smell. The scent of scent, I once collected it and used it to make soap. It's just that after I arrived in ancient times, I never saw it again. I thought I didn't see this flower in the overhead era, because I didn't see it in the garden. Who knew I saw it in the corner of this Fengya building, why didn't it surprise her.

Therefore, I walked over and sniffed the flower branch. Jian Feng and Yujie walked over and laughed: "This flower is the least valuable. I didn’t expect that there is a clump here. I really don’t know what the craftsman thought of that day. "After that, I heard Fu Qiuning say: "Why do you say it is worthless? Is it because its fragrance is not good? Or its flowers are not beautiful? I like this flower the most, but I have never seen it before. ."

Yujie and Jian Feng both laughed and said, "This is grown by ordinary people. Grandma was born in Dafu's house and later married into Dafu's house. Naturally, I have never seen it before. It is not rare to grow this in a country village. This flower is very easy to grow. If grandma likes it, she will plant more in this yard. Then there will be a breeze, and the yard will be full of roses. Isn't it good?"

   Fu Qiuning was silent, just looking at the flowering branches, and for a long time he sighed and said: "Let's go, go to the backyard and have a look."

   Bypassing the corridor, the house of Fengya Building does not need to be breezy. It is the largest courtyard in the Yuchui Garden. Although the backyard is not as small as Wanfengxuan, it is not too small. There are a few pear trees and peach trees around, and there are various flowers around, and then a fence wall in the distance seems a bit interesting.

Several people finished the tour of Fengya Building. As soon as they came out of the courtyard, they heard a faint laughter, and then a few steps closer, it turned out that it was the girls who served Jin Yanfang and Feng's sisters, and they were all chasing in this garden at this time. As a joke, when I saw Qiuning, few people knew that this was the second grandmother of the mansion, but a few women in the mansion recognized her and were busy and respectfully saluting. The little maids quickly followed Fu Qiuning and waved their hands. ·I asked Jin Yanfang and the others if they were used to waiting for the scene, so they went with Yujie to cut the maple, but unexpectedly the sisters stood with Jin Yanfang behind the flower tree not far away and saw her leave. The Feng family sisters wondered: "Sister-in-law, why did the second grandmother Ning come into the garden and she didn't specifically look for us? Could it be that she came in for a stroll?"

Jin Yanfang smiled and said, "You know what happened that day? My sister-in-law was affected by her status, so she was arranged to live in the night wind xuan when she entered the mansion. It was a very remote place after leaving the garden, until I When I got married, the people in the house probably forgot that there were people still living there. Who would have thought that my sister-in-law could have a conversation with my second brother after less than four years of marriage. It’s really good fortune to fool people. I thought that my second brother would never pay attention to her for the rest of his life.

Feng Zhenzhu smiled and said: "That was six or seven years ago, right? It was said that the concubine of the first son of the Zhenjiang Palace was going to marry Master Xiaohou. We still hugged Master Xiaohou for a while. The Fu girl is also talented and beautiful, and she is quite a talented girl. It is because of this that she can regain the favor of Master Xiaohou. I am just wondering how her children were so big in the hall before? Did Grandma Wan and others enter the door together? Her two children are two or three years older than the others."

"This is a secret of our family." Jin Yanfang sighed and told the origins of Jin Cangfeng and Jin Cangjiao. She knew that from now on, several sisters would live here for a long time. Everyone knows that even if I don't say it today, I don't dare to guarantee that they can't find out from elsewhere. Moreover, she and these sisters have a very good relationship, and they know that the three of them are extremely cautious. This is the truth.

"It turned out to be like this." The three of them suddenly realized that when Fu Qiuning was gone, Jin Yanfang said, "Let's go back separately. I just went to see those two yards with you. I was afraid that there were some improper places. I thought that it was so appropriate to take care of it. From then on, you will live here as your own home. My sister-in-law has nothing else to do. I only wait for my second brother in the future to find two good and powerful children in the DPRK and marry you. , I have nothing else to worry about."

Feng Zhenzhu and others blushed and lowered their heads. Feng Mingzhu said softly, "Thank you, my sister-in-law. This is extremely difficult. It is reasonable to say that if the government can accept the sister-in-law, it is the most benevolent, and there is no reason to support us. , This is the affection of my sister-in-law, which gave us a place to live. My sister is here to thank my sister-in-law, Xie's sister-in-law..." As he said, she bowed down with Feng Zhenzhu and Han Qixue.

Jin Yanfang hurriedly lifted them up and sighed: "Why should the family say such things? If I can't do it, it will be fine. As long as I can excite you, I will naturally do my best to say such things." I sent it back, and I went back to my Zhenyue Pavilion here. I saw Madam Fang waiting for her in the room. She hurriedly walked over and said, "When did the mother come? Just now, my daughter went to see a few sisters. Thank you for your mother's arrangement. Now, lest my daughter be embarrassed..." he said, tearing down again.

Mrs. Fang hurriedly took her hand to sit down, wiped away the tears, and smiled: "This is not my mother's effort. You should thank your second brother well. Knowing that something happened to you that day, he said to my mother, as long as You are still alive, no matter what your circumstances, no one can look at you in the Yasukuni Palace. Alas! Your two brothers are amazing now. They are the first celebrities next to the emperor. Who would dare not listen to him in this mansion? Without his remarks, my mother would not know how many days I have to bear. Now it’s alright. Your second sister-in-law helped to clean up all these things. It’s indeed done my best, and I won’t let you do the same. This sister-in-law gave birth to the feeling of being under the fence."

"No matter how well you take care of it, it's always not your own home, how can you not feel like being under the fence?" Jin Yanfang red eyes, shook her head and sighed: "Mother, this is the same in my life, but I rely on here to raise Zhaner Yuer. When I grow up, I have nowhere else to go. My brothers are all affectionate people, and my sister-in-laws are also reasonable, and they won’t be angry if they want to come. It’s just that my three sister-in-laws, it’s better to find a good person to marry them. , You have also seen that their looks and talents are all excellent, let alone they are less than twenty years old, and there will be no good people to marry, right?"

Madam Fang smiled and said, "This is a serious thing. You can just ask your second brother to pay attention to it. How big is the matter?" The mother and daughter spoke for a while, and Madam Fang let her daughter rest. He left the Zhenyue Pavilion and went back on his own.

   Let me say that Jin Fengju went to the study to talk to Jin Luanfeng about Jiangnan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I was relieved to learn that my brother was still smooth. Jin Luanfeng smiled and said: "The officials in Yangzhou City and Jiangnan made you kill so many. It can be said that the atmosphere of the entire officialdom has been completely renewed. The people call you Qingtian. I heard that the eldest brother is your elder brother, and they all support him very much. I am here. Jiangnan, I can often hear compliments to your brothers along the way, even I followed and You Rongyan. What's more, the storyteller made up the day you went to Jiangnan to punish corrupt officials, and talked about it in the restaurant as if he saw it with his own eyes. Yes, I don’t know how many people are in attendance. My eldest brother told me that I have to pay the court for this season’s salt tax money in a few days. After a preliminary calculation, it may be more than what I paid last year. The most ridiculous are the salt merchants. I heard from the people that they were all indispensable. They belonged to crabs in Yangzhou City. They really walked sideways, but now they all have to converge."

Jin Fengju nodded and said: "It is good to have improved. Brother see how Yangzhou City is now? When I was in microservices, it was really rags and terrible everywhere. As a result, when the imperial envoy actually arrived, there were no beggars on the street. Everyone is dressed in glamorous clothes. It can be seen that those people are used to deceiving themselves."

Jin Luanfeng smiled and said, "You can look at the city of Yangzhou nowadays. It can't be compared to that time. Of course, there are still beggars, but those who are not willing to do other tasks. With spare money, I also love charity. In short, Jiangnan is truly prosperous."

Jin Fengju nodded and sighed, "It's Jiangnan, it's really a place like heaven. I've recovered more than half of my energy in a few months." Because I asked about Jin Yanfang and others, I knew that Jin Luanfeng would go out and take a look again. He left the business everywhere.

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