Higher Level Wife

Chapter 143: : The prince and princess

After leaving the door and standing outside the courtyard for a little thought, he came to the night wind xuan. When passing by the Yuchui Garden, he heard laughter coming from a distance. He couldn't help but smile knowingly, secretly saying that the garden is finally gaining popularity. The scenery looked like it had come back to life. From then on, Qiu Ning didn't have to worry about getting lost, but it was a pity that she was determined not to move. Otherwise, wouldn't it be better to live in Fengya Building than Night Wind Xuan? I can also get close to her from time to time, and let her take care of some of the affairs of the house, so that she will not be too wronged.

As I thought, I walked slowly to the night wind porch. I saw the maid and the servants cleaning up the lush vanilla flowers in the garden. When they saw him coming, they all stopped and saluted. Jin Feng raised his head and nodded, and suddenly saw the rain. Xian ran over and said with a mysterious smile: "Today, my slave and maid brought grandma to the Fengya Building. Grandma likes it very much. How can you thank me?"

Jin Feng froze for a moment, and then said in surprise: "Is it? Your grandma agreed to move over?" Before the words fell, the little maid's face collapsed, and she mumbled: "How can it be so easy? Lord, you are too anxious, today It’s already not easy for you to pull your grandma over to Fengya Building to take a look. It’s good for you, and you want to eat a fat man in one bite."

   Jin Fengju laughed blankly, untied his purse, took out two golden leaves from the inside and handed it to her, approvingly said: "Rain-step did a good job. I will follow this in the future, and I will reward you with many rewards."

"It's the grandfather, so I just take the golden leaf to reward people." Yujie couldn't close his smile, put the golden leaf in his purse, looked around, and saw that Qiu Ning was not there, so he leaned in and said: " The Lord planted more thorn roses in the courtyard of Fengyalou, full of flowers and trees. Grandma has a soft spot for that. She stood in front of the roses for a long time and said that she liked the fragrance."

   Jin Fengju said in surprise: "She actually likes that? What's the problem? I'll let someone move over and plant both the yard and backyard. What's more news?"

   "Not for the time being." Yujie shook his head and said with a grin: "But don't be discouraged. Grandma is so kind to him. One day, you can do what you want."

   "Then you will honor your promise." Jin Fengju smiled and said, "Is your grandma in the house?"

   "I'm here, let's go in." Yujie ran off after speaking, here Jin Fengju came to Fu Qiuning's room. Seeing that she was lowering her head to embroider, a pink and white jade neck appeared between the collars. He couldn't help but touched it. Fu Qiuning knew that he was coming and didn't look up, but moved slightly: "Don't move. Itchy. I just heard you and Yujie talking outside. How much did that hoof sell me?"

Jin Fengju laughed and said, "Sure enough, it's the master of Zhinu Moruo, you know what she said to me?" After telling the information in the Yujie report, Qiu Ning couldn't help laughing and said, "You are too handy. Now, such a piece of news is also worth two golden leaves? If you give me a hundred pieces, I will tell you more."

"If you are willing to move in now. How about I give you a box of gold ingots?" Jin Fengju smiled and said sincerely: "I just came from the garden. Now sister Fang and the girls are living in the garden. It’s a lot more lively right now, and if you move in at this time, you won’t be too lonely..."

   Before I finished speaking, I listened to Fu Qiuning with a smile: "You always don't give up. When will you give up because of this?"

Jin Fengju exasperated and said: "When did you agree, I won't say when, otherwise, I will let you see and see the skill of a man's tongue." As soon as the voice fell, Fu Qiuning couldn't help but laugh, and shook his head: "I always remember that the evening when the children just came, Master Xiao Hou came to my door for the first time after marriage. At that time, Master Xiao Hou was really cold, noble and inviolable. Why has he become now? That's amazing?"

Jin Fengju held his forehead and murmured, "Do you still remember what happened at that time? It's been more than a year, will you still bear the hate for that now? If you knew that I had the end of the day, I shouldn't be so cold. From then on, you should be pleased to flatter you."

In a word, Qiu Ning laughed again. It is rare for the couple to have such a warm time. When they were enjoying themselves, they suddenly heard a sound of footsteps running over, and then Yu Niang's voice said: "What's the panic like this? It’s as if the dog has been thrown away."

"Is you here?" There was a voice outside, and Jin Fengju recognized that it was Ximing, the little servant Su Ri who was serving in the study, so he stood up and opened the curtain and said, "I'm here, what's going on? Are you angry? Let's talk about it after breathing well."

"The princess...the princess and the prince Rong are here, and now the front backyard is in a mess, the lord...the lord told the little Houye to go to the Kangshouyuan." The little servant ran all the way, bending like a tired dog Waist panting.

   Jin Feng was taken aback, then his brows were locked, and he turned to Fu Qiuning and said, "Quickly, change clothes, and follow me to see my sister-in-law."

Fu Qiuning frowned and said, "Is it Prince Rong and Concubine Rong? Lord, don't go there as a concubine, just to provoke..." Before finishing talking, Jin Feng said, "Don't do this and that, it's the prince and the princess. As my wife, how could you not be there? Hurry up and clean up."

  Qiu Ning is helpless, thinking that there is always no compromise in the world, and getting a good man, living a rich life, there will be so many entertainments. Because I had to change my clothes, I went out of the night wind porch with Jinfengju, and still couldn’t help complaining, “You should still be the same as before? You must pull me to join in the fun. no?"

Jin Fengju laughed and said: "I told my sister and brother-in-law about you. This time they must see you. If you still can't make excuses, wouldn't you be disrespectful to them? You can't lose this courtesy of tens of thousands." After entering the Yuchui Garden, he said, "It takes less than a quarter of an hour to go through this garden, how about? Know the disadvantages of Wanfengxuan? Once there is something urgent, it will be too late."

   Fu Qiuning said with a smile: "So I said let the master run here, but the master wouldn't listen. How can you blame me?"

"Okay, you still have a hard-headed mouth, okay, look at the rush along the way, in the end, which of us is the most tired." Jin Fengju hated Qiu Ning's hair with a light jab, and suddenly saw that the roadside rose was well opened, so he hurriedly picked it off. Duo inserted it in her hair and sighed again: "I gave you so many jewelry, and Su Rili refused to wear it. Look and see, now there is only one pearl hairpin on this head, and those phoenix hairpins sway. What do you let them lie in the box for?"

   "I want them to become cubs?" Fu Qiuning gave Jinfeng a white look, keenly aware that her husband might be in a mess, otherwise he wouldn't say so much. Just as she was thinking, she heard a burst of laughter. Looking up, she saw a few maids picking wicker baskets in front of her. She suddenly said, "Sister Fang and others should have passed by, right?"

"That's natural. They are much closer than us. They should have been sitting in Kangshouyuan by now." Jin Fengju finished speaking. Seeing that Qiu Ning was already sweating on her face, she felt a little distressed and took her hand. Said: "Slow down, it's not very anxious."

   Fu Qiu Ning thought to herself that she was rushing all the way like she didn't know who was on fire, but now she can't say that she is in a hurry. But I also knew that Jin Fengju felt sorry for herself, and couldn't help but warm her heart. After walking for a while, and finally seeing the gate of the garden, Fu Qiuning breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I don't think the garden is big when I walked in Su Ri Li. I only realized it now. Why is this road so long?"

   "Then move to Fengya Building as soon as possible. It will be fine?" Jin Fengju immediately saw the stitches. Suddenly Jin Ming was waiting at the entrance of the garden. He said: "Did you see the prince and the princess? What's the situation?"

Jin Ming whispered: "If you return to the Lord, the situation is not quite right. Both the prince and the princess look a little cold. Lord, go, otherwise, at this time, I am afraid that the old lady's room is already cold. That would be really bad. "

Jin Feng lifted his head and said to Qiu Ning: "The brother-in-law asked me a while ago. There were a lot of things at that time, and then there was a problem with Sister Fang. I only said that he and his sister were all right for a long time. Why did the trouble be so big this time? Go, let's go in quickly." After speaking, the maids had already seen him, and hurriedly exclaimed, "Second Master and Granny Ning are here."

Jin Fengju walked into the room and saw his sister was talking to Jin Yanfang, and Prince Rong was sitting aside. Only Madam Jiang occasionally said a few words to him. Seeing Jin Feng lifting up, he hurriedly stood up, his face seemed relieved. The look of the tone. Madam Jiang smiled and said, "The prince has been waiting for you. I have seen the prince soon."

Jin Fengju pulled Qiu Ning forward to meet Prince Rong and his wife. Before Prince Rong could speak, Princess Rong pulled Qiu Ning over, and said with a smile on her cheek: "My good brother is finally trapped. Now, Qiu Ning is really much better than me. Go ahead, talk to your brother-in-law, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, he is here, we are uncomfortable."

   Jin Fengju thought to her elder sister that there seemed to be a warning in what she said, but she didn't understand it, so Prince Rong said goodbye to Mrs. Jin early, and then took Jin Fengju and walked out.

"Brother-in-law, you are the prince. We are ordinary people who come here as soon as they say they are? What's more, they don't even have any honors. The courtiers know that they need to go to the ginseng for you and me." After leaving the Kangshouyuan, Jinfengju Originally going to his father's study, Prince Rong refused. He had no choice but to go to his study, and couldn't help complaining about Zhao Lun as soon as he entered the door.

Zhao Lun knows him well. After hearing the complaint, he didn’t think he would be disgusted. He sighed: "Fengju, this time the trouble is really big. What's the lack of trimming? How can I say that I came to the father-in-law’s house. The emperor said a few words. But if another thing happens, I...I'll be done."

"What's so serious?" Jin Fengju invited Prince Rong to the seat, and ordered to pick lotus and jasper for tea. After they stepped back, Prince Rong stared at their backs and couldn't help but said in surprise: "I just came to the mansion and saw the beautiful maid. Not a lot, why? You have been using these two housekeepers? Didn't add any more?"

"Adding some more is not necessary, but it makes them sad. They look forward to me every day. If you don’t expect it, you will inevitably have trouble. Why bother? Not to mention picking lotus and jasper is very good. There are many delusions, it’s hard for me to find two girls like this." Jin Fengju explained with a smile. Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration, and he couldn’t help but look at Prince Rong’s questioning: "Brother-in-law, it’s not like you provoke some women outside, provoke them. Sister is upset, right? But you are a prince. This is not a big deal. Sister shouldn't bother you until this time."

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