Higher Level Wife

Chapter 174: : Surprise or fright

   Jin Yu and Jin Shi have already answered the emperor's question with a smile. Seeing Jin Fengju, the emperor kept bowing his head slightly, not at all in the imperial study room and court hall, just like a filial and sensible baby. I couldn’t help but laughed: "Why don’t your kid stop talking now? In the courtroom earlier, because Chu Daxiu visited your house, didn’t you say that it was very impassioned? Then Chu Daxiu is also unlucky, just paying attention to something he shouldn’t pay attention to. It's something, you've been so embarrassed that you haven't dared to go out for several days, so why don't you speak anymore?"

Jin Fengju hurriedly got up and walked to the center of the ground. Just about to kneel down, he heard the emperor displeased him: "I am a guest at your house now, just like visiting relatives and friends. Kneeling with you, I’ve long been bored to death, and now I finally came to your house, and I’m in a slack dress, but I’m still kneeling, dare to love me.

Jin Fengju hurriedly lowered his head and said: "Yes, the minister abides by the order." As he returned to the chair and sat down, he said annoyed: "The minister has already known his mistake. , Let alone satirize Master Chu. In all fairness, he is a censer and has the power to tell stories. This is what he should do. Even if it is wrong, his own emperor will rule. The minister was still too young on the day. It's full."

The emperor couldn’t help but smiled, pointing at him and said to Jin Yu Jinshi: “Listen to what your kid said. On the surface, you know what’s wrong. At the end, you still can’t help but argue for yourself, young and vigorous. Bah, how many years have you been walking in the royal front? I'm ashamed to use this as an excuse?"

   Jin Fengju heaved a sigh of relief, listening to the emperor's tone, it was clearly very happy. So he hurriedly stood up and said, "Yes. The minister knew he was wrong."

The emperor smiled slightly, took another sip from the teacup, looked at Jin Feng’s raised leg, and said leisurely: “I can’t tell the way you walked just now. How about? The wounds are all healed. ?"

   Jin Feng lifted his heart, and quickly said: "If you go back to the emperor, although walking seems to be fine. But the wound is still a little painful."

"Okay, you've been at home for a long time. When do you want to hide?" The emperor put down his teacup: "I'll go to the court from tomorrow. Just don't be as sulky as before. , How old are you? In terms of your youngest generation, even if other officials speak improperly, you can't allow you to be as presumptuous as before. Do you understand what I said?"

   "Yes, the minister understands." Jin Fengju replied respectfully, but rolled his eyes in his heart, secretly saying that your old man just can't see me being free. This is to tell me clearly that I will never be lazy and slippery under the guise of such rudeness in the future, alas! Poor, this is learning civil and martial arts. Sell ​​with the end of the emperor's house, bah. Where is the prosperous business?

   After thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the emperor was afraid that he would come here to comfort him, and he should leave after saying this? This really gave me a lot of face, but when I think about it, it's a bit impossible. I really have a heart to appease, declare a few words in the palace and give me a meal. Need a microservice to come to our house?

Just thinking about it, I saw the emperor standing up, Jin Fengju finally put his heart in his stomach this time, even with a sigh of relief with the gold, jade, and stone. Then he said: "I just didn't let you alarm others because I didn't want to make a big splash. Speaking of which, grandmother Fengju's body is still tough, right? Let's take me to the backyard to see. I have seen it at the banquet in the front palace. She, at that time, I am not as old as it is now, and your grandfather has not passed away. To this day, oh! Things are not, this world will soon belong to you young people."

Jin Feng raised his eyelids, but now he didn't think about whether there was any deep meaning in the emperor's words, because the emperor was going to the backyard to see Mrs. Jin, which completely confused him. Seeing the old man raised his foot and walked out, he hurriedly Said: "The emperor stays here, Rong Chen will report to the backyard first."

"I’ve reported it. Your grandmother and your mother will inevitably change into imperial clothes to meet you. Today, I want to live the life of ordinary people, and I don’t want to be the emperor. If you let them be like this, what's the matter in the palace? respectively?"

   Jinfeng lifted his forehead and sweat came out, and then said: "Although I said that, but my grandmother is getting older, this...this..."

   The emperor glanced at him, and suddenly said with a smile: "Asshole thing, what are you talking about? Is it a monster? The old lady will faint in fear when he sees me?"

"It's not scare, it's joy, surprise. The emperor knows that the old man can't bear great joy and compassion. The emperor suddenly came, and the minister was afraid that grandmother would be too pleasantly surprised. It would be bad if anything happened again." Jin Fengju desperately searched for words in his heart. In fact, what he can speak now and what he can distinguish is already a great concentration. The two brothers Jinyu Jinshi still feel like they are in a dream, and even the soul hasn't come back. , Let alone being thoughtful like Jin Fengju.

"If this is the case, then you should report it first, but it's just to give them a preparation, and they are not allowed to engage in the set of interviews with the emperor." The emperor exhorted, Jin Feng acted like an amnesty, and quickly got up and promised. Hurry to the backyard.

   At that time, Mrs. Jin was talking to Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Fang in the room. He only said that the juniors should also be here at this time. Why hasn't I seen a single person until now? As he was talking lively, I heard the maids outside say: "Master Xiaohou is here, ah, what's the matter?" Before the words were over, Jin Fengju had already rushed in.

"Feng Ju, what did you panic about? What happened?" Madam Jiang frowned. She had never seen her son look so panicked and disoriented, and she couldn't help but feel anxious. She didn't know what was going on. What happened.

"Quickly, the old lady and the second wife will prepare quickly. The emperor has already come to Kangshouyuan." Jin Feng lifted the sweat from his head and picked up the teacup on his mother's table. Seeing that there was a cold glass of water, he didn't care. He was very polite and drank it all in one breath.

Mrs. Jin and Mrs. Jiang, Mrs. Fang have not recovered, thinking that he said something wrong, Mrs. Fang smiled and said: "Why is this kid so flustered today? Who are you talking about? I heard you in a daze. It's the emperor, are you trying to scare us to death?"

"What's scaring to death? It's... the emperor is here. Oh, there is no time to say more. According to his old man, he will come to give you a surprise. This is what I want to say hello. I said hello. , Don’t dress up according to grades, don’t let you pick up, just like ordinary people visiting relatives and friends. Oh my god, what do you really think? It’s really killing me to come out like this. ."

Everyone came back to their senses. Seeing Jin Fengju's turbulence on the ground, the family panicked. Jin Fengju said to Luocui, "Why haven't they come yet? You should ask the mistress to come over. And Yanfang and the others are all allowed to wait in the flower hall of the Kangshouyuan. Once the emperor wants to summon him, if no one arrives, this is not a big snip."

   Luocui's whole person was as if Jiao Lei had beaten him. Hearing Jin Fengju say so, it took a long time to come back to his senses, and said, "Mistress? Which mistress?"

   Jin Feng lifted up and said, "What are you talking about? Naturally, the two mistresses will be invited over, as well as the elder sisters in the second wife’s room, as well as the brothers’ children, all brought over and waited in the flower hall."

Luo Cui just woke up like a dream, and hurriedly arranged a few clever maids to report the letter. Although they can't make up according to grade, they also put on grand clothes. Fortunately, Mrs. Jiang and them are all dressed solemnly. In just a few moments, the emperor arrived.

Because I came in and talked to the old lady for a while, asked her about her age, and said some old things about the old man, the people in the room were silent and quiet, everyone bowed their heads and their eyes were not big. Dare to take a mouthful.

The emperor sighed after seeing this scene, and said to Jin Feng: "It's not cold from the heights. In this position, I am a lonely and widowed person. I hope to come to you quickly and easily~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The same goes for one by one. You’re in awe. Forget it, how about your daughter-in-law? Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, so won’t you come here to greet the old lady and mother-in-law?"

   Jin Fengju hurriedly smiled and said, "Tonight is a family dinner for the Dragon Boat Festival, so it has arrived early. I heard that the emperor is here, so I dare not enter, and I hope the emperor will forgive me."

   The emperor nodded and said, "They are all called in. It has been so long. I only heard that you have a few children, but I haven't seen them yet."

   Jin Fengju hurriedly went out and said to the little maid at the door: "Hurry up and ask the mistresses and them to come in, and call all the young masters and girls." After the little maid went busy, then a group of women filed in.

  Except for Jiang Wanying, none of these people had ever entered the palace, let alone saw the emperor, so they only knew how to kneel down and kowtow, saying long live. Fu Qiuning also followed them, praying in his heart, secretly saying that on this occasion, I can't say a word, absolutely can't show off in the limelight, and whoever loves to do it. "

The emperor didn't let Jinfeng introduce them one by one, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly said to him: "Yes, I am in a daze. The hot pot you gave me before seems to have been made by your wife, right? That hot pot is not bad. I also eat it often nowadays."

   Fu Qiuning almost fainted. How she hoped that Jin Fengju could completely forget herself at this time, and she wanted to only ask for credit for his cousin, and put all the credit for this hot pot on Jiang Wanying's head. But I also knew that it was impossible. Can Jinfeng commit the crime of deceiving the emperor for this matter? While thinking about it, I secretly regretted it, wondering why I had to eat hot pot in the first place? Seeing that this enemy is coming, he should pour the hot pot, but if it was given to him, it caused today's misfortune. (To be continued... RQ

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