Higher Level Wife

Chapter 175: : The emperor's father

   As he thought about it, he heard Jin Fengju smile and said: "Qiu Ning, didn't you hear the emperor's question, do you have to tell me for you?"

   Fu Qiuning thought you would report to the emperor that I was a dumb wife, can’t you? Tell me what's wrong? You are responsible for the misfortune, and even if you do it, you should.

I thought so, but I had no choice but to stand up and lower my head and whispered: "When I returned to the emperor, the concubine just said inadvertently. I didn't expect Xiaohouye to listen to it. After that I tried it, and I felt that it was okay. This is all the ingenuity of the little Hou master, and the concubines dare not take credit. "Oh? I don't know, Fengju is willing to work **** eating?" The emperor took a sip of tea and recalled the day of Jinfengju in his mind. In other words, this woman seems to be the concubine of Zhenjiang Prince's Mansion. Now that I want to come, Zhenjiang King was too arrogant and domineering that day. A concubine was assigned to the Proud Son of Heaven to be his wife, which is simply deceiving too much.

"Yes, Master Xiaohou said that the emperor’s food was a bit bad, so when he heard the concubine’s accidental remarks, he was able to dig out his mind and actually put such an idea into practice. This is all his loyalty, only to relieve the emperor’s worries. To have this novel hot pot."

Fu Qiuning still replied in a low voice, fully demonstrating the mediocrity of a woman. If so, her back is almost burned through by those secretly jealous sights. It is conceivable that if she is more prominent, she is afraid of this. The vision is enough to burn himself to ashes.

   Jin Fengju thought about it well, and it all pushed me over. When I was about to say a few words to Qiu Ning, I heard the emperor gently ask: "You belong to the Zhenjiang Palace? How is your grandfather? How is your grandfather? I haven't seen him for a while."

   Jin Fengju "cocked" in his heart, looked at the emperor in disbelief, wondering what was going on? At this time, the emperor asked the king of Zhenjiang what the old thing did? Is it thinking of Qiu Ning's identity and wanting to fight the injustice for me? Oh, I beg you, your old man, don't interfere in this matter, okay? What did you do when we were slapped by the Zhenjiang Prince's Mansion before our Hou Mansion? At this time, Qiu Ning and I are both husband and wife in love, but you remember that I am getting angry and want to beat the mandarin ducks?

After all, Fu Qiuning didn’t understand the emperor. Hearing his question, although he was a little strange, his mind was still a little stiff, and he didn’t have time to think about it, so he replied, “When I went back a year ago, my grandfather’s body was still tough. Thank the emperor for his concern. ."

"Hmm!" The emperor said lightly: "Although the married daughter throws out the water, but the biological parents should go back and see more." He looked at Jin Fengju, and asked with a smile, "Do you want me to give it to you?" Is your daughter-in-law allowed to take a vacation?"

   The expressions of everyone in the room changed as soon as he said this. Madam Jiang and Jiang Wanying almost cried out in surprise. Fu Qiuning was pale, knowing that this was the emperor's present favor to Jinfeng, and remembered that he wanted to avenge him.

   This is that the emperor is not Mrs. Jiang's and his like, and he still has room for a little resistance. Once he has a golden mouth and jade teeth, he can no longer change what he said.

Because I was upset for a while, I saw Jin Fengju **** it out early and knelt down and said: "Back to the emperor, when the mother-in-law was seriously ill, Qiu Ning also went back to live for a few days, but the house was almost messed up in those few days. Taijun was sick, and the two children didn’t see their mother’s food and refused to eat. They had a serious illness in the end. Therefore, during this period, the minister did not let Qiu Ning return to the palace. The ice on the Tianshan Mountain has also arrived, and the minister will accompany Qiu Ning to bring some to his mother-in-law."

   What he said was more than incoherent, and even a little frightening. At the very least, the emperor would never believe that the dignified government mansion would be messed up without a woman. It would be nice to say that the children miss their mother, but the old lady is also ill, which is a bit outrageous. Jin Fengju said this, just to show himself that he didn't want to let himself hold the injustice for him, and he wanted this woman to stay.

  'S eyes flickered slightly, and the emperor couldn't help but look at Fu Qiuning: A very ordinary woman, not an overwhelming beauty, what attracts this young man who even admires and loves herself, and can't wait for him to be her own son?

As he thought about it, he groaned and said, "Since you said that, then that's all. In any case, this is also your housework. I won't interfere more." The voice fell, and his eyes fell on Jin Cangfeng and Jin Cangjiao brothers and sisters. On his body, a little surprised said: "This is your son and daughter? Looks like seven or eight years old, right?"

   What are you kidding? Could it be that my memory has regressed to this point? Isn't this stinky guy Feng Ju married five years ago or six years ago? Why do you have such a big child with Fu? Is it this woman? I just saw these two children standing next to her. The emperor yelled in surprise in his heart.

   "Back to the emperor, Qiu Ning has no children, these two children are fostered under her name." Jin Fengju's face was a little red, the emperor of Dark Road, why did you come here? Just to expose my old bottom?

   He deliberately called Fu Qiuning's name directly in front of the emperor, which is not appropriate to reason. But who told the emperor to say that he came to Hou Mansion to visit relatives and friends? Since he feels that the heights are too cold, Jin Feng simply arrogantly oversteps these small details. If he wants to come to the emperor, he will not blame himself for this. By the way, he can also hint that he and Qiu Ning have a deep relationship with Qiu Ning. Ask his old man to raise his hand. Don't avenge yourself after six years.

The emperor understood in his heart. Look at Jin Cangfeng and Jin Cangjiao. They are indeed a pair of little children who are carved and jade-like. At this time, he remembered that when he ate hot pot in the palace that day, Jin Fengju once praised the virtues of the Fu family and wanted to come. A woman who can educate a pair of children who are not her own like this is also considered virtuous. No wonder Feng Ju was nervous and frightened when he heard that he was divorcing his wife.

   Thinking back now, he also said clearly in the temple that day that it was his blessing to marry Fu. If it's not for the love of husband and wife, how can you praise each other everywhere? What happened today is that I am a bit reckless while loving his courtiers.

   Thinking of this, the emperor glanced at Jin with a smile, then waved to Jin Zangfeng and Jin Zangjiao: "Come here, what's your name?"

Jin Cangfeng and Jin Cangjiao quickly and respectfully answered. The emperor asked Jin Cangfeng a few words. Thinking of his age, he didn't ask in depth at first, but the emperor was a little surprised when he saw the little guy's answer. My heart, the question slowly went deeper, Jin Cangfeng still answered calmly, this immediately aroused the interest of the old emperor, and he seemed to have to decide the outcome. After asking a few more questions, seeing Jin Zangfeng slowly answering a little hard, he stopped, looking at Jinfeng and said, "Sure enough, the tiger father has no dogs. You are a great child. I remember that you were a flower hunter? Maybe? It’s not known that you will have another champion in the government of your country in the future. This is because you have taught well."

   What a lofty praise this is. Jin Fengju hurriedly laughed and said, "The emperor won the award. This is what Qiu Ning taught. The minister has been busy with government affairs these years and rarely stays at home. I really dare not take credit for educating children."

   The emperor looked at Fu Qiuning, nodded and said: "In this way, you are a virtuous man, and you have produced these two good seedlings."

   Fu Qiuning made his legs soft due to the series of shocks and praise. I want to know that Jin Fengju should be the same as himself at this moment. I don't know how many resentful eyes are being stared at? Yes, she said viciously in her heart: What can you do if you help me show up? I won't break you down. I have to be the first bird. This is fine. Even the emperor praises me. You bastard, don't you know that the first bird is the first to get shot?

While thinking about it, she didn’t show the slightest expression on her face. He bowed his knees and bowed to salute, and whispered softly: “The ministers dare not take credit. Xianliang did follow Master Xiaohou. For example, Zhenxuan and the second girl in the younger sister’s room were more clever and smarter than Feng'er Jiao'er. When Feng'er Jiao'er was five or six years old, they did not read as much as their younger brothers and sisters. book of."

Jiang Wanying lifted her head slightly, and sneered in her heart: Hmph, at last you know the current affairs, knowing that you can't account for the limelight by yourself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the emperor took a deep look at Fu Qiuning, and as expected again He called Jin Zhenxuan over and asked a few questions, and praised him a lot.

   Then I saw Jin Yanfang and others. The emperor thought of the courtiers killed by the bandits, and felt a little sad in his heart. He comforted him, and said a few words to everyone, and the sun slowly went west.

Jin Fengju looked at the sky outside, then stood up and said: "The emperor, it's not early, if the minister remembers correctly, there was a family banquet in the palace during the Dragon Boat Festival in previous years, and there was a dragon boat race. I wanted to come to the palace of a few princes. Those sailors have worked so hard for so many days, hoping to see the heavens and show their faces in front of the emperor. If the emperor can’t attend, don’t talk about them, even the princes will be disappointed.”

Hearing what he said, the emperor stood up and said: "What I said is that I have been delayed outside for a long time. I am afraid that the queen mother in the palace will also worry about it." Going to sit in the palace, the Queen Mother was still talking about no one talking a few days ago. In the days of the palace, even if the house is full of children and grandchildren, how can you compare the comfort of a family like you."

   The old lady quickly agreed, and the emperor walked out slowly and came to the front hall, only to see some people pouring out of the room on all sides, the black pressure knelt down in the courtyard, and Shanhu Long live. The emperor smiled and said, "Yes, since it is the Dragon Boat Festival, there will not be fewer people from aristocratic families who want to come and go. What's more, you should go back now, and these people will also have to entertain."

   Jin Fengju hurriedly said: "The minister sent the emperor back to the palace, and if he didn't see the emperor return to the palace with his own eyes, where did the minister have the intention to entertain the guests?"

   The emperor knew that he was telling the truth, and said with a slight smile: "Um, okay." After he walked out the door, he saw that although the Imperial Forest Army had not come, all the guards when Jin Fengju was an imperial officer were all there.

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