Higher Level Wife

Chapter 176: : Hate

   escorted the emperor all the way back to the palace, but there are no stories like the assassinations that must happen in those novels and legendary scripts. Jin Feng raised his eyes and watched the emperor enter the study. Only then did he take a long breath and retire to the emperor. He heard the emperor laugh and said, "I wanted to keep you, but the guests in your family have to entertain you too. , Don’t forget to come to court tomorrow. I’m afraid you are living leisurely these days, but forget that you are still a minister of Daning."

   Jin Fengju hurriedly knelt down and said: "The minister is terrified, the minister dare not forget the burden that he bears as a minister of Daning for a moment."

   The emperor's eyes flickered, and he nodded and smiled: "That's good, you have to keep this sentence firmly in your heart, and it will be good in the future as always. Okay, you can withdraw."

"Yes. The minister obeys the order, the minister retires." After Jin Fengju finished speaking, he stepped back out of the study door. He happened to meet Li Dezheng who had brought refreshments in person outside, and he smiled and said, "Gonggong Li, there will be another one next time. You can persuade the emperor to do this kind of thing. Who can stand this suddenness? I don't know what the chaos in the Huizi Mansion has become."

Li Dezheng smiled and said: "Who said he didn't persuade him? What else does our emperor's temperament do not know? Knowing that your mansion is not prepared, the minion also specifically said to the emperor that he was afraid that you and the grandfather would not be in the mansion. Go to the prince, but the emperor refuses to agree. Little Houye, your honor is really up to the sky, except for a few princes, there is no such favor among the courtiers."

   Jin Fengju smiled and said, "Yes, I am also grateful to the emperor's grace, but this is too sudden. If you tell me a few months in advance, let us prepare well."

   Because I had a few words with Li Dezheng, the **** was by the emperor's side. After sitting on the sidelines for so many years, now I know that I am afraid that ninety-nine percent of the crown prince will fall to Prince Rong. Whose power is this, isn't it a bright mirror? Therefore, he is particularly fond of Jinfengju.

   after leaving the palace. Jin Fengju hurried home, first to the Kangshouyuan, only to hear the noise inside. He walked in hurriedly and saw that Huo Shi Cui Shi and others were also coming, at this time with Jiang Wanying. Surrounded by Fu Qiuning, I don't know what to say. They are aunts. He was not qualified to come in to meet the emperor, so he only showed up after the emperor had left.

"What is this? Do you attack in groups?" Jin Fengju stepped forward and saw Fu Qiuning's face with a faint face and anger in his eyes. Looking at him, he said with a smile on his cheeks: "Master asked some sisters Go, Xu didn't have to come in outside. I heard that the emperor asked me a few words. At this moment, I can't wait to tear off a few pieces of my meat and eat it in my stomach to get the light."

Jiang Wanying smiled and said: "My elder sister is really good at talking and laughing. It's just that we watched my elder sister win the praises, so I was envious and asked a few more questions. Where would I dare to tear my sister's meat and eat it? The father is the first one who refuses to forgive. We are here. I didn’t watch my sister just now, I just said that the heroes save the beauty in those dramas that I saw in the day. Now I can see the heroes around us saving the beauty with my own eyes."

Jin Fengju didn’t want to fight with these women, and sneered: “Since it’s good to know that I’m protecting her, sometimes it’s better to constrain. Xu’s family has only left for a few days? Do you want to come back again? Want to make fun of people, Also pick a softer persimmon." After speaking, ignoring the suddenly unsightly faces of Jiang Wanying and Huo Shi and others, he asked Fu Qiuning, "Where are the children?"

   Fu Qiuning said: "I went to the backyard to play. Has the emperor returned to the palace?"

Jin Fengju nodded and said: "Going back, I'm afraid this suddenness will scare the people in the house. I'll go see the old lady. You can find a place to rest for a while. If you feel noisy, just go in. The old lady slept in the room for a while.” As she said, she went to Old Taijun Jin.

   Here, Jiang Wanying sneered: "My sister has become the apex of my grandfather now. She is so thoughtful about her **** and colors. Why don't you hurry to go to the back room to rest? Don't let your grandfather down."

Looking at her bitter gaze, Fu Qiuning suddenly smiled, walked to the chair next to him and sat down slowly, and said with a long smile: "Seeing that the Lord is back, I feel better. It's good to see the excitement, lest it be too clean. It's boring."

Facts have proved that no matter how indifferent people are, they don’t want to force her into the bones. Fu Qiuning’s current situation is like this. She is like a needle in a sponge. Without jeopardizing her own interests, I can take you His provocations and methods were ignored, and he stepped back a little. But if you are in a hurry, the tip of the needle hidden in the sponge will be sharp: Nima wants to fight, isn't it? That being the case, I will play with you enough today. She snarled rudely in her heart, and finally understood why these women in ancient times were so desperate and jealous to please their husbands. Because in this patriarchal society, when a woman must depend on a man in order to survive smoothly, the feeling that she can be arrogant and domineering by relying on pet is really good. At the very least, looking at the gazes of Jiang Wanying and others, she feels very happy.

"Sister, let us spare us. I saw it later. Not to mention that it was my sister who was sitting here watching the excitement. She also wanted to suspect that we were irritating to her. My sister didn't want to bear such a charge." Jiang Wanying was already shaking slightly with anger. NS. Her granddaughter of the dignified Lu Guogong was actually suppressed by a prostitute in the palace. In the final analysis, who is the culprit of all this? Her gaze seemed to look at the grandparents and grandchildren who were talking and laughing on the couch, her hatred grew wildly, accompanied by a vicious curse: Don’t be proud of it too early, don’t think you have the chance to win, there is always One day... One day, I will put you under your feet, all under your feet. Cousin, you are unkind to me, don't blame me for being unrighteous to you. She yelled frantically in her heart.

Fu Qiuning's voice came from her ears, a sure and indifferent voice, pretending to be "hypocritical": "It's not easy not to make the master suspicious, as long as the sisters stay away from me?" She greeted her. Jiang Wanying's snake-like gaze, and a scornful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "My sister's eyes are really scary right now. Are you really going to eat me? I beg you to stay a little bit too much. Master is on it. You can look at it whenever you don't know. Here it is."

   Jiang Wanying took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down: Humph, what's the fight against this woman? She wants to take a longer view now. She wants this smugly Yasukuni government to fall into the clouds when they are most proud. By that time, let alone such a woman, even her cousin must do the same. I bow my head in front of myself and beg for forgiveness. Thinking of letting Jin Feng, who had always been proud, wagging her tail in front of her, she suddenly felt better. She gave Fu Qiuning a cold look and turned away.

  Something...something is wrong.

Fu Qiuning looked at Jiang Wanying's leaving back, her brows furrowed: it was not a look of pure jealousy and resentment, although it was also very poisonous, but behind this vicious look, there seemed to be something suddenly firm and firm. It seemed... it was a splitting gaze.

   She couldn't help but raised her head to look at Jin Fengju, wondering if I was ignorant? Is divorce actually allowed in this era? Only in the TV series, the wife who decides to completely break with a man she once loved will show this look, right? This can only be done by an actor with great acting skills.

   Jin Fengju said a few words with the old lady and went out to entertain the guests. Today, the emperor came to the government of Yasukuni in a micro service, wanting to know what kind of uproar this honored pet will cause among the guests. Jin Fengju kept socializing until late at night before returning to Fengya Building. Seeing Fu Qiuning was still waiting for him on the couch, he asked weakly, "I haven't slept yet? You don't need to wait for me on such days."

Fu Qiuning stood up, and saw that Xiao Hou, who had always been clean and undisturbed, had red eye circles at this time, his steps were staggering, and his loose hair was messy. He found the kang and lay on it, murmured in his mouth: "But I'm exhausted, let me sleep well, and I have to go to court tomorrow morning, Qiu Ning don't forget to call me up."

"Okay, you can sleep at ease." Fu Qiuning picked up a thin silk quilt and covered him, thinking that this man had fought hard to speak for herself, and she was born before the emperor's golden mouth and jade teeth. She was full of tenderness in her heart. , Gave Jinfeng a light kiss on his forehead, and then took the decanter and put it in his mouth, and then he relaxed and rested.

Early the next morning, Fu Qiuning got up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing that the sky was already light, she went out to the kitchen, and saw that Jian Feng was already there, talking to sister-in-law Qin who was cooking in the kitchen about breakfast. Arrangement, when Qiu Ning came over, she hurriedly greeted her and said, "Why don't grandma stop sleeping? It's morning after summer, and it's early in time."

   Fu Qiuning smiled and said, "Master is going to court today, so I can't be as leisurely as usual. What breakfast did you arrange with Sister Qin?"

Jian Feng smiled and said: "It's nothing, they are all used to eat. I made white porridge, heated a few rice dumplings, and asked sister-in-law Qin to fry some fried dough sticks. The servant girl has sent the little four to buy soy milk on the street. Although it is on the street I bought it. It tastes almost the same as the soy milk when we grind tofu. I prepared a few side dishes and cooked some salted duck eggs. Grandma will see if I can add anything else?"

   Fu Qiuning smiled and said: "You don't need to add it, it's good." She felt a little bit emotional. The secret path is still the ancient folk customs. If it is in modern times, how can the soy milk bought on the street compare with the freshly ground at home? Moreover, at this time, there is no food hygiene to worry about, let alone those foods that are added with such or other harmful and poisonous substances. Speaking of which, this is also a great advantage of traveling to ancient times.

   Of course, compared with the advantages, there are many disadvantages. There is no computer, no lights, no running water, no modern comfortable homes, and life without a toilet. It is too inconvenient. Fortunately, Fu Qiuning was obsessed with opera in modern times, and was not so keen on surfing the Internet. Otherwise, if he became addicted to playing games, he would really suffer in ancient times. In this way, she still often thinks of the two novels she chased. After thinking about it for so many years, the author is already over, right? But for myself, they have become eternal pits, which is really heartbreaking to think about.

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