Him and their stars

Chapter 1610: Nothing is Sacred in the Empire

Yu Lian covered his weak lover with a warm wool blanket and gently held her hand.

Brunhilde opened her bright golden eyes, looked at her lover, and forced a weak smile.

"Dear, do you remember the first time we met?" Her eyes were full of nostalgia and memories, but also dazed, like fragile crystal, clear and beautiful, but as if it would break at any time.

"Ah, the first time we met, I actually can't remember it. Where was it? On a confused battlefield, at a court ball, or in a raging fire." Yu Lian laughed.

"Yes, yes, it was the raging fire. According to what you said, it was a true father-daughter filial piety event." Brunhilde seemed to have finally remembered, and showed a distressed look: "But, I can't even remember how it started and how it ended."

"Don't consider so many unromantic details. My righteousness made the late emperor admit his mistakes." Yu Lian laughed.

"So righteous!" If it were the old Brunhilde, she would probably just roll her eyes at him. But the weak queen seemed to have heard the funniest joke. She laughed so hard that she cried and almost coughed.

Yu Lian gently tapped her back, and the robot next to her brought a cup of water.

Brunhilde lay in Yu Lian's arms and took two sips of water, and finally stopped coughing. She sighed, "I finally realized that I am the emperor after all, and there are only robots waiting around me."

"I told them not to disturb you. You are the queen, but you should also have a private space. No one wants to see us now, and we shouldn't see each other." Yu Lian paused, then smiled and added, "What's more, we are about to be a hundred years old. It's a pity that Serbelia didn't live longer than us."

"Oh, what a pity."

"Yes, what a pity." Both of them sighed.

Of course, they just sighed.

Brunhild looked at the starry sky outside the dome, watching the blue and emerald stars moving leisurely at the end of her vision. Her sight finally slowly turned to Yu Lian.

"The last time we came together, this galaxy was crawling towards us. We had our own empire. But everything will end one day. Now..."

"Now, this is also our empire."

"You always talk like this. But it will be your empire in the future. Dear, help me guard it and protect it well."

"You are really good at finding trouble. The legitimacy of my rule comes from you. My children have been ready to inherit everything."

"They are all true dragon kings, and I have taught them well."

"Maybe I taught them too well. But they are not true dragons, and they are ultimately result-oriented."

"So, keep an eye on them... Hey, you always said before that children and grandchildren will have their own blessings."

In the spring of the 369th year of the Common Era, the sad bells rang in the squares of every city in the Galactic Empire. The empress who had ruled the Galactic Empire for seventy years died of illness in the Dragon Palace in the Heavenly Domain.

On May 1, 369, when all the ceremonies were over and the empress's coffin was about to be sent to the imperial mausoleum of Ruixing, Yu Lian did not cry, but just stood there and watched the entrance of the imperial mausoleum close.

Of course, it was not completely closed, and he was still waiting for him to enter.

The rest of the royal family members at the scene, including the four princes and five princesses who were still alive under the empress and the regent, as well as nearly a hundred grandchildren and great-grandchildren, cried one after another. How much of this was real sadness and how much was false pretense was actually not important.

What was important was who was qualified to wear the Void Crown and become the future emperor?

The emperor of the Galactic Empire must be chosen, of course. But now, after seventy years of painstaking efforts by the empress and the regent, four of the eight emperors are actually their descendants.

The Galactic Empire, from top to bottom, also believed that these four were the true successors to the throne. As for the other four, of course they are used as mascots. We have to understand that elections are like this. Only with runners-up can they appear legitimate and perfect.

On May 5, 369, the prime minister and the privy council ministers visited the regent and asked for the emperor's opinion. Yu Lian said that they would follow the process.

On May 10, 369, the Senate announced that it had officially entered the emperor selection process. In this process, the privy council will act as the highest power of the empire in accordance with the practice since the founding of the empire.

However, this is only theoretical. The privy council ministers have said that the regent has the final say.

In this regard, Yu Lian still did not comment, but announced that he would convene a Senate meeting.

On May 30, 369, the Senate meeting was held, and more than 30,000 senators gathered in the imperial capital. Yu Lian looked at this Senate meeting from all walks of life and all classes, and felt a sense of accomplishment. If he really changed something, it might be this institution.

However, I remember that in 290, more than 80% of the people in the Senate came from the common people and were representatives of various industries. Now, less than a century has passed, and nearly half of the people in the Senate have become representatives of various nobles and gentry.

Haha, even if this is the case, it is much more open-minded than 500 years later in another world! Yu Lian thought.

He then told everyone that he wanted to leave his loyal imperial capital, retire, and return to his home on Earth.

Everyone was stunned and immediately in an uproar. They had always thought that Yu Lian was going to establish the crown prince at the conference.

On June 1, 369, the regent ignored the retention of all walks of life and left the imperial capital.

However, all the successors understood that this old dragon, who was about to turn 100 years old, was still the most powerful person in the universe. Even though his queen had passed away, even though he had lost the legitimate source of power as the regent, his diehards were still in every corner of the empire.

"Father, please give me some advice." The youngest daughter who inherited the throne of Shazamen asked in fear.

"Follow the legal procedures." He replied.

June 5, 369. A large-scale rebellion broke out again in the Femo star field, which had been dominated by the Galactic Empire for half a century. The main fleet of the alliance also marched out of Canchuan and pointed to the Regent Fortress again.

On June 15, 369, the Regent and the second son of the Queen, the current Tamil King, joined the border lords of Femo and quelled the rebellion in just one week. They immediately returned and caught the Alliance off guard.

The Alliance once again retreated behind Chanchuan in embarrassment, saying that everything was a misunderstanding.

However, the Imperial Fleet did not stop and was gathering in large numbers.

You know, during this period, after decades of operation, the Femo Nebula had actually been completely territorialized by the Galactic Empire. It was divided into three central star regions and twenty-one border lords.

Even if the Regent Fortress was abandoned, they were enough to bear the supply of the fleet of annihilation.

They gained glory and benefits in the "Co-governance Era", but because of this, they are seeking more.

On July 20, 369, the second daughter who inherited the throne of King Bedor announced the existence of the Colossus weapon to the entire universe. Two colossus warships, named "The Queen's Staff" and "The Regent's Sword", set sail from the Deer Park Galaxy and moved towards the front line.

The Iron Army Union, the Kingdom of Circe, the Republic of Minlan and other neutral second-tier powers all submitted surrenders to the Heavenly Domain before October of that year, expressing their willingness to follow the model of the Cattai Big Cat and the Bakvi Birdman and become loyal vassal states of the Dragon of Dawn.

The "Co-governance Era" of the Galactic Empire has ended, but the glorious achievements of the Regent continue.

On December 11, 369, another mighty fleet of the Empire arrived at the South Gate of Heaven, which was of course the South Gate of Heaven. Although the Morning Star Gate was not opened in this era, this galaxy was still a necessary way to the Grand High Seas Star Region.

The person in charge of this imperial army was the eldest grandson of the Queen, the current King Weilunt. This is a young man who is still in his thirties. Handsome, powerful, smart, energetic, ambitious, good at both civil and military affairs, and already a saint before the age of thirty.

Born noble, he is by no means a noblewoman who grew up in an ivory tower, but a military leader who has experienced hundreds of battles and is decisive.

Everyone thinks that this young prince has inherited all the advantages and talents of the queen and the regent, even his appearance.

On February 4, 370, the young King Wei arrived on Earth to visit his grandfather whom he had not seen for a long time.

He has a face that looks like Brunhilde. It must be admitted that a boy with a girlish appearance to this extent is handsome enough to be called a dream, but it is also easy to make people think of a weak sissy and a pretty boy. However, the sharp and flying spirit perfectly conceals this point.

Anyone will only think that the extraordinary beauty and extraordinary aura complement each other, forming the most perfect living god in everyone's mind.

When has there been such a great emperor in the history of the Galactic Empire? He was born to rule this Galactic Empire. This is the judgment that many people made subconsciously when they first saw the young electoral king.

In the palace garden of the Eternal City on Earth, the young electoral king looked at the regent who was pruning the branches of the flowerbed in the garden and saluted respectfully: "Grandfather. You are still healthy, which is a blessing for the empire and the entire universe."

Yu Lian looked at the familiar face and was a little dazed for a while. However, here, the contemporary King Wei is his grandson, which he can't help but feel full of absurdity.

He put down the scissors he was using to prune the flowerbed, and looked at the other party meaningfully: "Are you the one who will lead this army?"

"Yes, this is the joint decision of all the lords of the Privy Council. There are four other routes. One starts from the Abyss and enters the Tuoshan Star Region of the Alliance along the Queen's Trail. One attacks the Padus Star Region via the Circe Kingdom, and one harasses the Alliance's Zantar, Leno and other military and industrial strongholds from the inner ring route of the galactic center. The last two routes are the main force, and the Regent Fortress of the Spiral Nebula is led by Uncle Tamil. I am the one who takes the Grand Open Sea route." The young elector was dignified and calm, but perhaps because of his youth, he still had a little more high spirits that were difficult to conceal.

"Five armies!"

"Yes, five armies! Grandfather, we will form a government alliance. You will definitely become the greatest ruler in the history of the Galactic Empire."

"Haha, I am not the ruler of the Galactic Empire, I am just your grandmother's deputy official."

The young prince shrugged and said mischievously: "Grandfather, you have been saying this for almost a hundred years. If you continue to be modest, the historians who record the daily records will also be embarrassed."

Sure enough, the historians and attendants who were accompanying him all showed embarrassed expressions.

Because he was a grandson, he would be more at ease in front of him, and occasionally even unbridled.

"Grandmother told us before she died that you are the founder of the prosperous era. You created the glory of the co-governance era. You are the true dragon that everyone follows, and the king of kings of this universe that everyone admires. Now, grandfather, you are only one step away from conquering this galaxy and making your glorious achievements complete."

"Conquer the Alliance?" Yu Lian sighed.

"It is to unify the entire galaxy. Let the entire universe and all mankind gather under the same banner for the first time since the first breath of civilization. This is your achievement." The young King Weilunte said.

"At the beginning, when you were in Femo, you were in the open sea, in the center of the galaxy, and you were in the abyss, you said, I come, I see, I conquer."

"It is because I came, I saw, and I conquered that I know that it is impossible for us to conquer the alliance now." Yu Lian looked at his grandson. In those golden eyes that resembled Brunhilde's, there burned an unquenchable fire of ambition, even forming a sea of ​​fire.

So alike! You are so alike!

What interrupted his thoughts was the surprised voice of King Weilunt. He had already revealed an expression of disbelief: "But, you didn't object."

"I don't need to object. I have already said that I am retired. The Privy Council is the highest decision-making body of the empire now, and it exercises the highest power of the country."

"You are here again. I have said that the historians will be embarrassed!" said the young King Weilunt.

Although he said the same words as before, his emotions seemed to be different. Therefore, the historians and attendants present also felt some tense and depressed atmosphere, and they all showed a look of helplessness.

"You all retreat. Let the dying old man talk to the ambitious grandson." The old regent smiled.

The regent's joke was too hellish, and everyone couldn't stand it. Naturally, they didn't dare to go against the latter's opinion, and quickly bowed and left. Soon, only the young Dragon King and his old grandfather were left in the garden.

"The two houses, the government, the general public, and even you all seem to think that whoever can conquer the alliance will be the heir I promised." The regent slowly stood up, returned to the small table next to the garden, and poured himself another cup of tea.

King Weilunte took the kettle and carefully refilled the boiled mountain spring water. He seemed to be ready to show his restraint in front of his grandfather, but seeing that his grandfather didn't speak for a long time, he couldn't help asking: "So, isn't it?"

"Look, you're anxious again." Yu Lian shook his head: "Your uncle, your aunts, won't ask this question."

"This must be because I'm spoiled and arrogant." The young prince looked like an adolescent boy with a second-year disease who was not ashamed but proud of it.

Yu Lian laughed dumbly. He felt that this thick-skinned and unscrupulous look was not like Brunhilde, but he was actually quite familiar with her, so... who could it be?

The young elector paused and said earnestly: "Grandfather, I am indeed very shallow. However, being shallow also has its advantages. Uncle and aunt are suspicious, but I think that a family can speak openly about anything. Grandfather, I just hope to listen to your teachings."

"It's good to be self-aware." Yu Lian looked at his grandson meaningfully: "If I were to say, who of you can end this war and who can become the next emperor?"

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