Him and their stars

Chapter 1611 Last Wish

Immediately afterwards, Yu Lian looked at the surprised expression on the other party's face with great interest. After all, he still found it quite refreshing to see such an expression on a face that looked exactly like Brunhildt.

However, the surprised look faded in a short time, and the young emperor-select fell into troubled thinking, and his whole aura seemed to be gloomier.

"I don't understand, Grandpa."

"Look, you don't understand. None of you understand." Yu Lian laughed, laughing so happily that he was not even prepared to hide his contempt: "You all want to start a war, but you don't know how to stop it. It’s a battlefield. If you know how to send it but not how to stop it, then you might as well not send it in the first place. This is what I have always taught you!”

King Valente forced out a smile: "However, the great cause of unifying the entire universe has seen the light of day. No ancestor in the past could have had such an opportunity. Grandfather, you also taught me that wasting opportunities will be punished."

Only then did Yu Lian show a satisfied look: "Yes, yes, young man. Regardless of politics or power, there is actually no unified standard. Boomerang slaps in the face are common, but mature rulers should Learn to do what you say.”

The young King Wilent pondered for a moment, and then sighed arrogantly: "What you say always makes sense."

This reaction is really like Brunhilt's. Of course, if it were her, she would be sarcastic. She even said right and wrong words, and what stood out was that she was a person who didn't leak anything and didn't hold back her hands. But if it were the grandson of King Wei, it would be impossible for him to be in a weird mood.

He was just complaining based on his status as grandson.

Yu Lian seemed to enjoy this feeling, so he added: "I am no longer the regent. I am just a retired old man, so I can only talk useless nonsense."

Of course, King Wei suddenly showed an expression of "Look, look, it's coming again, it's coming again". However, he was too lazy to dwell on this issue any longer: "Grandpa, war is everyone's choice."

"Everyone?" Yu Lian still couldn't help laughing.

"We can definitely conquer the alliance. At least, this is the loudest voice in the empire now, and it can meet the needs of the most people." King Wilent pondered for a moment, and whispered: "But, I thought that we should discuss a thorough discussion now. Military conquest is too early. I just want to completely defeat the alliance's current military strength, force them to sign the alliance under the city, and require them to release all the participating countries. As long as we can completely defeat our old enemy, I will complete my historical mission. "

There was hope in his eyes, as if to say, I am very pragmatic, please praise me.

However, Yu Lian just laughed: "Each generation has its own demands and will make different judgments. The old age of the world has been highlighted, and all I can tell you is the experience of the old era. If you are misled by people like me Yes, but I can’t get on the new era ship.”

"Stop playing riddles. My child, this war will start whether I stop it or not. The reason why your uncle and aunts didn't come to me is because of this. The fate of an individual always depends on the general trend of history. Fragile." Yu Lian looked at the other party, his eyes gradually becoming sharper: "You are not here for teaching."

"After all, I can't hide it from you." King Wilente twitched the corners of his mouth without embarrassment, and laughed twice in a stick pronunciation, which he took as an apology.

Yu Lian felt that this shameless virtue looked familiar, but it didn't look like Brunhilt in any way.

Got it, I must have inherited it from my daughter-in-law whose name I can’t even remember.

"All military and political affairs in the Grand Sea War Zone are now under the unified coordination and command of Sun'er. I have ordered that all star regions and local lords under the jurisdiction of the war zone should give priority to supplying the needs of the front line."

Yu Lian probably understood what the other party meant.

"The earth is also within the jurisdiction of the war zone?"

The other party nodded helplessly.

"What you call supplying the frontline needs includes not only supplies and ships, but also soldiers, right?"

The other party continued to nod: "I have ordered that the Terra Sector will also conduct general mobilization. Before the second half of this year, all reserve soldiers must be enlisted, and at least 20 million new recruits must complete basic combat readiness mobilization and basic training."

"Yes, the so-called general mobilization must be of this scale." Yu Lian nodded slightly.

The "Terra Sector" of the Galactic Empire is different from the Central Sector of the Community. It is equivalent to all the territory of the Community in the real world except New China and New Atlantis.

"However, are you planning to mobilize me, an old retired imperial marshal, to go to the battlefield? Legally speaking, you, the commander of the war zone, seem to have this authority." Yu Lian smiled again.

"Don't make such a joke." The young feudal lord laughed and said, "I'm talking about a small problem, a small problem about a planet."

Now he is high-spirited, and the war zone under his jurisdiction includes twenty-seven border lords, six star regions, four vassal states, and hundreds of billions of soldiers and civilians, all at his command. To the current King Wei, a mere planet is really nothing more than a small matter to him.

However, the regent seemed to be very disgusted with this statement.

He looked coldly at this ambitious grandson who was both civil and military: "A small problem for a planet? What a big spirit! If you think now that the problem related to a planet is only a small matter, when you ascend to the throne of God, There will be no major events in the universe. If you are so arrogant and wanton, your rule will not last longer than Boluo III. Remember, in history, kings have never been able to turn a country from prosperity to decline. The foolish and weak kings are all arrogant and careless people.”

"Yes! I'm sorry..." King Wei's face turned pale after being scolded, and it seemed that even sweat broke out on his forehead.

Again, any inappropriate expression on Brunhilt's face was a new experience. Yu Lian didn't know if the kid was performing, but he did enjoy watching it.

"But, hahaha, all the kings of the Dawn Royal Family are above the average. You are blessed by the spirit of the universe, and you are born to rule as the blood descendants of gods in this universe. Once you ascend the throne, you will be arrogant and will not show mercy. The type of people's hearts will definitely calm down, right?" At this point, the Regent laughed boldly, and then burst into tears.

King Wei looked restless, but he didn't know whether he was worried that his elderly grandfather would have a problem with his laughter, or whether he was being laughed at and his defense would be broken.

Fortunately, the old regent did not die laughing after all. He quickly regained his composure. He just took a sip of tea and signaled the other party to continue talking.

King Wilente said cautiously: "Actually, it's about Lumina."

Yu Lian put down his tea cup, his expression lost in nostalgia: "That Dominion, I haven't gone back to see it for a long time."

"The Lumina Dominion... has rejected my legal mobilization order." King Wilente's expression looked very strange, with a little surprise in the confusion, and a little embarrassment in the surprise.

"Your expression is like that of a dragon whose face has been scratched by a cat. You are really hopeless."

Yu Lian sighed again. It was indeed a very fresh experience to see such an expression on Brynhilt's face.

In short, the Rumina Autonomous Government has indeed shown a character that has impressed the entire Galactic Empire, or it can be said to be a shocking two-handedness.

Facing the mobilization orders issued by the Imperial Marshal, the Elected Emperor, and the War Zone Commander, they solemnly stated that the autonomous government had already paid in advance the taxes stipulated by Imperial law, as well as all the special military metallurgical products required by the Imperial Army and the Imperial Family. In addition, citizens of the Rumina Autonomous Government have been performing military service in accordance with the law. In nearly a century of foreign wars, the warrior battalions formed by the Lumina people also made great contributions to the Queen and the Regent.

From any point of view, the Rumina people can be regarded as model citizens of the empire.

King Wilente had to pinch his nose and admit that what he said made sense.

Subsequently, the self-government of Rumina was justified, and their autonomy came from the decree of His Majesty the Great Regent. They enjoy all governing powers subject to the existing imperial constitution. As for the so-called mobilization order, it is only a temporary bill, and they have the right not to accept it.

This time, King Wilente couldn't accept it.

"Legal speaking, they do have the right to disobey." Yu Liandao.

"I understand. Their autonomy is recognized by imperial law." The young King Wilente sighed: "But the Lumina Dominion is also within my war zone. If only the Lumina people had Privilege, the Cathay people, the Amans, the Laitalin people, and even the people on Earth can also obey my mobilization orders. "

"Indeed, human nature is like this. The sense of responsibility and the sense of honor are ultimately contrasted."

"Dedication, courage and sacrifice are also relative concepts. Grandfather, although I am young and shallow, I also know that an army with united will may not be able to win, but an army full of resentment on both ends of the snake and mouse will definitely fail."

Yu Lian looked at his grandson who was filled with righteous indignation, but he smiled jokingly. He just looked at the other person with a natural look, and soon made the other person feel restless.

The regent suddenly asked: "Tell me, how long have you been preparing for this Great Expedition?"

"...it started the year before last."

"Did it already start before your grandmother passed away?" Yu Lian was slightly surprised, then shook his head and said with a smile: "I didn't know anything about such a big thing. I'm really slow."

"I'm sorry, Grandpa. But this is actually Grandma's order." Faced with Grandpa's scrutinizing gaze, the young vassal king seemed to be a little panicked, and hurriedly said: "Grandma said, she is probably not well anymore. But, even if Even after she leaves, the glory of the empire will not fade at all. She emphasized to us more than once that you brought the prosperity of the empire, and we will also fight for the success of your achievements on your 100th birthday. , we must conquer the alliance, this is also my grandmother’s last wish..."

Yu Lian put down the tea cup and interrupted him rudely: "Kid, look into my eyes."

"Grandfather..." King Wilente looked at the old regent, as if he saw unspeakable sadness in his eyes.

"Come here a little bit. Yes, come a little bit more." The old regent saw that he was no longer majestic and domineering. He was just an old man who longed for the closeness of his descendants.

"You are such a good kid." Yu Lian sighed heavily as he looked at King Weilunt approaching him.

When King Wei put his face, which looked like Brunhilde, in front of Yu Lian, the latter had already raised his palm and slapped him with all his strength.

The old regent's slap was still incredibly powerful, and the elector was caught off guard and flew backwards on the spot.

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