His Artists Were Selling Arms, And Boss Yang Went Abroad Overnight

Chapter 73 The Intercontinental Missile Weapon, Lu Zimu Really Sold It To A Big Dog!

"Here comes the big dog owner."

"Let's get ready to make money!"

After taking a look at the helicopter.

Lu Zimu immediately smiled.

These helicopters are all sent by the God of Wealth to send money.

Now that the God of Wealth is here, how could he be unhappy?

And soon.

The helicopter flew over the destroyer.

After getting approval from the people below, the helicopter also lowered its rope.


Then I saw a person climbing down from the helicopter through the rope ladder.

The man is wearing a white turban.

This image appears here again.

Then there will be no other person besides Ibutisamu, the prince of the Sand Camel Kingdom.

In fact.

And indeed it is.

This time people came by helicopter.

It was Ibutisamu who came from the Kingdom of Sand Camel.

He also came over in a helicopter in person after getting Lu Zimu's permission.


After the last experience.

Ibutisamu came down alone.

Everyone else stayed in the helicopter, and no one could follow.

Because what he wants to say next must not be heard by others, let alone spread here.

After all, he has been installed with locators twice, so he will naturally be more careful now.

And at this time.

Lu Zimu also walked out with Xiao Wu and Lao Bai.

Both parties are also old friends, so naturally there is no need to explain to each other.

Even the big dog Sand Luotuo Country can be regarded as a big customer.

It buys arms.

It may not necessarily be the most, but it will definitely be the most expensive.

Here in the sand camel country.

Lu Zimu also made the most money.

His attitude towards this kind of customer will still be slightly better.

Let customers have a better experience, but it is only a little better.

His arms business does not need to be done through flattery. Others are begging to buy his arms.

The so-called attitude is better.

That is to say, chat like friends, rather than being rigid.

"Mr. Lu."

"We haven't seen each other for a long time!"

As soon as I saw Lu Zimu.

Ibutisamu greeted him very warmly.

He even deliberately used the Chinese he had just learned to draw closer relationships.

His attitude towards Lu Zimu was respectful.

Not to mention that he had something to ask Lu Zimu for help now.

Even if you ask for the latter for nothing, you will still have such a respectful attitude.

In the eyes of Ibutisamu.

Lu Zimu is already a being with vast supernatural powers and omnipotence.

It allows people to blow up American military bases and escape unscathed.

You can also go to Xiaori's territory and blow up the divine toilet, leaving Xiaori helpless.

Even not long ago, there was a direct confrontation with the United States Combined Fleet on the high seas, and a destroyer 257 chased the five major fleets.

This is one case after another.

Rang Ibutisam was in awe of Lu Zimu to the extreme and did not dare to offend Houtu at all.

Moreover, he still asked the latter for help, not to mention his attitude, no matter how enthusiastic he was, it was normal.

"Mr. Lu."

"This is a gift from me to you, and I hope you can accept it!"

Ibutisamu said again.

Then, he suddenly clapped his hands.

I saw the ropes starting from the helicopter and lowering the boxes one by one.

These boxes are not bulky.

But seeing that it can't even be blown by the sea breeze, the weight is definitely not light.

Several helicopters were loaded with these boxes.

Finally, after moving nearly a hundred boxes, it was finally over.

All piled together, it is like a hill.

"Mr. Lu."

"I don't know what you like either."

"So, I prepared a little gold, I hope you will like it!"

Ibutisamu spoke again.

He also placed special emphasis on this gift.

after all.

This is gold.

Of course I have to send it out.

One box weighs twenty kilograms, and one hundred boxes means two thousand kilograms.

According to the market price.

The gold is close to 900 million.

It has to be said that this wealthy businessman is indeed not stingy in his dealings, and is more generous every time.

This time.

He actually gave away two thousand kilograms of gold directly.

And this is just what Ibutisamu calls a meeting ceremony.

"in addition."

"I also bought a watch from Patek Philippe."

"When I saw it, I thought it suited Mr. Lu's temperament very well, so I bought it specifically."

Ibutisamu took out a box and said at the same time: "I am finally lucky enough to meet Mr. Lu today, and I can personally give you a gift!"

have to say.

This Ibutisamu is very rich.

At the same time, he also knows how to be human and speaks very nicely.

Such a wealthy man is so understanding of the ways of the world.

It can only mean one thing.

That is the greatness of his request.

It was because what Ibutisamu wanted to ask Lu Zimu to do was very important and very difficult.

That's why he prepared so many gifts.

If not.

As the prince of the Sand Camel Kingdom, Ibutisamu would definitely not have this attitude.

To this.

Lu Zimu was not polite either.

He took the box directly and opened it on the spot.

have to say.

This Ibutisamu is very good at spending money and choosing gifts.

This is a watch king from Patek Philippe (bjei).

Its model is the 6300G-010 watch in the super complex timepiece series.

At the same time, it also has another name, which is the Master Xianyin Blue Watch.

Patek Philippe.

As the most famous watch brand in the world, it is naturally expensive.

Even the most entry-level model starts at six figures.

As the king of Patek Philippe watches, its price is naturally very high.

It can easily reach tens of millions.

Moreover, the quantity is limited, so not everyone is eligible to buy it.

Many collectors often need to pay higher prices to buy these kings of watches.

Master string tone blue watch.

It is one of the very famous watch kings.

It has twenty complex functions and is also the first watch with large and small self-sounding devices.

It can be worn on both sides and can display any dial as you wish.

On the case, you can see the hand-carved Paris hobnail pattern.

The white gold case and blue dial bring art and craftsmanship to the extreme.

As a representative king.

The price of the Master Xianyin blue watch is also as high as 31 million.

But even with such a high price.

It is still very popular and many collectors are eager to own one.


With Ibutisamu’s status and wealth.

He can buy the Master String Tone Blue Watch from Patek Philippe, which is naturally not difficult.

And the fact that he could specially prepare this gift shows his sincerity.

"Thank you for the gift."

Lu Zimu smiled slightly and said, "I like it very much!"

After accepting such an expensive gift, he naturally didn't mind smiling.

"As long as Mr. Lu likes it."

"If Mr. Lu likes watches."

"Then when I encounter a suitable watch in the future, I will definitely give it to Mr. Lu again!"

Ibutisamu said immediately.

If Lu Zimu can be satisfied, this gift will not be in vain.

"Prince Ibutisam."

"Actually, if you have something to say, you might as well just say it."

"We have traded so many times, some words can be more straightforward and there is no need to be so polite!"

Lu Zimu also spoke directly.

He wanted Ibutisamu to take the initiative to reveal his purpose first.

Although he already knew the latter's intention, he still wanted him to speak first.

"Mr. Lu, that's it."

"Didn't I tell you last time that I wanted to buy a special weapon."

"It's best that this kind of weapon can make even the United States fearful. Didn't you say you would help me think of a way? Have you thought of a way now?"

Ibutisamu said hesitantly.

This time he came to see Lu Zimu and spent so much money on a meeting gift.

It has only one purpose.

That is to obtain weapons that can make the United States fearful.

Everyone will know what this special weapon is.


Ibutisamu also does not expect to overthrow the United States.

I just hope that it can be a little more fearful and stop oppressing the Shaluotuo Kingdom so much.

America has no money.

A lot of garbage will be forced to be given to the Shaluotuo Kingdom. If the latter doesn't buy it, it won't be enough, and it will always pay various protection fees.

If the Sand Camel Country had even slightly threatened the United States' weapons, it would not be so passive, and the United States would not be so unscrupulous.


This is the purpose of Ibutisamu.

There is no need to overthrow the United States, just a certain threat is enough.

"Mr. Lu, please don't worry."

"As long as you can help us find a way, you will have a permanent friendship with our Sand Luotuo Kingdom."

"At the same time, we will never let Mr. Lu's work go in vain. The price will definitely satisfy Mr. Lu!"

Ibutisamu spoke again.

This is also so that Lu Zimu can make up his mind.

If you don't see a rabbit, don't let go of the hawk.

If there is not enough interest.

He knew it was impossible to get anyone else to do this.

After all, this job involves taking huge risks, so the rewards must be in place.

As long as Lu Zimu is willing to help.

Ibutisamu believed that Shalutuo Country would be able to afford the price.

If it doesn't work, just add more money, there is always a way.

"I thought of a way."

"This method may be suitable for the Shaluotuo Kingdom!"

Lu Zimu spoke.

He didn't agree directly, but he didn't refuse.

I thought of a way.

This shows that he is willing to accept this business.

"Mr. Lu, please speak."

"I believe this method will be very suitable for Shatuo Country!"

Ibutisamu said immediately.

His tone was already full of impatience.

Just one sentence filled him with great hope.

As long as there is no direct rejection, there will definitely be drama.


Lu Zimu always said there was a way.

Then this method can directly solve the problem.

"This is our newest weapon."

"Theoretically, the launch weight could exceed 100 tons.'

"The maximum range can reach 18,000 kilometers, and its strike accuracy can be within 50 meters."

"Moreover, the maximum speed can exceed Mach 30. With the current anti-missile system, it is basically impossible to intercept!"

Lu Zimu said slowly

This is what he came up with.


After hearing these introductions.

Ibutisamu immediately thought of this weapon.

Moreover, it is not only an intercontinental ballistic missile, but also the most advanced intercontinental missile in the world.

Because all public intercontinental missiles in the world have never achieved this performance.

No matter in terms of load capacity, range, accuracy, or speed, they are all inferior to the intercontinental missiles that Lu Zimu mentioned.

This intercontinental missile is directly displayed.

It can become the most unparalleled killer weapon in the world.

"Mr. Lu."

"Are you planning to sell us this ICBM?"

Ibutisamu was excited.

If you really get this kind of artifact.

The Shasha Camel Kingdom can raise its head in the whole world.

Moreover, the range of this kind of intercontinental missile is enough to be launched to any country in the world, including the United States.

This kind of weapon is enough to pose a great threat to the American homeland.

even though.

Ibutisamu does want nuclear weapons.

But he didn't expect it to be such a powerful nuclear weapon.

With this kind of intercontinental missile, the United States will no longer be so unscrupulous.

"you think too much."

"It is impossible to sell this kind of weapon to you."

"After all, according to international agreements, if I do this, it will be equivalent to violating the agreement!"

Lu Zimu said directly.

The so-called international agreement is just a rhetoric.

Essentially, he just didn't want the Shaluotuo Kingdom to get this kind of killer weapon.

Let the big dog owners take direct control of this big killer.

From his perspective, this is not a good thing.

Therefore, how could he sell such a big killer directly to the Shaluotuo Kingdom.


"Can't you sell it?"

Ibutisamu was completely confused.

He obviously said that he had a way to help him, but he showed the weapon but refused to sell it.

This made him wonder what Lu Zimu meant. Was it just a joke to make him happy.

"Mr. Lu."

"If you are worried about our Saudi Arabia using nuclear weapons indiscriminately."

"How about this, you sell this weapon to us and then give it to you to control, but advertise to the outside world that we are in control, do you think that's okay?"

Ibutisamu thought of a devious way.

As long as this kind of intercontinental missile can be purchased, it will be fine even if it cannot be controlled.

This kind of thing has not happened before.

The once impoverished Dragon Kingdom cooperated with the Shaluotuo Kingdom.

The Dragon Kingdom sold a batch of missiles to the Shaluotuo Kingdom.

But it is rumored that the control devices of these missiles have always been in the hands of Long Guo.

The Shaluotuo Kingdom only has control over missiles on the surface.

Regardless of whether you have this control or not.

It can also make surrounding countries afraid to verify this.

Therefore, this is also a good time for Shaluotuo Kingdom to live for a long time.

And now.

Ibutisamu wants to replicate this kind of cooperation.

As long as the intercontinental missiles are placed in Saudi Arabia, control does not need to be handed over to them.

"No, I won't do that!"

Lu Zimu refused directly.

Long Guo can do this, but he cannot.

It's not that I'm afraid of any consequences, I just don't want to be in trouble.

Longguo can send enough manpower to monitor the situation of these missiles at all times.

The Blood Blade doesn't have so many members to do this, so there will definitely be times of negligence.

not to mention.

In the absence of adequate supervision.

Anything can happen.

Therefore, Lu Zimu does not want to make such an attempt, so naturally he will not sell such intercontinental missiles.

"However, I am planning to test this weapon recently."

"I can test-fire this weapon in the name of the Sand Camel Kingdom."

"The launch time and attack location can also be decided and announced by the Shalutuo Kingdom!"

When Ibutisamu was disappointed.

Lu Zimu spoke again and told his method.

That is to test intercontinental ballistic missiles in the name of Saudi Arabia.


All countries will think that the Sand Camel Country has mastered the method of manufacturing intercontinental missiles.

This is more terrifying to some countries than purchasing intercontinental missiles.

Buy ICBMs.

It will only be a one-time deterrent, and it will be gone once it is used up.

But if intercontinental missiles can be produced, this deterrent will be long-term.

The threat of an ICBM is limited.

But the continuous flow of intercontinental missiles is a great deterrent.

"In the name of the Sand Camel Kingdom?"

This method.

Let Ibutisamu's eyes light up.

He felt that this method was not impossible.

This is even better than buying an intercontinental missile.

It's just a show anyway.

Even if you buy an intercontinental missile, you cannot have the right to use it.

In this case, it is better to pretend to be a Saudi Arabia and test intercontinental missiles, so as to scare more countries.

After thinking of this method.

It makes Ibutisam feel completely operational. .

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