His Artists Were Selling Arms, And Boss Yang Went Abroad Overnight

Chapter 74: Buy One And Get Two Free On Intercontinental Missiles, The Big Business Owner Is So Happ

Lu Zimu’s “method”.

Much to Ibutisamu's surprise.

He suddenly realized that this was indeed a good idea.

After all, he just wanted the Shaluotuo Kingdom to have a certain degree of deterrence.

As for whether it can attack other countries, it is very secondary. I have not thought about using intercontinental missiles to attack other countries.

Intercontinental missiles are such a big killer.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to use it.

And once a country really uses intercontinental missiles against other countries.

As long as the opponent's vitality cannot be directly eliminated, it will provoke an unprecedented counterattack.

The greatest deterrence will only exist until it is not used.

On the contrary, after using it, it will easily become the public enemy of the whole world.

Then this way.

Even if you are not qualified to use it, it seems to have no impact.

"Mr. Lu."

"The method you mentioned is indeed feasible to a certain extent."

"Then how much should our Shaluotuo Kingdom pay? Do you think it is more appropriate?"

Ibutisamu asked tentatively.

This is just launching intercontinental missiles in the name of Saudi Arabia.

He would not let Saudi Arabia directly hold intercontinental missiles, but he also felt that it would not be a small amount.

The purpose of the existence of intercontinental missiles is to deter the whole world.

Let all countries not dare to oppress their own country too much, and do not have to worry about external factors leading to the country's subjugation.

As for whether it can be used, that is secondary.

I have never seen any country actually launch intercontinental missiles to attack other countries.

Therefore, even if you cannot directly hold intercontinental missiles.

But as long as it has a deterrent effect, the value will not be much lower.

"The total cost of this trial."

"Probably in the range of a billion dollars."

"Let's do this. I won't charge you more, I'll just charge you two billion dollars!"

Lu Zimu said directly.

His tone sounded like he had made a huge discount.

It seems that Ibutisamu has taken a huge advantage. If it were anyone else, he would definitely not be able to buy it at this price.


Ibutisamu looked surprised.

Even Lao Bai and Xiao Wu's expressions were a little unbearable.

after all.

Lu Zimu himself first stated that the total cost was one billion US dollars.

Moreover, the total cost of one billion US dollars is not the cost of an intercontinental ballistic missile.

It is very likely that the total investment in research and development, radiation vehicles, satellites, etc. has been included.

Just the manufacturing cost of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

It is estimated that it is only one-tenth, or at most one-fifth, and there is absolutely no need for a billion dollars.


This was launched in the name of the Sand Camel Kingdom.

And these big dog owners in the Shaluotuo Kingdom are so rich.

Then all these expenses are contracted by the Shaluotuo Kingdom, so it cannot be considered a problem.

But even if it is the total investment in contracting.

That's just a billion dollars.

Even Lu Zimu himself has already stated this number.

If it's a billion dollars.

Both Xiao Wu and Lao Bai thought it was reasonable and there was nothing wrong with it at all.

Even Ibutisamu would still find it reasonable.

He also felt that Shaluotuo Country should bear these expenses, even if it does not get any technology.

But Lu Zimu himself said the total cost was one billion US dollars.

But then they turned around and wanted to take back the Camel Country's $2 billion, which was doubled in person without concealment.

To know.

This time an intercontinental missile.

Even if it is launched in the name of the Sand Camel Kingdom.

But all technology, including assets such as launch silos, belong to Lu Zishu.

in other words.

This intercontinental missile was not developed for Saudi Arabia.

Even if there was no Shaluotuo Kingdom, Lu Zimu would still launch this intercontinental missile.

Now it's just a name change at best.

He doesn't contribute a penny himself, so it's okay to let the Shaluotuo Kingdom contract all the inputs.

Now he's going to make an extra billion dollars?

This way of making money.

Both Xiao Wu and Lao Bai couldn't understand it.

Even if a big dog is treated as a big fish, it should not be slaughtered so openly.

At least you can't tell the total investment of one billion US dollars in person.

To put it bluntly, the total cost of this time is two billion US dollars, which will probably make Ibutisam feel better.

In fact.

Ibutisamu is indeed in this mood.

If Lu Zimu directly said that the total investment is two billion US dollars, he would be able to accept it.

But he had said one billion US dollars and had to charge him another two billion US dollars, which made it difficult for him to accept it.

"Prince Ibutisam."

"You don't understand what I mean. Two billion dollars is really not a penny more."

"Because these two billion US dollars are not only the cost of an intercontinental missile, but also buy one and get two free!"

Lu Zimu said slowly.

The price certainly makes sense.

Even if he regards the big dog owner as a big scapegoat, he will be able to explain why and will not trick the big dog owner into something unclear.

Even if it is a trap, it must be done in such a way that the other party feels it is reasonable and willing to spend the money.

This is what it means to be a profiteer.

No, it should be the highest level of selling arms.

"Mr. Lu, please speak.

“What does buy one get two free mean?”

"I really don't understand what buy one, get two free is!"

Ibutisamu said immediately.

He also wanted to understand what Lu Zimu meant in order to convince himself.

It is true that he is very rich and is very willing to spend the money, but he cannot let himself feel like a fool.

This is what a big dog owner insists on, and this principle must never be broken.

"I'll try one"

"Then I will give you two more coins. Although these two coins are fake."

"But on the surface, it can definitely be mistaken for the real thing, and it will be sent to the Shaluotuo Kingdom with great fanfare."

Lu Zimu said with a smile: "At that time, the whole world will think that the Shaluotuo Kingdom has two coins, so you can tell me if the two billion US dollars are worth it if you buy one and get two free!"


“It’s so worth it.”

“It doesn’t get more worth it than this!”

Ibutisamu nodded repeatedly.

His eyes lit up completely, and his expression was extremely eager.

This look makes it look like he has grabbed the best discount in the world.

It turns out this is a buy one get two free method.

But this buy one get two free deal does have a very big effect.

Even if it's a fake intercontinental missile.

But no other country in the world knows it is fake.

No country dares to verify the authenticity of intercontinental missiles.

This way.

Even if it is fake, there is no difference between it and the real thing.

Anyway, even if it is true, there is no chance of launching it, which is indeed the same as the fake one.

the most important is.

A real ICBM.

Not only does it have no chance of launching, it also costs a lot of money to maintain every year.

If it is not maintained properly or even operated improperly, who knows whether it will blow up our country.

But the fake ones are different.

There is no need for maintenance, at most it is just sweeping and dusting regularly.

This can save a lot of maintenance costs, and you don't have to worry about your country being bombed.

After thinking about this.

Ibutisamu feels that fake intercontinental missiles are the real value for money.

"I won't tell you if you don't tell me."

"No one in the world knows it, and all countries think it is true."

"These two billion U.S. dollars can at least guarantee the safety of your Shaluotuo Kingdom for ten years. Do you still think that my money is expensive?"

Lu Zimu said again.

His tone completely gave the other party a big advantage.

It seems that if the other party was not Ibutisamu, then he would not be able to sell it so cheaply.

Although, two fake intercontinental missiles do not cost as much as one billion US dollars.

Even a 1% budget is more than enough.

But this does not prevent Lu Zimu from charging this price.

What he received was not the intercontinental missile money, but the acting salary.

"Not expensive."

"It's not expensive at all, it's great value for money."

"Mr. Lu, you are my best friend. Thank you very much for your willingness to help me like this!"

Ibutisamu said excitedly.

He had been deceived to the point that he had to rip out his heart and lungs.

Two billion U.S. dollars, in exchange for ten years of peace for the Sand Camel Country, is indeed not expensive at all.

In his opinion, the money is worth it.

after all.

The Shaluotuo Kingdom invests so much in military expenditure every year.

But the effect was minimal and it was of no use.

And two billion U.S. dollars is only one-twentieth or thirty-sixth of what the Shaluotuo Kingdom's warlords spent in a year.

Just such a small amount of expenditure.

It can buy you ten years of peace.

This is equivalent to ten years of military expenditure, which is equivalent to hundreds of billions of dollars.


Ibutisamu really felt that Lu Zimu did not cheat him, but had already taken good care of him.

And as long as this business is really done.

Then he is the superhero of Sand Camel Kingdom.

Becoming the crown prince of the Sand Camel Kingdom is just around the corner.

As long as the time comes, he can naturally inherit the position of king of Shaluotuo Kingdom.

The thought of this.

Let Ibutisamu be even more excited.

"Mr. Lu."

"Your launch plan."

"What's the success rate?"

Ibutisamu asked immediately.

The launch success rate of intercontinental missiles is very important.

There are only a few countries in the world that can develop intercontinental missiles.

The United States wants to update its intercontinental missile technology and replace its previous intercontinental missiles, but so far it has stumbled.

It can be seen that the research and development of intercontinental missiles is indeed very difficult.

not to mention.

Lu Zimu's intercontinental missile is still the most advanced technology in the world.

If he can achieve this step, he cannot cross the river by feeling stones. He can only rely on himself to slowly explore.

in this case.

It’s hard to say what the success rate is.

If the launch fails, it means nothing, and all illusions will be shattered instantly.

"Do not worry."

"A conservative estimate would suggest that there is at least a 95% success rate."

"If the launch fails, I will give back all the money!"

Lu Zimu said immediately.

His tone was full of confidence.

In fact, since he has developed such a terrifying weapon, it is impossible for him to fail.

Only when he is sure that the success rate is close to 100% can he enter the launch stage.

Therefore, a success rate of 95% is already a very conservative estimate.

After hearing this assurance.

Let Ibutisamu be overjoyed immediately.

He is not worried about money, but worried about failure.

If he fails, he will become a joke.

"Mr. Lu."

"You are me

Ibutisamu's best friend.

"Please rest assured that as long as there is a chance in the future, I will definitely repay your friendship!"

Ibutisamu said extremely solemnly.

This intercontinental missile is related to whether he can inherit the throne of king.

That is indeed worthy of him treating Lu Zimu as his best friend and his best help in becoming king.

Listen to the words.

Lu Zimu just smiled slightly.

In fact, he doesn't need this kind of friendship.

As a qualified arms dealer, he only values ​​profits.

As for the friendship of customers, it is a dispensable thing.

But don’t reach out and hit the smiling person.

Ibutisamu is so enthusiastic.

Lu Zimu would not give the other party a cold look.

"Mr. Lu."

"I'm going back first. If I stay out for too long, many people will become suspicious."

"I hope I can hear your good news as soon as possible after I go back this time. I look forward to our next meeting!"

after this.

Ibutisamu also proposed to leave.

Now he doesn't dare to leave for too long casually.

He even doubted whether the person he brought here would become the person who betrayed him.

even though.

The people I brought with me this time.

They are all Ibutisamu's most trusted cronies.

But it's not like he hasn't been betrayed by his cronies, more than once.

It made him have dissatisfaction with the people around him.

Come here this time.

Ibutisamudu just asked these people to stay in the helicopter.

Coming to see Lu Zimu alone showed how worried he was.


But as long as the intercontinental missile is successfully obtained, these days will soon pass.

When the time comes, he won't have to worry.

Being so suspicious now is just because I am worried that the news will leak out and the plan will be ruined.

As long as the work is done, no one will be able to destroy it.


"Then walk slowly!"

Lu Zimu also nodded.

Once the business has been negotiated, there is no need to keep the other party.

And soon.

Ibutisamu climbed onto the helicopter along the rope ladder.

In the helicopter, he waved vigorously again and said goodbye to Lu Zimu and others.

Finally, the four helicopters slowly flew away.

"A big dog is a big dog."

"This time we made another billion dollars!"

A walk in Ibutisamu.

Xiao Wu couldn't help but cheered.

It's not like Blood Blade has never made so much money before, but this is the first time it's been so easy.

No wonder he was so excited.


"This time we made a net profit of two billion U.S. dollars!"

Lu Zimu corrected Xiao Wu's statement.

Instead of making a billion dollars, I made two billion dollars.

Listen to the words.

Xiao Wu was stunned.

"The boss is right."

"Because we were meant to experiment."

"Whether there is a Shalutuo Kingdom or not, we have to invest this money. Now it's just under a different name."

Lao Bai helped explain: "So, all the extra money paid by Shaluotuo Kingdom is our pure profit!"

It's like spending a thousand yuan to cook for yourself.

As a result, after a big dog owner saw him, he insisted on giving him two thousand yuan.

Just let yourself say to the outside world that this is a meal cooked by a big dog.

Then this way.

A thousand dollars was meant to be spent.

Now that there is an extra two thousand yuan for no reason, it is naturally a pure profit of two thousand yuan.

And the same reason.

The same is true for this transaction with the Shaluotuo Kingdom.

It’s not that we only made one billion U.S. dollars, but two billion U.S. dollars were all profits.

To this.

Lu Zimu nodded.

He meant the same thing.

"That's how it works."

"Then we've made more than just this much money."

"Because Ibutisamu also gave us two thousand kilograms of gold, which is worth almost 900 million!"

Xiao Wu immediately compensated.

This batch of gold is not a small amount.

Two thousand kilograms of gold.

It was indeed not easy for Ibutisam to gather it together in such a short time.


"Get ready quickly."

“There is a lot of work this month, and I won’t have time to take a vacation until it’s all done!”

Lu Zimu began to arrange work.

Whether it is the next auction of the electromagnetic gun.

Whether it is the test of intercontinental ballistic missiles, they are all very critical tasks.

There is no room for failure in any of these tasks.

Especially the testing of intercontinental missiles.

Once successful, it will shock the whole world, and there must be no mistakes.


"We only have one chance to experiment."

"If this fails, the whole world will try its best to stop us from conducting the test!"

Lao Bai sighed.

To this.

Lu Zimu also nodded.

The deterrent power of intercontinental missiles is too terrifying.

It would be even more terrifying if a private organization had such a killer weapon.

Once discovered by other countries, they will definitely join forces to stop it.

Therefore, he only has one chance to experiment, and he will never allow nine failures. .

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