His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1035: Everything will be true (5)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

"You don't know about it now. Ome bamboo horses are all popular now. I don't order good boys now. After you go to college, it's all other people's ..." Zhu Yuyu said for a moment. She murmured: "Why should I tell you this, don't want to take me to change the subject, don't lie to me, what you just said must not be true, how could you like men, last time you said clearly Sexual orientation is normal. "

Her sexual orientation is of course normal.

Before Rong Mo said anything, Shang Mo talked first: "He definitely likes men only and has no interest in women."

This words shocked both of them directly.

As if the answer wasn't enough, Shang Mo glanced at Rong Mo and kissed her directly on her face.

The hot and humid touch on her face made Rong Mo feel a little bit, and when she realized what it was, her brain exploded like a volcano.

There seemed to be countless lava in an instant, rolling freely in her mind, making her stunned and startled.

This Shang Mo actually kissed her face, and Rong Mo felt that all the cells in his body were paralyzed at this moment, leaving only the heart beating and the flames raging ...

But Shang Mo looked calm and looked at Zhu Yuyu and said, "Did you see it? The two of us are together."

Rong Mo: "..."

Zhu Yuyu: "..."

She looked at Rong Mo, and then looked at Shang Mo.

I blinked and forgot to cry.

She knew that Rong Mo was hurt and immediately came out to visit him. She also wanted her future boyfriend to keep their promise and not be seduced by potential love rivals.

As a result, the agreement was forgotten.

The potential rivals have become the rivals directly.

And also kissed her. The kiss just now was full of domineering, apparently declaring sovereignty! !!

What's going on?

It must be that she woke up early today in the wrong way, only to be blasted one after another by thunder.

Zhu Yuyu looked green and white for a while, she looked at Shang Mo incredibly, and wanted to question him, cousin, how could you take my boyfriend away?

But she has always been a little afraid of this cousin, who makes him always give a sense of indifference.

She looked at Rong Mo again, hoping to get a negative answer here.

Rong Mo is very generous and very helpless.

Unexpectedly, Shang Mo also grabbed her hand, intertwined with her fingers, and gave her a tender look at her, saying: "Keep away from him."

At this moment, Zhu Yuyu's heart collapsed, and she finally couldn't stand crying: "Impossible, you lie to me."

"Don't cry, lest others think I'm bullying you," Rong Mo took this opportunity to break away Shang Mo's hand and took a paper towel to Zhu Yuyu.

Although she said that she likes men, she really didn't want the monk Mo to play a couple.

But he already said that, and she couldn't pierce directly at the moment.

Zhu Yuyu took a tissue and wiped her tears. She sucked her nose and said, "Then tell me, whoever you attack is the one who suffers."

What attack? Rong Mo doesn't really know, but he can feel that he can't ask, and it's estimated that he will help.

Shang Mo next to him asked, "Is this important?"

Zhu Yuyu said: "Of course this is important, the difference between the top and the bottom is too far."

If it's on top, it's either fake or forced to bend, but it can still be pulled back.

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