His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1036: Everything will be true (6)

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Zhu Yuyu said: "Of course this is important, the difference between the top and the bottom is too far."

If it's on top, it's either fake or turned.

Rong Mo still doesn't understand what this means, but she thinks Shang Mo will never be willing to be below. After all, how could such a strong and overbearing man agree to be below, so she said naturally: "I am above."

Zhu Yuyu immediately burst into tears and laughed.

But Shang Mo's face turned completely black.

When he found that he wanted Rong Mo, no matter whether Rong Mo was a man or a woman, all he wanted was to put Rong Mo under his body and hurt it severely, but he never thought that Rong Mo should be at this point.

Huh, I want Rong Mo to be on top of this weak and windless look, he can hold it with one hand.

"If you are on it, it doesn't necessarily mean that you really like men." Zhu Yuyu said that they must be fake together, how could a cousin let people under him.

Of course, the possibility is not ruled out, cousin Super Love Rong Mo is willing to be below.

She shook Rong Mo's hand and said earnestly: "I will definitely take you back to the right path."

Although the rotten girl is the leader, she has also rotted the male and male CP, but she absolutely does not allow her to like men and to form a CP with her cousin. She must strive for her own love, and her cousin will not give up.

Rong Mo's mind was faint.

It turned out that she was a woman, and she said that she liked men, so she acted in the true nature.

Now Shang Mo is so mixed, adding drama to the scene, completely messing things up, her head is almost big, but there is no way, who let her in the beginning, I do not know how to provoke Zhu Yuyu, kill myself, kneel I have to go on.

Shang Mo's lip corners, with a little mockery: "You first let yourself go on the right track and then say, do you want me to call your parents?"

Zhu Yuyu grumbled awkwardly, then provocatively said, "Cousin, you said you were a couple of brother Rong Mo, would you dare tell this to grandma?"

Shang Mo looked at her coldly, with a casual look: "If it's not so easy to come out of the closet, naturally you can't talk nonsense, but it doesn't matter if you say it."

"It's better to hit the sun, or say it today, I'll talk to my grandma now." Then, Zhu Yuyu ran straight out and she didn't believe Grandma Shang would agree.

Rong Mo was so scared that at this moment his heart was disturbed, and he quickly followed up: "Yuyu ..."

But don't let grandma know that grandma knows she's a woman and wants to make up with her and Shang Mo. If I heard Zhu Yuyu say this, I don't know what I would think.

But she followed, and Zhu Yuyu flew in front of her grandma, crying aloud, "Cousin, he said he and Rong Mo are together. They are both men. How can they be together?"

As soon as Grandma Shang heard it, she couldn't sit still, suddenly stood up and asked excitedly, "What are you talking about? Rong Mo and Shang Mo are together?"

What happened and what happened, she was still trying to make up for her grandson and Rong Mo. Today I heard that they are already together.

With the inner joy, Rong Mo shouted before he rose: "Grandma, it's not like that!"

Zhu Yuyu looked at her with a tangled look: "Which way is it? Did you just lie to me just now, you don't like men at all and you are not with your cousin."

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