His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1037: Everything will be true (7)

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"I like men, this is definitely not wrong ... Grandma, I ... what should I say, I think you should understand, it is impossible for me and Yuyu ..."

Rong Mo explained with a scorched head. When she saw her grandmother looking at her with a smile, she sat down on the sofa again, with a look of "I silently looked at you to explain".

She thought her grandmother's smile was fun, and she seemed to be a little gloating.

At that moment, she almost laughed ...

She wanted to explain the point: "My monk Mo, we ..."

"They are indeed together." Shang Mo went downstairs and suddenly said such a word, interrupting Rong Mo's words.

Rong Mo was messy in the wind, and finally explained for a long time. As a result, the more he explained, the more chaotic he became, and the more he explained, the darker he was.

Grandma Shang looked very calm on the surface. Actually, the whole person couldn't sit still, and her heart was agitated, but she didn't show it.

At that moment she really believed.

But she knows her grandson too well. If it is true, the grandson will not say so casually, so the two should not be together. Today, it ’s probably for Yuyu, but he must use this trick to represent his grandson. I like Rong Mo.

It's just that he likes Men Rong Mo or female Rong Mo?

But the servants next to him exploded, all stunned and stunned.

Their inner activities are called colorful.

The old lady needs to know if the little boy she rescued completely pulled Mr. Shang, would she be frustrated [horrified].

Mr. Shang is really a **** [di sweat].

Relative to gay, why do you think it is better for men and women to take all the food? [Bad laugh].

The old lady was so angry that she couldn't understand the rhythm ... [surprised].

Grandma Shang looked at Shang: "What you said is true, you are with Rong Mo ..." After a pause, she also added a sentence: "Two men."

Shang Mo hesitated, then nodded.

Originally thought things should be difficult, but at the time of nodding, he was unexpectedly a little ... relieved.

Either half-truth or half-baked grandma is tempted, just as a vaccination for grandma. Now that he has decided to tolerate Mo, that day will come sooner or later, who is the man who tempts him.

Rong Mo, beyond the initial panic and persecution, was ashamed to the extreme.

She didn't want to say anything, wait for Yuyu to leave and explain to her grandma.

Grandma Shang was sitting on the sofa with a look of grace and Tsinghua, with a few unpleasant dissatisfaction at the corners of her eyebrows. Obviously she was in a bad mood at the moment.

Everyone looked at Grandma Shang nervously.

She glanced at everyone: "You are so big, if I say you are not allowed to find a man, would you agree?"

Shang Mo replied directly, with a strong tone: "No!"

Rong Mo flinched his head, a look to be explained: "Grandma, actually ..."

"That's it!" Grandma Shang's arrogant big hand waved. "So, what else can I say."

Grandma Shang's response shocked everyone, including Shang Mo.

Why didn't Shang Mo think that grandma would open the door so much, didn't she always want her great grandson?

Zhu Yuyu held Grandma Shang's arm and cried loudly, "Grandma, look at my cousin, Shang's family is just a man. No, absolutely no."

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