His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1045: Everything will be true (15)

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Looking at Su Qianyu who has been calm, in fact, his heart is also faint.

After she looked at Rong Mo upstairs, she looked at Lu Yanzhi and reached out to him: "Trouble you, give me the keys to my house."

Lu Yanzhi kept staring at her intently, her face was indifferent, her voice seemed to be the same as usual, and she said indifferently: "It seems that these days I have been away, you have been very good."

The tone is gentle, just a declarative sentence, and no one can hear any emotions.

Su Qianyu felt Lu Yan hold the pair, looking at his deep black eyes was so dark and scary.

In this gaze, her heart beats quickly and uncontrollably. She bit her lip and smiled: "I have been doing well, not just these days, as long as you don't show up, life is beautiful. "

Lu Yan insisted on hearing the words, took a few steps forward and settled in front of her.

Suddenly he came to the front, so close, and his body was about to stick together. Su Qiandi was startled, and stepped back unconsciously.

Suddenly the air was freezing, and it was out of breath.

Su Qianxian frowned, staring at Lu Yanzhi, but when he looked at his cold gaze, he was inexplicably tense, his expression softened, and he even developed an urge to run away.

Fortunately, she usually plays a lot of these kinds of plays, and still can regulate her emotions.

She turned and sat on the sofa with her back straight. "Lu Yanzhi, if there is nothing, then I won't provoke you. After all, there are still ... people in my family. When you leave, put my key on the coffee table. Thank you. "

Lu Yanzhi did not leave, but approached her, stood a few steps in front of her, lowered her head, and looked at her sitting on the sofa at an overhead angle.

He went to the border a few days ago to carry out a very important task.

When he returned, he heard what happened in the hot spring villa and knew everything she had encountered. He didn't even report and went directly to her to find her.

As a result, she saw her and other men flirting and joking at her house, still a small white face.

She even bought him clothes. Is she really caring? ? !! !!

Su Qianzhen had stiffened his neck and raised his head to face him, but his aura was too strong, and she had to stand up again.

Lu Yanzhi still didn't speak, but looked at her calmly.

Prideful and indifferent.

Su Qianyi suddenly felt a little funny.

She turned away and looked out the window. After a while, she looked at Lu Yan and said, "Forget it, if you don't want the key, then don't give it. I don't want it anymore. I will change the lock. You keep the key yourself." Be a toy. You can be here if you want to. You can also take your time. We will go elsewhere. "

She wanted to go, but the road was blocked.

Su Qianyi's inner anger finally broke out: "Lu Yanzhi, don't be too much !!!"

Lu Yanzhi's face was slightly heavy, but this time he finally said again: "Let him go !!!"

The deep and cold voice is very indifferent and overbearing, with absolutely no doubt!

And he naturally refers to Rong Mo.

Su Qianxuan looked at his Lengjun face and sneered: "Why should I let him go? Who do you think you are? You wouldn't think we slept for two nights, what happened to me and you, right? Hahaha Lu Yanzhi, you used to be the kind of person who did n’t recognize anyone when you put on your pants, so do n’t play with me now! ”

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