His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1046: Everything will be true (16)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

She pointed at the door: "Rong Mo is now a man I like. I am planning to develop with her. I hope you will not disturb us anymore."

Lu Yanzhi's sight never left her face from beginning to end.

In fact, he didn't believe that she could see the little white face just now.

But he hasn't seen her previous fiance, it seems this is the one.

Lu Yan's hand on the side tightened tightly, and a cold stream of light appeared in his cold eyes. The killing Qi field was like hell, and Qing Qing's icy voice asked softly: "Su Qianyu, your paternity test has done No?"

Su Qiandi replied: "Done!"

Lu Yanzhi asked again, "What about your decision?"

Su Qianyu did not hesitate to speak, staring at him, word by word, like a falling bead, his expression was firm: "Nature is unchanged."

The room suddenly fell into a moment of silence, Lu Yanchi narrowed his eyes dangerously, and there was a cold scent of strangers all over him.

After a while, Lu Yan sneered, she took Su Qianji's key out of her pocket, and then threw it on the coffee table.

Without a trace of nostalgia, turned and left.

Su Qianzhang looked at his back and gave a slight stun.

With this man's behavior a few days ago, he should not be so refreshing.

Why did you leave suddenly?

He was gone, and the keys were also returned. That should mean that the representative would not be tangled with her anymore, then she should also feel happy, and then she didn't know why, but she felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

The eyes are astringent and the nose is sour.

When Rong Mo heard Lu Yanzhi left, he came downstairs and looked at Su Qianyu, who was obviously sad in his face. Rong Mo's face floated with helplessness and incomprehensibility, and said, "You obviously care about him. "

Su Qiandi laughed aloud: "So what?"

Care, why should you kick him out? Rong Mohu doubted: "Since he cares, and he likes you, then why should you reject him thousands of miles away."

Su Qiandi shook his head: "You don't understand."

Rong Mo said: "I heard that soldiers are very busy. Because of their heavy responsibilities, they must sacrifice part of their family interests in order to meet higher national interests and leave more time for work. Often you are tired. When you are sleepy, sad, or even in need of help, he may not be with you. But if you love him and he loves you, then do n’t worry about his profession. It does n’t matter if he likes a person. But if you do n’t have feelings, no matter how good your career is, it may not be when you are tired, when you are sleepy, when you are sad, or even when you need help, he may be by your side. I have never been in love, I do n’t understand Love between couples, but I know that if I like someone someday, I will be with him! "

Su Qianyu's lips seemed to be smiling, with a slight grievance in his tone, and he whispered, "But there is no feeling between us."

Rong Mo: "..."

The man cared about her, and she could see that she cared about the man.

"Well, don't say anything, I'll take you back." Su Qianyi suddenly changed the subject.

"No, I called my assistant to pick me up."

"I just need to go out."

She didn't want to stay at home alone. Every time she met Lu Yanzhi, she would want to sleep well. She knew that time went to Su's house today. She might as well go home and spend time with his grandfather.


PS: Everyone is happy on the weekend. It seems like the final exam is coming. I wish you all can get good results.

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