His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1057: Restore memory, sisters recognize (7)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

When I came to see Su's grandfather in the morning, Lu Yanchen said that he had something today, and time didn't let him pick her up. He called in the middle to know that Su Ya had come to Su's house, and Lu Yanchen went directly to Su's house after finishing his business. .

At this moment, Su Qianying was chatting in the living room.

He sat next to him, watching the time being disgusted and speechless. Su Ya was about to look at her when she was dealing with her. The glass cup in her hand was halfway up and paused. After she re-speaked, That's why I slightly touched my lower lip before continuing to drink water.

After listening, Su Qianzhen's eyes were all shocked, and he panicked, "Is it Yan Zi and Shi Ze ... Will we call the police?"

"The alarm is useless, Yan Zi and Shi Ze don't know where Mo Feifei is now." Lu Yanchenping drank the water calmly, lowered the glass, and said lightly.

"So why did Suya say that?" Su Qianyi was puzzled, his chest was violently undulating, and he hated his teeth. "It's hard to say that Suya is mixed?"

Shiguang said: "My sister and Lu Yanchen will take care of you. Think of Su Muyang now. I think the second wife was both suffocated. This child is really disgusting!"

Chihiro sighed: "He's too young for this child. He doesn't understand why you don't get angry. We will educate him when we look back. As for Su Ya, I think I should talk to her."

If she can, she hopes that Su Ya will not appear in the Su family again, and never approach anyone in the Su family again.

She got up and called, and time was sitting next to Lu Yanchen. "You investigate Yan Zi and Shi Ze, they really don't know the whereabouts of my sister."

"I don't know." Lu Yanchen said, and stretched out her arms around her shoulders. "But to reassure you, I will let people check it again, and Rong Mo's assistant has agreed to help me get Rong Mo's hair. Rong Mo is back. It won't be long before you know if she is your sister. "

Time smiled, his eyes were bent, especially bright in the sun.

She hugged Lu Yanchen and felt she was holding the star sea.

At this time Su Ya came downstairs, followed by Su Muyang with a bad face.

"You just said to Shiji, do you know what happened?" Su Qianyi was rare and serious, his face was indifferent.

"How is that possible?" Su Ya looked surprised, "How could I know where Feifei was, time, why would you say that?"

Time stood up and walked in front of her: "Su Ya, you just used my sister's whereabouts to make a deal with me. Why did you turn around and forget it?"

"I didn't say that just now, I said yes, I could ..." Su Ya was anxious for a while, and almost blamed, only to find out that the other side said it on purpose, but fortunately she responded quickly.

"... I can help you find the whereabouts of Feifei, after all, I have a responsibility to become a vegetative."

She quickly changed her words.

Su Qianyi and Shiguang looked at each other for a moment, and then looked at Su Ya: "The past is okay. No matter what happens, Su Ya, you will not come to Su's house in the future."

Su Ya was so pale that she was about to stand still.

Still next to Su Muyang gave a hand.

"Little aunt!" Su Muyang called Su Qianyi gritted teeth, and then angrily said: "You are so crazy! How could you do this to Sister Yaya ..."

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