His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1058: Restore memory, sisters recognize (8)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

"shut up!!"

Time frightened Su Muyang and interrupted her. The bad guy still let her do it. She looked at Su Ya and ordered word by word: "Because of your family, my family has suffered so much outside. Now that I ’m back, do n’t want to return to Su ’s house, even visits! Because I do n’t like you, I will see your sister when I see you, Su ’s house does not welcome you! ”

Su Ya's face was full of miserable expressions, her eyes were full of tears ...

Time sneered again and said: "Don't say what you miss grandpa, no one likes a person with a negative energy burst, only likes to get along with people with a positive sunlight. You see, every time you come, you cry, you do n’t bother We're all annoyed, not to mention that Grandpa is in poor health and needs to rest. Someone needs to make him happy, not a sad face in front of him every day. "

This time, be sure to let Su Ya completely break the Su family!

"But ..." Su Ya wanted to say, but she was sobbing and choked so deeply that she couldn't speak.

Her hands were around her chest, as if her heart was torn with blood and her heart was sore.

She lowered her eyes, her beautiful eyes were full of crystal tears, drop by drop, and then smashed to the ground, bursting into tears ...

Someone's breath was short, and it seemed that they couldn't breathe.

When time was about to turn around, I suddenly heard a shout, "Be careful!"

After Lu Yanchen finished speaking, he rushed over without hesitation, and ran over her waist.

She leaned violently, raised her eyes, and saw Lu Yanchen narrow her eyes dangerously, and at the same time she stretched out her foot.

Just kicked in Su Muyang's hands.

Su Muyang's hand was crooked, so the liquid that should have flown towards time immediately changed direction ...

Su Yazheng's eyes glowed with excitement. She thought that she could stir up Su's relationship. When she saw that time was about to be pulled away by Lu Yanchen, she also subconsciously reached out and wanted to hold the time.

Anyway, she said, she just saw the danger and wanted to avoid time ...

That knows, as you move forward, the liquid suddenly turns.

Her eyes were terrified, and she wanted to step back and hide, but it was too late.

A small part of the liquid fell on Su Ya's face, and she screamed.


Time didn't know what happened, only she knew that she was suddenly held in her arms by Lu Yanchen. After hearing Su Ya's scream, she stood still and looked up.

Everyone was shocked.

And Su Ya covered her half of her face, squatting on the ground and shouted in pain: "My face, my face !!"

She glanced at Su Muyang, who was beside him, and the glass bottle he was still holding firmly.

The glass bottles were all empty, and there was a lot of liquid flowing on the ground, and the ground where the liquid was flowing, there was a hot bubble, as if cooking something.

Time's eyes suddenly changed again, eyes widened, covering his mouth, half a ring could not return to God.

This is not water or drinks, but concentrated sulfuric acid!

Su Muyang was desperately preparing to splash her with sulfuric acid, trying to completely ruin her face.

No, the bear child was scared to death at this moment, and his mouth murmured, "How can it be sulfuric acid ..."

Although the bear child is mentally disabled, he is not so cruel. At first glance, he knows that this is sulfuric acid. Then all this is designed by Suya! !!

As a result, did you take it upon yourself? !!


PS: Good night, by the way, for a monthly ticket, for a recommendation ticket, for what? ~

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