His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1059: Restore memory, sisters recognize (9)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Time wanted to move forward subconsciously, but was pulled by Lu Yanchen, and pulled back a few meters, and then went forward by himself, meaning to leave things to her.

And Su Qiandi rushed forward quickly, "Su Ya, how are you doing?"

Although only a small part of sulfuric acid was on Su Ya's face, it was because she burned her face,

Su Ya trembled with pain, crying and running, she could not respond to Su Qianyu at all.

"Suya ..." Su Qianzhang walked up and lifted her up, took her hand away, and when she saw her right face, she suddenly breathed and stunned.

Oh my god, in a while, Su Ya's half of her face was about to be ruined. The skin that was once white as jade was now corroded by sulfuric acid, like a sand pit, with deep and shallow bumps, and it showed a dark color.


Su Qianzhang couldn't help but said aloud, "Uncle Wang and Wang, hurry up and call the doctor."

After the old man was sick, the family doctor was always at home, and the doctor just went out for a walk.

Then she comforted Su Ya: "Don't worry, you will be fine. Now that the medicine is well developed, I will contact the best burns and plastic surgery hospitals. No matter how much money it takes, how hard it will cost you, it will definitely restore your appearance !!"

Su Ya was tortured by the general pain of bone erosion at this moment. She could not speak any more than she could. She could only listen to Su Qianyu. She was supported by her and went upstairs to wait for the doctor.

With such a big movement, Father Su woke up and went downstairs with a cane in his hand.

After listening to the time, he looked solemnly and solemnly, looking at Su Muyang: "Where did you get the sulfuric acid."

Su Muyang was very afraid of Mr. Su, and he had special fear and respect on the ground. He was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground and said, "Grandpa, sorry, don't be angry."

The old man frowned, and was about to yell, and time hurriedly said, "He didn't know that it was sulfuric acid, and the bottle of sulfuric acid was still given to him by Su Ya. Originally, he wanted to splash me, Lu Yanchen pulled me away, kicked After Mu Yang's feet, Su Ya suddenly took a few steps forward, so she splashed some on her face. "

"What, splash you ?!" Master Su heard that, even more angry, when he raised the cane, he wanted to hit someone.

But it was stopped by time, and it shook, helping the old man follow his breath: "Grandpa, he really doesn't know ..."

There is a deep meaning in this sentence. Father Su gasped heavily, his complex eyes flashed with complex emotions.

At this time, Uncle Wang returned with the doctor.

The doctor heard that someone was injured and hurriedly went upstairs to give Su Ya treatment.

Father Su took a deep look at Su Muyang, and then asked Uncle Wang to help him upstairs.

The bear child was suffering a face, his eyes were red, and tears were about to flow out. Erxi went downstairs. After hearing the incident, he gave Su Muyang a slap.

Su Muyang cried and said, "Sister Yaya clearly said that it was soda, how could it be sulfuric acid."

Eryan gritted his teeth and said, "Do you believe what she said?"

If this sulfuric acid is poured on time today, then the Su family will not be peaceful. This Suya is really cruel! !!

"You can't tell the difference between sulfuric acid and soda?" Time was speechless.

If Lu Yanchen hadn't pulled her away just now, the bottle of sulfuric acid would fall on her face, and now her entire face ... just thinking about it would feel terrible.

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