His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1060: Restore memory, sisters recognize (10)

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But looking at Su Muyang's appearance, it is estimated that she was cheated like Shen Yiren at the time.

She sighed helplessly and looked at Eryi and said, "Eryi, don't worry, Su Ya should be okay, only a little hurt, the cosmetic surgery can be restored, and since she is so painful, she won't complain Foreign. "

Su Muyang looked at the time with complex eyes, and roared loudly: "Of course Sister Yaya will not sue me!"

Eryan Airway said: "Mu Yang, you are no longer young, do you not know what you are doing?"

Su Muyang poked his lips and didn't speak, he didn't really want to splash sulfuric acid.

Shiguang said, "Erh, don't blame him. He really doesn't know that it is sulfuric acid. After all, for so many years of love, Su Ya has always been a kind and gentle sister in his heart, and I am just a stranger. He believes Su Ya can't be more normal. "

Su Muyang was angry when she looked at the time, and said politely: "I don't want you to help me talk, you don't want to be kind."

Eryi wanted to curse again, but time stopped her, then looked at Su Muyang.

"Think about it for yourself. When Su Ya said to you what it meant by soda, she may not have made you splash, or even prevented you from splashing, but every word she implied, you were asked to splash me with soda. Water taught me. She did n’t directly say sulfuric acid because she knew that if you knew that it was sulfuric acid, she would n’t do it. She also deliberately put herself very low, she looked very hurt, and she was bullied by us. Look like this, you're overwhelmed by my soda !! "

Su Muyang thought about it, it seemed that was really the case.

But he still didn't want to believe it.

A man who has been with him for more than ten years, cares for him since he was young, and loves him, how can he suddenly hurt him?

"Sister Yaya is such a kind person, she certainly does not know." Su Muyang subconsciously justified Su Ya.

Er Yan directly touched Su Muyang's ear, "You stinky boy, you are in trouble now, I know, no, I will call your dad back, and I will let him take care of you ..."

"Don't don't! Mom, I know it's wrong." Su Muyang was very afraid of Uncle Su. The belt in his hand was too painful to pull on his body.

It ’s no surprise that Su Muyang would not believe it. In her place, someone told her that her cousin was a vicious woman. Whether it was true or not, she would think it was false. There was no reason, just because they grew up together. , Has more than ten or twenty years of affection.

She looked at Su Muyang and said, "You are not the first person or the worst one. There are too many people in her pit. You think you can do it, and there is nothing you don't want to admit."

Su Muyang's expression was a little stiff.

Lu Yanchen paused for a moment and said coldly, "Don't talk so much nonsense with him, he won't believe you, let him know if he loses in the future."

Just now, I didn't get sulfuric acid, otherwise he wouldn't let go of this kid.

Time doesn't want to care about Su Muyang, but grandpa cares about this grandson, and his second uncle and second wife treat her well.

She exhaled: "You don't believe me, do you? Then wait a moment, in front of Su Ya, and tell your grandfather that it is Su Ya's sulfuric acid to you."

Su Muyang still didn't believe that the goddess in his heart would count him, but if he didn't believe it, there was still a strange smell in his heart.

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