His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1070: Restore memory, sisters recognize (20)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

"Sister, I really like Lu Yanchen, I like it very much. He looks indifferent, and always laughs at me stupidly, saying that I look ugly, but in fact he is particularly good to me, which is sometimes special. Ao Jiao, hee hee, I call him Ao Jiao ...

"Sister, Lu Yanchen broke up with me. I'm so sad. I don't know why he broke up with me. He said he was tired, but the day before he said he would marry me."

"Sister, I can't forget Lu Yanchen, I miss him so much, but I can't find him, he's gone, and ignore me anymore."

"Sister, do you wake up? I'm really sad. I'm going to die. You wake up and comfort me."

"Sister, I went to college and will go to the provincial capital later, so we are moving today. However, it will take less time to see you later."

"Sister, I didn't come to see you when I won the championship. Are you angry? Something happened recently. I ... met Lu Yanchen again. The trophy was awarded by him ..."

"Sister, I want to teach Lu Yanchen to swim, and I want to teach him well, so that he can overcome water sickness, sister, do you say my decision is right or wrong?"

"Sister, Lu Yanchen said to marry me, I don't know why he married me."

"Sister, you are going to have an operation soon, and you will be able to wake up after the operation. I hope you can wake up before my wedding. I hope you can join me and Lu Yanchen's wedding."


My sister grew from a small person to a tall person, from a thin and weak girl, to a young and beautiful girl, and then became more and more beautiful, more and more sunshine ...

From the beginning full of hatred, to later forgiveness because of her, but also to know Lu Yanchen because of her ... to the end and Lu Yanchen really come together.

But she was still lying on the bed, she was not unconscious, she had, she could hear everything that time said, but she could not wake up.

Even though my eyes would sometimes open, there was still no way to respond.

Rong Mo bit his lip, but couldn't hold back anymore, but his tears fell down.

As long as she thinks about the suffering of her sister all these years, she can't suppress the sadness in her heart.

Sorry, Xiaoxiao, my sister didn't keep her promise and didn't protect you, but she made you suffer so much for her sister.

But please rest assured that you will never leave you in the future, never! !!

Rong Mo said here, so promised, finally she couldn't help, crying violently and crying loudly! !!

Time ...

my little sister! !!

Rong Mo sorted out her emotions, went to the bathroom to wash her face, and then changed her clothes. She was going to find time directly. She thought that she hadn't recognized time before, it must be because she didn't remember who she was.

But now she knew it, she was Murphy.

How could she still sit calmly and wait, make an appointment with Chihiro and then with the time side, no, she can't wait for a minute, she wants to see time now.

In her notebook, she has the address and number of time, so she can go to time directly!

Rong Mo sorted himself out and went downstairs. As soon as he arrived in the living room, he saw Da Shanzhang holding a tall figure and walked in from the outside.

It's Shang Mo.

He seemed to be drunk, and his body was exhaling.


PS: My sister remembered all the memories of the past. She was going to find time ... Good night, why not, finally ask for a monthly pass ~~

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