His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1071: Restore memory, sisters recognize (21)

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Shang Mo sat in the car for a while without any movement. Dashan stood outside puzzled. He wondered that Mr. Shang didn't go in and didn't leave, but just got in the car. What happened?

And the ordinary Mr. Shang will never make himself drunk.

In this way, Mr. Shang is really like the **** who took off his cold coat, and was instantly enchanted.

The drunkenness was completely on his head, Shang Mo could not help but feel a little uneasy. He couldn't tell the difference between today and evening. He probably forgot about the tangle in his heart.

Seeing this, Dashan hurried forward and helped him back to the house.

Just happened to hit, Rong Mo coming down from above.

Seeing Rong Mo pretty standing in the living room, his ink-like pupils suddenly stunned a few times, with a little lazy blur.

At the instant when the four eyes collided, he felt like an electric current at an instant, and reached the extremities and bones in his heart.

Rong Mo, for a moment, hesitated.

Shang Mo, who took off his glasses, seemed to take off Sven's wolf, and his whole body smelled of evil. If he was drunk again, a lazy look and a casual attitude would make him emit a poisonous body Fatal temptation.

Make people want to be close but not dare.

Dashan called out, "Rong Shao."

Rong Mo smiled and asked, "Mr. Shang is drunk?"

Dashan nodded, then asked: "Rong Shao, please help me cook a bowl of sober soup and sober up for Mr. Shang."

Rong Mo wanted to refuse, she anxiously wanted to see time.

But when I looked at the clock in the living room, I realized that it was too late.

It's almost midnight.

She didn't realize the problem of time before, and think about it is not bad at this time, or else find time tomorrow.

But after a while, she can take Shang Mo's cell phone and call Time.

Seeing Rong Mo hesitated, Dashan realized that Rong Mo was going out, and he immediately apologized, "Sorry, I don't know Rong Shao rushed out."

"No, I won't go out tonight. You Fushang return to the room, I'll cook sober soup." Rong Mo said, turned and went to the kitchen.

Shang Mo's eyes have been following Rong Mo's back, his eyes are hot and blurred, as if to melt people.

"Where are you going?" When Rong Mo turned on the electricity, a low-pitched voice sounded behind him.

She turned her head and saw Shang Mo leaning against the threshold of the kitchen, staring at her deeply.

Rong Mo turned and looked at him and said, "I want to meet a friend."

"Who ?!" Shang Mo chased after him.

Rong Mo didn't want to tell him yes, she was going to see the time. She had a good relationship with her grandma, so good that she could tell her everything, but Shang Mo, she really was not familiar with him.

Shang Mo, who couldn't get his promise, took a few steps forward, squinting his eyes dangerously, "Chihiro?"

The two were very close, and the wine on him was smoky.

Rong Mo slightly wondered how he would mention Chihiro, so he shook his head: "Not her."

Shang Mo Rubing's complexion looked a little better, and then he took two steps forward, his footsteps, Rong Mo saw him shaking, for fear that he fell, but just reached out to help.

As a result, Shang Mo directly rested her body weight on her hands.

She was so small that she almost didn't help Shang Mo, but she helped the mountain behind her.

Er, this is how much alcohol is drunk, and Shang Mo in the impression is extremely calm, and he should not be intemperate with alcohol.

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