His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1072: Restore memory, sisters recognize (22)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Rong Mo and Da Shan helped Shang Mo to his room.

"Rong Shao, please get a towel." Dashan said to help Shang Mo take off his shoes.

Rong Mo went into the bathroom and wet the towel with hot water. He wanted to give the towel to Dashan and let Dashan wipe his face.

As a result Dashan didn't answer, but also pulled back, Rong Mo frowned, this is to ask her to wipe: "..."

She froze, and had to help Shang Mo wipe her face with a towel.

Shang Mo really drank too much, and his headache was terrible, especially in the temple, as if something sharp was stabbing. He took the hot towel on Rong Mo's hand, and put it on his face.

The warmth came, which made it more comfortable.

After a while, he closed his eyes, took off the towel, and handed it to Rong Mo: "It's cold."

Rong Mo reached out to take over the towel and washed it again with hot water. After unscrewing, he took it out to Shang Mo.

Shang Mo covered the towel on his face again, and was slightly awake after he felt comfortable. Opening his eyes, his eyes locked in Rong Mo's face.

Rong Mo inexplicably thinks that this Shang Mo is like a poisonous poppy flower.

It is extremely unexpected that the difference will be so great if one wears glasses or not.

Shang Mo's white fingers covered his temples, kneading gently, then slightly frowning, watching Rong Mo sitting beside the bed.

It seems that I want Rong Mo to help him press.

But Rong Mo has been sitting still without moving.

His face was not very good. He raised his eyes slightly and looked at the big mountain standing aside. His eyes were cold and cold, and the big mountain froze. He looked at Shang Mo in amazement, looked at Rong Mo, and then silently. Back out.

Shang Mo closed her eyes, leaned on the bed, and handed the towel to Rong Mo.

Rong Mo got up and found out that Dashan had gone out. She took a moment and returned with a towel.

Cover the towel on the face again, and Shang Mo's body turns, lying directly on Rong Mo's legs.

Rong Mo's clear little face was full of astonishment, and his eyes opened slightly blankly, very confused: "..."

What does it mean?

How could he lie on her lap.

Rong Mo's body became uncontrollable and stiffened step by step. For the first time in his memory, he was so close to a man, and his heart jumped uncontrollably.

"Headache!" Shang Mo frowned, and his cold voice ordered: "Press."

Rong Mo erred in his heart.

Drunk Shang Mo is inexplicable like a child.

She was a little speechless and helpless, so she reached for his temple and pressed it lightly.

The intensity is moderate, slowly rubbing and pressing, extremely comfortable, Shang Mo's frowning brows slowly relaxed, and now he doesn't have a headache, and he feels very comfortable. A charming smile is drawn from the corner of the mouth under the towel.

"Mr. Shang, you still don't want to drink so much wine in the future. Grandma will be very worried when she knows it." Rong Mo didn't want the atmosphere to be too rigid, so he just said casually, also Grandma Shang.


She didn't expect to respond, she didn't want Shang Mo to respond a little, Rong Mo was surprised for a moment.

"You like Chihiro." Suddenly, Shang Mo asked.

Rong Mo's movement of pressing in her hand stopped subconsciously. She looked at Shang Mo in surprise and asked, "Why do you say that?"

How could she like Chihiro, she and Chihiro are both women.

Shang Mo didn't say anything anymore, and his face was covered with a towel. He couldn't see what he was thinking or thinking.

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