His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1084: Restore memory, sisters recognize (34)

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You can't see your face, but you can feel them fierce.

They were very fast. Even if time felt something was wrong, they turned to run, but before they took two steps, they were pulled by their clothes from behind.

The man's hand gripped Time's neck, and the other man moved forward, holding a white cloth over his mouth.

Time passed out immediately, and when his body was soft, the bag in his hand fell to the ground.

The three men took time and dragged it into the car as fast as possible.

The dim parking lot was empty.

Rong Mo shook her body violently like an electric shock. She looked at the scene with tears in her eyes in terror. It was estimated that it was less than a minute, but she could scare people.

She froze for only a second, but when the speed rushed over, the car just rushed away.

Rong Mo wanted to catch up immediately, but how could her legs catch up to the car.

The time car stopped next to her, and her bag fell to the ground. Rong Mo picked it up, and there was a car key in it. She quickly pressed it and a noise came from the car.

After determining which car, Rong Mo immediately got on.

After sitting in the car of time, she thought that she would not drive.

She raised her hand and struck her head twice, calm, calm, this time must be calm.

In fact, she is not completely incapable. In memory, she has learned to drive. Just a while ago, the agent said that she had to get a driving license even if she didn't drive often.

She practiced subject two, but the technique was not very good. After all, she just learned it for a long time, but normal driving was not a problem, but she didn't officially cross the road.

100,000 in a hurry.

She didn't care about that much anymore! !!

Rong Mo sighed hard, trying to restrain his panic, and followed the operation in memory, shaking his hands to start the car.

She clenched the steering wheel hard, and then drove carefully out of the car.

She was not driving fast, and she was far away from the car. Fortunately, there were not many cars and no forks. She could see which way they were going.

No, it can't be slower, and it's going to be lost anymore. As soon as she stepped on the accelerator suddenly, the car moved forward like a runaway wild horse.

The car suddenly accelerated, scaring Rong Mo's heart to jump out.

However, she couldn't control so much at this moment. When thinking of the picture of being abducted just now, Rong Mo completely forgot the so-called panic.

But her technique was really bad, and she caught off guard. When the car was almost turning, it hit the railing next to it.

She was scared to death, but fortunately she stepped on the brakes.

Otherwise, she was about to hit it directly. She wanted to quit the car and keep up with the car in front, but at this time she saw that she picked it up, and a mobile phone fell out of the time bag.

After she transferred to a parking space, she quickly picked up her mobile phone.

At first, she wanted to dial 110 directly. At this time, she thought of the alarm instinctively.

But click on the call log sign, which shows the recent call, the top phone is the word "Audrey husband".

Time's husband ... Lu Yanchen.

How did she forget Lu Yanchen? At this time, she should inform Lu Yanchen as soon as possible, and regarding Lu Yanchen's ability, he should be able to save time faster! !!

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