His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1085: Restore memory, sisters recognize (35)

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After Rong Mo clicked on Lu Yanchen's number, he pressed Mute, and immediately started the car and chased forward.

After the call was connected, Lu Yanchen heard the sound of the car starting, and a strange voice: "Lu Yanchen, time has been abducted, you can save her quickly."

Lu Yanchen held his hand tightly, "What did you say?"

This is Time's call, and this voice ... should only have been heard once or twice, but he can tell that this is Rong Mo's voice.

After all, it was a call from a stranger, and normal people would not believe it.

Will doubt and verify.

Rong Mo said anxiously as he drove: "I'm Rong Mo ... and I'm Mo Feifei. I came to the provincial swimming team to find time. In the parking lot outside the provincial swimming team, I saw a silver van and suddenly stopped in time. In front of me, three tall men came down and fainted. I dragged the time into the car. The van did n’t have a license plate number. I was driving in time while I was catching up, but I actually did n’t drive. I really They ca n’t catch up with them, and they are thrown away so far that they can hardly see the shadow of their car. Hurry up, hurry up and find a way to save time !! "

Abduction? Lu Yanchen panicked.

You should n’t listen to time last night, you should call to arrange everything, and it will not be today ’s abduction.

It was also unexpected that Su Ya was so impatient that she could not wait for a moment.

He stared coldly at the front, clenching his cell phone to compel himself to calm down, and then calm down again: "You send me the address right away, you won't drive, stop chasing, stop the car on the side of the road and wait for us."

If Rong Mo is not the only one, and if Rong Mo is in trouble because of saving time, it will make time hard to kill himself, and he will not be happy for a lifetime.

He will save time, and it will definitely make time okay.

And Rong Mo can be fine!

Lu Yanchen quickly called his assistant and Chu Mubei and asked them to bring up the surveillance video of the parking lot of the provincial team and the surrounding sections.

Less than five minutes, the monitoring during the time of the incident occurred on Lu Yanchen's mobile phone.

Seeing time desperately trying to escape, seeing time trying to save, seeing time being dragged onto the car ... Lu Yanchen hung his heart, his eyes filled with murderous and haze.

He calmly pondered how to save time as fast as possible!

There are two kinds of people who can abduct time, one is for money and the other is hatred.

If it is money, the other party will not be silly to move people in the Lu family.

Then the latter, there is enmity.

Those who hate time, Su Ya, Yan Zi ... may also hate him and set the goal on time, but those who hate him and dare to do so are only Shi Ze.

But during this time, Ishizawa's company has been so busy that he's burnt out. He worked overtime every day in order to stabilize the company, so he couldn't have time to do this.

Yan Zi and Shi Ze were hung up together, and now they were upset again. After understanding the truth of their parents' derailment, it is unlikely that they would have the mood to get kidnapped.

Therefore, except for Su Ya, the abduction time was not the second candidate.

To be usual, of course, the smart Su Ya will not be so impulsive.

But during this time, she suffered a lot in time.

Her face was disfigured, and her burns were very serious. Even after cosmetic repairs ...

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