His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1087: Restore memory, sisters recognize (37)

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The man carried her for a while, and threw it casually, just as casually as dropping a sack. The moment he was thrown to the ground, there was a lot of pain on the side of the ground, which made her dizzy.

Almost subconsciously moaned.

But in order not to be found that she was awake, she could only bear it.

It may also be because of the drug problem. Although I woke up, my head was still groggy.

There was a sudden light in front of him. It was the man who removed the cloth strips from her eyes, and her eyes moved, but the man did not find her awake, but said to another man next to him, Women look pretty. "

Mr. Zhou scolded: "I tell you not to fuck, this is the Lu family."

"Haha, I just talk about it."


The two men talked about leaving with a grin.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, time narrowed slightly, and the surroundings were very dark, with no lights or windows.

Lying on the ground was an uncomfortable concrete floor, greasy and disgusting, and the smell of rot permeated the air.

Don't know where this is?

She moved her body, shook her body, and used her hands tied behind her back to see if she could get anything, but ended up with nothing.

The hands tied behind me were numb and painful, as was the mouthpiece, and the adhesive tape was very uncomfortable.

She endured the physical discomfort, and began to think about how to escape, or ask for help. She thought of her cell phone, which was in her bag, and it was her only help tool.

But even if it didn't, these people wouldn't have allowed her to bring her in.

She licked her chapped lips, closed her eyes for a while, and when she opened her eyes a moment later, she seemed to be suitable for this kind of light. She could see where she was a little, all three walls were the only way out. The door was the small iron door in front, but there was no light coming in, and there were no noises around it. It seemed like a small basement, very quiet, cold and scary.

How can I escape from such a place?

Does Lu Yanchen know about her being tied up?

She seemed to hear Rong Mo's voice just now. Before that Rong Mo said she was coming to find her. Was Rong Mo already at that time, and she happened to be watching her not far away, but fortunately she arrived a little later, otherwise she would Just tied into danger.

And if Rong Mo saw it, he would surely find a rescuer as soon as possible.

This is a blessing in misfortune.

I hope Lu Yanchen will come soon ...

Time hung his head low, and sighed silently.

Suddenly, a voice faintly heard in my ear: "Ms. Su, we have brought people in as you instructed, but should you tell this to Wen?"

It was the voice of the boss that week.

"I already spoke to my brother." A female voice sounded indifferently. This Miss Su was exactly Su Ya determined by the time.

Su Ya's brother, Su Wencheng, was **** by their brothers and sisters, but what did she want to do? Time lay back on the ground again, still in the previous position, pretending that he had never woken up.

If she can't help herself, all she can do is delay her time.

The sound of the metal bolts being pulled open on the outside door, and the sound of a metal crash with a "click" sound, especially in the quiet and cold air, shocked the eardrum.

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