His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1088: Restore memory, sisters recognize (38)

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A dazzling light came in, and time almost closed his eyes.

The sound of footsteps came from her ears, and she continued to lie down, just as if she had fallen asleep, and still relaxed in her own bed, not being perceived as wrong because of stiffness ...

Boss Zhou's voice rang again: "Ms. Su, you can't show up and let her see your face, that's obviously offending the Lu family, telling the Lu family that you did all this!"

"What are you afraid of? This place is so secretive that Lu Yanchen couldn't find it. Could it be that you tied someone up and prepared to let her go? Let it go, wouldn't she know we did it?" Su Ya sneered With.

"... But Wenge said, just kidnapping can't hurt her." Boss Zhou again said that he obviously wanted to persuade Su Ya not to overdo it.

Su Ya slanted her lips and said coldly, "Don't hurt her, you thought you kidnapped Lu Yanchen's wife, Lu Yanchen would let you go? If you never think about things, the safest is the dead."


Brother Chou frowned and wanted to say but was interrupted by Su Ya.

"Just rest assured, this place is very secretive. Unless your people have betrayed you, even if there are ten Lu Yanchens, no one can come here."

"just in case……"

"Did you say enough?" Su Ya's face was hazy at this moment. "I will carry it if there is anything. Why don't you wake her up ..." Su Ya frowned and asked impatiently.

"Maybe the drug is too heavy." Boss Zhou explained.

"Go and wake her up." Su Ya ordered.

Immediately, two tall and strong men came to the time, dragged it very violently, and pushed hard.

The ground was cold and stiff as iron. This heavy smash broke the palm of the hand, and the blood on it leaked out. The eyes opened subconsciously when it hurt.

Raising my eyes, I saw Su Ya, who was holding her down high.

The light shone on her gauze-covered face, making her look awful.

Su Ya's eyes flickered strangely at the time-seeing eyes, and she suddenly bent her corners, like a sarcasm and a humor, and said with a smile: "You seem to have been awake long ago, you just pretended to be . "

Time looked at Su Ya unhurriedly, not afraid, but instead smiled, looked at her with interest, and asked, "Why tie me? Do you know it's illegal?"

This not only did not make Su Ya afraid, she also directly stretched her feet and kicked the time hard.

Time fell immediately to the ground again, and her hand "slammed!" There was a loud bang, and a severe pain came from the ground on one side of her arm. She could not help but groan.

She gritted her teeth and sat upright again, then raised her eyes and looked at herself, with a proud look of Suya, even though her body was sore and dizzy, she didn't even have the strength to sit up independently, but she still showed Very calm.

Su Ya-Leng looked at the painful look of time, and a happy smile slipped under her eyes: "I should have done this already. When you first appeared in our circle, you should let Yang Sitong kidnap you directly and let you in This world disappears, so that there will be no later series of troubles. "

Time narrowed his eyes slightly and asked with a smile: "Su Ya, this is really not like what you do ..."

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