His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1095: Restore memory, sisters meet (45)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Rong Mo reached out and hugged time, only to find himself, and actually forgot to tie time loose.

She quickly untied the rope. As soon as she got free time, she hugged Rong Mo severely: "I knew you were my sister, I knew."

"Sorry, my sister hasn't been able to remember who she is before. Sorry, I have been waiting for you for a long time, I am worrying you, and I have worked hard for you these years ..."

Rong Mo's soft voice murmured, his face was full of distress, and the hand holding time was more useful.

She vowed silently in her heart that she would never let anyone hurt her and her sister again!

Absolutely not! !!

"I'm not hard, as long as your sister is okay, I will not be hard !!!"

Time thought how happy she finally found her sister. She thought she should laugh, be happy, and smile cheerfully, but her eyes were sour, and she couldn't control the tears.

"Don't cry, don't cry ..." Rong Mo was in a hurry, wiping tears for time, then holding her hand to his feet: "Let's go, let's go here first."

Time nodded, then smiled, and screamed again: "... sister?"

"Huh?" Rong Mo looked at her, thinking she had something to say.

But then, time cried again, tears were falling like rain pouring down, but the corner of his mouth couldn't control it, and he smiled happily: "Sister."




"Sister, you finally came back, sister ..."

"Uh-huh, I'm back."

"Sister, sister, sister."



Just call the two of them like this, I should say one, and walk out of the small old building together.

But as soon as they went out, they saw a black car parked outside, and then Su Ya led the two men down.

Time and Rong Mo were startled.

Especially time, looking at the familiar man next to Su Ya, blinked incredulously.

Doctor Chang, Chang Xiaoyang?

How could he be here and come back with Su Ya?

Rong Mo almost subconsciously held the hand of Time and then carried her behind. This protective posture made Time feel extremely warm.

She thought sourly, and even if she talked to her sister here, she would have nothing to regret.

Rong Mo looked at Su Ya's car and had just left clearly. Why did he go and return.

I always feel that today's things are weird. They tied someone up, but nobody looked at it, and someone sent her an address. Is this a trap? still is……

Rong Mohu's suspicious look gave Chang Xiaoyang a deep look.

Or is someone helping her?

Unsure, Rong Mo only thought that time was okay at the moment. She slightly tilted her head and whispered to the time: "Seeing the car over there, wait for you to get in the car and then ..."

She wants time to go first.

But before she finished speaking, time went forward, stood in front of her, and said to Suya, "Suya, it seems that you don't want to listen to your brother. Do you want me to lose my life here today?"

"You killed me like this, of course I can't let you go!" Su Ya said with gritted teeth, reaching out and covering her face.

The look at time was cold and poisonous, and he couldn't wait to kill it with his eyes.

She stretched out her hand, motioned to the man next to him and Chang Xiaoyang to catch time and Rong Mo ...

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