His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1096: Restore memory, sisters recognize (46)

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The two men went up against Time and Rong Mo. Su Yake didn't believe they could run.

But things changed, but she did not expect.

Chang Xiaoyang suddenly hit the man's back with a palm, and the man's eyes fell dark, and his body fell to the ground as soon as he was soft.

Su Ya looked at Chang Xiaoyang in amazement: "What are you doing?"

Chang Xiaoyang ignored her, just watching Shiguang and Rong Mo, roaring: "You are not going away."

Rong Mo and Shiguang were also a bit dull. I didn't expect Chang Xiaoyang to come to this hand suddenly. After hearing Chang Xiaoyang's words, Rong Mo slammed back and hurriedly rushed towards their car.

Of course, Su Ya couldn't let them go, and rushed forward immediately, but Chang Xiaoyang grabbed her wrist.

Su Ya's angry face twisted instantly, "Chang Xiaoyang, you betrayed me, I won't let you go!"

Chang Xiaoyang said indifferently, "I haven't betrayed you. Wenge said that he can't move time."

"You don't have to make excuses, why did Mo Feifei appear here, and how could she find it here? You must have notified her. You like her, you love her, and you wouldn't think that she would fall in love with you. I'll be with you. "Su Ya was about to be furious, even a Yanzi, now she even helps Chang Xiaoyang.

"No!" Chang Xiaoyang denied.

"Don't deny it, you are an ungrateful thing. You really disappointed me. If you didn't have my brother and you, you can have the present scenery. As a result, our kindness to you can't even reach one more?" Looking at Chang Xiaoyang with big eyes, the anger in his eyes was undisguised.

Chang Xiaoyang looked at her coldly: "I won't forget your kindness to me, so I will let them go, if they go ..."

Suya cut off his words and roared: "Then you and they are gone now, will the Lu family let us go ?!"

Chang Xiaoyang said: "At least for now, the Lu family will not clearly be against you. As for the future, who will be the eternal friends and the enemies of all the wealthy families?"

"I don't care! Don't tell me this, I know this circle better than you, I know you do it all for Rong Mo !!"

Seeing that Rong Mo was ready to drive, Su Ya was anxious, and looked terrified and horrified.

She said angrily: "Chang Xiaoyang, you think you helped them like this, you will wash yourself white, and Mo Feifei will accept you, I told you that it is impossible, what you do to her, she will always I wo n’t forgive you, never! "

Chang Xiaoyang's face was hard to see: "Su Ya, if you keep on going alone, I will tell Wen what happens today."

Su Ya sneered: "My brother let me pass the time and reached a deal with Lu Yanchen. Maybe this kidnapping was a deal he set up, but what he asked me to do was say For me, he didn't want to help me out at all. He just wanted to take advantage of my kidnapping time to make a deal with Lu Yanchen !! "

Then, she laughed, her heart filled with coldness and irony.

In fact, everyone knows how it happened, but she has been reluctant to believe and admit it because of her brother-sister relationship for so many years.

Even if the interests of their brothers and sisters are paramount, they are also related.

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