His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1098: Restore memory, sisters meet (48)

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If you make a turn in the front, if you are pushed again by the car in the back, you will hit the mountain directly, and the consequences will be unthinkable!

At the time of a thousand shots, time suddenly turned the steering wheel, trying to get around.

Su Ya, who was behind him, drove into the car again, and the car of Time overturned.

Beside the highway was the sea, and the car rolled over the railings and rolled down.

"Boom! Boom!" Two beeps, not just the car of time, Su Ya's car also rolled along.

On the expansive sea, the water is soaring and the noise is boiling!

When the car fell, Rong Mo almost turned subconsciously and turned towards the time.

The car crashed into the sea with a bang, and the seawater immediately spread into the car;

Time looked at the car slowly sinking, and was relieved, fortunately, the sea was nearby, otherwise it would be dead.

She quickly grabbed things, broke the window glass and swam out quickly.

Waiting for Rong Mo to swim out, she suddenly remembered that her sister couldn't swim.

But it doesn't matter. With her in there, my sister can't swim and she can take care of it.

When time pulled Rong Mo out of the car, Rong Mo's body sank immediately.

She changed her breath, closed her fingers, flung her arms as far as possible, split the waves, her feet pushed the sea water flexibly and forcefully, and quickly moved downstream. She got behind Rong Mo and supported Rong Mo.

Rong Mo can't swim or hold his breath. At this moment, his face has become purple, and his eyes are closed, as if he will suffocate in the next second.

Time quickly grabbed Rong Mo's hand and took her sister out of the water.

When it surfaced, Rong Mo immediately opened her eyes, and then panted, she turned to look at the time and asked with concern: "Are you all right?"

Time smiled: "I'm fine, sister, we quickly swim to the shore ahead."

"it is good."

"Sister, kick your legs, paddle your hands, follow my rhythm of speaking, and swim forward together ..." Time asked.

Rong Mo nodded, took a deep breath, and kicked his legs backwards, one hand holding time and one hand paddling.

"My sister is amazing, that's it, come on, continue ..."

The sound of time has not fallen yet, Rong Mo suddenly plunged into the water, and time frightened, sinking quickly, trying to fish Rong Mo.

However, she saw that Su Ya did not know when she swam over, and dragged Rong Mo's feet in the water.

Time passed quickly towards Su Ya, and after a distance, she kicked her directly.

However, Su Ya stomped on Rong Mo's feet, she never let go. Time stretched out her hand to pull, Rong Mo reached out to hit Su Ya.

Su Ya couldn't fight one enemy, and soon she let go.

Taking this opportunity, Time pulled Rong Mo quickly and swam towards the shore at the fastest speed. When separated by a distance, Time pushed her sister forward, and Rong Mo immediately grasped the railing in front.

After fixing her body, Rong Mo immediately stretched out her hand and wanted to catch the time, but her hand only touched the fingertips of the time, before she could catch it, she watched the time with her eyes, and sank to the bottom of the sea again.

Rong Mo hung a terrified heart and yelled, "Time."

Time fought hard, and shouted at Rong Mo, "I'm fine, sister. If you do well, you must do well."

Then the body sank again.

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