His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1099: Restore memory, sisters recognize (49)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

It wasn't that she wanted to sink or swim, but that Su Ya had been pulling her feet in the sea.

Time sank into the sea, turned around, waved a sharp punch, and hit Su Ya fiercely.

But because her strength was weakened in the water, Su Ya's face just leaned aside, and she darted towards her, struggling with time in the sea ...

After all, time is a swimmer. Of course, Su Ya is not an opponent of time in the water. She pinched Su Ya's head in the water, and then took a breath from the water.

The next second, Su Ya was dragged into the water again, and time pulled away Su Ya's hand, and kicked Su Ya's chest.

Su Ya's body stepped back immediately, fell into the sea, and then sank down.

When time saw Su Ya sinking, she seemed to be hypoxic.

She made a lap in the water and wanted to swim over to take Su Ya. It was too cheap for her to die, and she couldn't die now. She had to get a trial before she died! !!

But at this time, time found his feet cramped.

She was **** for so long, she was drugged, her body was very weak, she swam to the shore with her sister again, and she fought with Su Ya for so long in the water. Now her hands and feet were soft, Plus foot cramps.

Not to mention taking Su Ya out, she seemed to have a hard time trying to save herself.

She emerged from the surface with one leg, and when she saw Rong Mo who had been watching her, she was so nervous and worried that she was about to cry when she saw her.

Time smiled, she stretched her aching arm and wanted to swim to Rong Mo.

It's not far away, as long as you swim a little forward, you can reach Rong Mo's hand ... but the action of the flapping can't be shown, and the body sinks.

The cold sea swallowed her face.

Rong Mo has been staring at the time, his heart trembling became a point.

When the time went down, she thought that time was just a change of breath, and as a result the time went down, she didn't get up again. She realized that something was wrong and shouted, "Little!"

Subconsciously, she wanted to jump into the water to save people, but when she fell into the water, she couldn't protect herself. She kept wading the water, so she could only make two splashes.

Rong Mo quickly grabbed the bar next to him, and then shouted, "Come here, save your life! Come here ..."

Her face was terrifying, never like that moment, hating herself for not swimming! !!

Just then, several black off-road vehicles suddenly stopped over the bridge.

Rong Mo looked up at the man who came down from the car. Although he was far away and could not see clearly, she was sure that it was Lu Yanchen. She immediately shouted: "Lu Yanchen, time is in the water, you go quickly Save her, time is in the water, save her !!! "

Hearing Rong Mo's words, Lu Yanchen looked at the sea below and said nothing, turned over the bridge rails, and said he was ready to jump into the sea.

Chu Mubei, who was next to him, was severely frightened. He immediately reached out and held Lu Yanchen's hand, and angrily shouted, "Lu Yanchen, you forgot, you are afraid of water sickness! Let ..." Let us go! !!

"Get off!" But before Lu Yanchen finished speaking, he pushed Chu Mubei away and jumped off the bridge.

Fuck water phobia, he's just afraid that he will lose time.

Chu Mubei is dumbfounded, mom! !! It really doesn't bother people and doesn't look at how bad their swimming skills are! !!

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