His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1100: Restore memory, sisters meet (50)

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Chu Mubei quickly took off his jacket, and then led the others to jump off to help Lu Yanchen.

After Lu Yanchen jumped out of the sea, he held his breath and sank into the water to find time.

He is not incapable of swimming and holding his breath for a long time. At this moment, his mind is full of time and nothing can happen, and water does not have any power of shock.

Lu Yanchen looked around in the water, the water dived deeper and deeper, but he did not see the time.

Where did she go and where did she go? She is a swimmer. She knows the best way to save herself in the water.

Even so, Lu Yanchen's heart seemed to be dug out and soaked in the cold water.

He emerged from the water, changed his breath, and then continued to sink deeper.

But the sea was only cold and black, but where was she?

Lu Yanchen has never been that moment, so scared as now.

No swimmer, no swimming champion, there is no way to comfort her.

There was a hint of red floating in the deep ocean in front. Lu Yanchen remembered the morning, when time went out, as if wearing a red skirt.

The heart beat fast, Lu Yanchen swam quickly towards that red shadow, and saw a long-haired girl with closed eyes, relaxed and suspended in the sea. She seemed to have lost consciousness and seemed to be just sleeping.

Lu Yanchen hurried to the past. After confirming that the girl was time, she felt a touch of sourness to stimulate her eyes.

He closed his eyes and reached for his time.

His slender fingers stroked her cold face, and when she felt her breath, his dangling heart stabilized slightly.

He kissed Time's lips and, while giving her gas, swam her out of the sea.

When time sinks into the water, she thinks of that dream, and everything that happened to her in her dream is a special image at the moment.

One of her swimmers could not move in the water, so uncomfortable, so miserable, all she could do was to sink continuously.

Eventually the world fell into darkness, and when she thought she was about to die, she found herself suddenly back in time.

It seems to be another world.

She also has a warm and sweet home. She saw her beloved parents, and her sister.

But there is no Lu Yanchen in this world, and there is no Lu Yanchen in her life. As in that dream, the Lu family has only three sons, and the youngest child has not said it, and no one mentions it.

Time wanted to find a trace of where Lu Yanchen might have appeared, but there was nothing.

There really doesn't seem to be such a person in the world.

Later, she finally saw the three words of Lu Yanchen, but on a tombstone with his name engraved on it, the date was the day he fell into the water.

She fell like an ice cellar, the chill spread from her fingertips to her limbs, and her blood was so cold together.

How could she not save Lu Yanchen.

I thought it was just a dream, but it seemed to have existed.

This is a world. This is the world. She never had Lu Yanchen in her life. Because Lu Yanchen, her sister did not endure campus violence, but still became a vegetative, because her parents still had a car accident, and her sister was in the car.

Just like the dream.

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