His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1101: Spend all your life petting you love you (1)

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And she has been working hard at school, working, becoming the best athlete, and getting to know Chihiro, and becoming her best friend.

But one day, at Chihiro's birthday party, she stumbled and fell into the sea. She didn't know what to eat, and she was weak ...

Before that, she drank a juice, which was given to her by Su Yaduan.

She had only met with Su Ya a few times, and she never thought that she would take medicine in the juice. When she was pushed off the cruise ship, she fell into the sea with dazzling eyes and threw herself up and down in the water Do not want to understand why Su Ya killed her.

Of course now she knows, because her relationship with Chihiro is so good, Su Ya is afraid of exposure.

She slowly sank into the sea, looking through the layers of rippled water, seeing her laughing on the standing cruise ship, but her eyes were full of pride and mockery.

Water poured in through the nose and mouth, and her body suddenly fused with her in this world, staring at Su Ya with her eyes widened and never closing.

So it seemed that she was still faintly seen from behind, and Chihiro seemed to find something wrong. Su Ya's attack on Chihiro almost hurt Chihiro, which annoyed Lu Yanzhi.

In that world, Lu Yanzhi and Chihiro are a pair, and they still have a cute little white.

Just no more she and Lu Yanchen.

It seems like a dream but not a dream, so true, it is another mirror-like flower.

She seemed to be trapped in a strange space, surrounded by suffocating water. In the water world, she couldn't get out until a sound came from her ear, as if someone was calling her.

It was Lu Yanchen's voice, her Lu Yanchen, her proud son.

Time couldn't wait to open his eyes, afraid that what he had just heard was just his own illusion.

But if you feel uncomfortable and your eyelids are heavy, you can't hold them open.

The terrible seawater around them devoured her, suffocating helplessness and despair to death.

Did she just sink to the bottom of the sea like this, and a swimming champion would eventually die in the sea?

Suddenly, she felt that she was breathing, and she seemed to be embraced in a warm embrace. The man had a strong and warm strength on her, and said to her, don't be afraid, I will stay with you.

So familiar voice, of course she knew who this was, Lu Yanchen.

Her favorite man.

Something was pressing on her chest, she coughed, and something poke out of her mouth.

Opening her eyes slowly, she saw a man full of water, hugging her tightly, as if eager to hoop into her body.

She faintly saw his face and determined that it was the person in her heart, and she let herself fall asleep in Lu Yanchen's arms.

When she woke up again, in a white world, her nose was full of disinfectant water.

There was a blurry figure in front of her, who had not seen who it was, that person saw her awake, immediately hugged her, and kissed her fiercely, forgetting the world.

The familiar atmosphere, the warm embrace, made Time smile with peace of mind.

When she was about to suffocate, Lu Yanchen let go of her slightly, smiled at her, and held her in her arms the next moment.

"I'm fine, don't worry." She reached out and hugged Lu Yanchen, and then asked, "My sister ..."

In the end I just remembered that I pushed my sister to the shore, but what happened then? She sank into the sea, would her sister jump again ...

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