His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1112: Spend all my life loving you (12)

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In a moment, the tide is surging.

The lingering thick scent diffuses in the room, and the room is wheezing lightly or heavily.

Time sweat dripped and exhausted, not even wanting to open his eyelids, and his hands still hugged her, still mingling with Lu Yanchen.

Lying down, time suddenly remembered something.

She turned her head and lay on Lu Yanchen's chest: "I asked Su Ya today for a chat. Su Ya said that I must not have thought of something, and then smiled very proudly. What is something we did not expect?"

Lu Yanchen directly denied: "I don't know."


"Can't guess."

"Lu Yanchen."

"It looks like you still have energy, so come again."


Shang Mo drank too much alcohol, woke up at night and had a headache. He rubbed his temples, and his deep eyes quietly looked at the empty arms.

He rubbed his forehead and remembered everything that happened yesterday. He seemed to have drunk a lot of alcohol. He couldn't score clearly when he was drunk. After returning, he seemed to encounter Rong Mo.

Breast enhancement, slim waist, red lips ... delicate palms.

Entanglement, nagging, pleasure ... like it really is.

Shang Mo's brow was tightly locked, and his heart was a little restless.

Because the drunk remember is not clear, but the important plot is still very impressive. For example, Rong Mo is a woman, sighing because of her moist and soft, she was shouting, fiercely groaning, he kept her in her arms. Here, quietly coaxed, but now it is empty.

Just thinking about it, the body renewed its desire.

But everything seems to be ridiculous, it seems very unreal, with a sense of nagging

Is it true or false?

In the early morning after being drunk, people's willpower is weak.

Shang Mo lay on the bed, stared at the ceiling for a while, lifted the quilt, and got up.

Looking at the chaos in the room, the mood became more and more calm, sober soup, red wine, the red on the sheets, all looked like a battle.

Thinking of the lingering dreams, the heart is awkward again and again, that absurd dream suddenly disappears, and it is interpreted in real life.

He didn't believe it was a dream.

Shang Mo immediately ran out and went directly to Rong Mo's room.

It was empty.

I thought she was going downstairs, but when I went downstairs, I saw the helper aunt cleaning the house. The helper saw him downstairs and immediately asked him if he needed to prepare dinner.

Shang Mo nodded, and then asked, "Where is Rong Shao?"

The aunt stunned: "Is Rong Shao back?" She was on vacation yesterday, not in the villa.

Shang Mo was not sure at the moment. Is everything he experienced last night true? If Shang Mo hadn't returned to the villa, or had left early, then how could he appear in his bed last night.

He didn't say anything, just waved his hand to let the aunt go to cook.

Auntie doesn't know, but Dashan should know that when he came back last night, Dashan seemed to talk to her.

The meals are ready quickly.

Shang Mo took a bath, and when she went downstairs, the dinner aunt was ready.

He was sitting at the table, subconsciously looking at the opposite position, which was Rong Mo's position, but the thin and weak appetite was very large, but watching her had a special appetite ...

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