His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1113: Spend all my life loving you (13)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Just thinking about Rong Mo, staring at the opposite side, Dashan came in, hurriedly walking, his face was extremely bad.

"Mr. Shang ..." Shang Mo was eating and didn't look at Dashan's face, so he didn't find that Dashan's complexion was pale and terrible, and his eyes were full of panic.

And the sound was a little depressing and trembling.

Shang Mo faintly asked: "What's the matter?"

"At noon today, there was a car accident on Beihai Avenue. Two cars have now fallen into the sea. Rong Shao was in one of the cars ... he fell into the sea and has not yet been salvaged ..."

Shang Mo's heart was choked, and the action of being stuck in the vegetable stopped.

After a moment, he put down his chopsticks and looked at Dashan coldly, "nonsense."

"Where is Rong Moren, where is it now?" Shang Mo was unwilling to believe, but in his eyes he felt a terrible shock and anxiety.

Da Shan was silent and did not say: "Rong Shao can't find it."

I ca n’t find it. What a few words are ordinary, but it is like a needle piercing Shangmo's eardrum sharply.

Shang Mo clenched his fist: "No, he won't be wrong !!!"

Speaking, Gou Lip smiled.

Da Shan only thought that Mr. Shang's smile was more terrifying than crying, and his voice was hoarse and horrible.

He also hoped that the incident of Rong Shao was false, but from noon to now, how could a person stay in the sea for so long, how could he be alive.

When that swimming champion was rescued, he almost lost his breath.

Shang Mo's expression was completely cold, his fear was breeding from the bottom of his heart, and his heart was impregnated with layers. He said to himself, impossible, fake, must be fake.

It was clear last night ... that was true, that could not be a dream, impossible.

He stood up and wanted to go out to verify, but the headache caused by drunkenness, this sudden movement, made him swelled up blood, his body stunned, and almost fell.

Dashan was startled, and he hurried forward to give a hand: "Mr. Shang."

Shang Mo waved Dashan's hand. He didn't believe what Dashan said. Even if it fell to the sea, Rong Mo would be fine.

But he had another fact that he had to admit, that is, Rong Mo could only swim in the water twice instead of swimming.

Shang Mo was standing by the sea, and the black windbreaker was screamed by the wind.

Snow fell in the sky, white snowflakes fluttered in chaos, and fell on the sea as if the sea was white.

The flamboyant snowflakes fell on him, his hair was wet, and chills penetrated into the blood through the skin. His body seemed to be numb, but he remained motionless and stood there with no expression.

Ren Fengxue attacked herself, her deep eyes were dim and cold.

For a long time, he took a deep breath of cold air, he moved his steps stiffly, and slowly walked towards the sea.

Seeing Shang Mo's face expressionless, his eyes were somber, and he was getting closer and closer to the seashore, and Dashan glanced with anxiety.

The snowflakes fluttered and fell, but they couldn't hide his solitary figure, looking so quiet and desolate.

"Mr. Shang?" Da Shan moved forward, followed by Shang Mo.

Shan Merton paused, looking at the wrought railing, his eyebrows locked, and the scene in her mind suddenly popped into her car and fell from here.

Rong Mo in the picture is pale, panicked, and extremely distressed.

There was another dull pain in his chest.

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