His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1126: Spend all my life loving you (26)

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Watching her pulling the bathrobe again, Lu Yanzhi whispered softly, "Don't take off your clothes as soon as you get drunk." Is he okay, what if it is another man?

The pitiful appearance of a drunken man, like a pet entangled in a person, can easily make a man a wild animal, but not every man can sit unharmed.

Lu Yanzhi helped her back to the bed and lay down again. When she wanted to leave, Su Qianzhang took him by hand and kept him away.

Su Qianyu was so sleepy that she felt a cold object beside her when she was feverish. She was next to her comfortably, and naturally did not want him to leave.

Looking at his hand held by Su Qianji, Lu Yanchi narrowed his eyes, his thin lips narrowed into a line, "You woman, how can you not take you?"

After lying down, he lay down, then raised his hand and held the person in his arms.

Su Qianyu, who was hot, immediately slapped him in his arms. Lu Yanzhi raised his hand and touched her face, and then stroked her lips, then rubbed it twice: "Is the body hot?"

Only then did Lu Yanzhi realize that her temperature seemed a little high, her breath was slightly heavy, her blush was strange, and the blush on her cheeks was even more gorgeous as if she was about to burn.

I just thought she had normal body temperature after drinking and didn't think much about it.

But after so long, her temperature was getting higher and higher, as if she had a fever.

Lu Yanzhi touched Su Qianji's forehead, and touched his forehead, and immediately sat up,

He looked at his soiled clothes and thought about going out in a bathrobe. When he drove out, there was a men's clothing store outside the neighborhood. He bought clothes and drove to the pharmacy.

Half an hour later, he came back with a pile of medicines, and then gave him fever-reducing medicine, poured a cup of warm water, fed her medicine, and gave her fever-reduction medicine.

Lu Yanzhi wanted to take a thermometer to take her temperature again, before he turned around, he was hugged by Su Qianyi.

Su Qianyi felt that the cool things were back. She hugged it subconsciously and held it tightly, and refused to let go. In this way, Lu Yanchang was hung on by her.

Lu Yanzhi lay down beside him, Su Qianyi felt that he could be more comfortable, and his head went up next. The whole person was wrapped around Lu Yanzhi like an octopus.

I just feel that my body is like holding a piece of millennium cold jade, which is extremely comfortable.

Lu Yanzhi stared at her with complex eyes. At first he didn't move, and his back hand fell lightly on her slightly hot back.

This small movement caused Su Qianji's body to sting on him unconsciously, because of the coldness on his body, she also sighed subconsciously in her throat.

His face froze between his neck.

Lu Yanzhi's neck was swept softly by his lips, his face was embarrassed and his body stiffened unconsciously, and desires somewhere in the body were in full swing.

For a moment he really wanted to press her underneath himself, anyway, they didn't do it anyway, they had sons, so why care about this time.

But she is a patient.

He wasn't that kind of beast, and he fought against a patient, even though she owed him eight times.

Looking at Su Qianyu who was asleep, Lu Yan's low-dumb voice sternly warned: "You don't want me and my son, then don't mess with me, stay away from me !!"

He was almost unable to control his body.

Fortunately, she didn't mess around behind her, but this night, Lu Yanzhi didn't sleep well all night, even though Su Qianyu behind was very quiet and slept quietly in his arms, he still tortured him one night.

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