His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1127: Spend all my life petting you love you (27)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

The early morning sun was shining through the glass of the curtains that had not been pulled in, and it just landed on the bed. Su Qianyi opened his eyes staggeringly because of the strong light.

Into the eye is a sharp-edged face, Lu Yanzhi! !!

How could he be at her house? !!

Su Qianxian was shocked and stepped back subconsciously. At this time, she found herself wearing a bathrobe!

Another look at Lu Yan was wearing a bathrobe, and the bathrobe was mostly untied, revealing a strong chest and strong abdominal muscles.

Su Qianyi was shocked, how could he not remember what happened last night, and then he was angry, only to feel sore and dizzy, and he must be Lu Yanzhi's bastard, and she fell asleep in danger

Too much! !!

Su Qianyi's heart growled wildly, and he took a decisive kick, fiercely shouting at Lu Yanfu.

Then I found that I was completely weak. When I was breathing on Lu Yanchi, my body was rebounded and I almost fell off the bed.

Lu Yanzhi just slept for a while, but the alert was strong. He knew Su Qianji was awake, but did not expect Su Qianji to attack him directly.

He slowly opened his eyes, sat down from the bed, and stared at her condescendingly, "Su Qianyu!"

Seeing that he dared to lose his temper, Su Qiandi was so angry that she glared at her words and scolded, "You bastard!"

"What are you crazy!" Lu Yanzhi's face was extremely ugly.

He was tortured all night yesterday, and finally fell asleep, this woman even had to beat her.

Su Qianzhen got up hard, she also stood by the bed, her body was weak, her hands and feet were weak, but fortunately her thinking was still very clear.

She leaned on the bedside, pointed at the landing and scolded, "I didn't expect you to be such a villain. I made it clear to you last time, and you took advantage of me while I was drunk! "

Lu Yanzhi knew that she had misunderstood and had not had time to explain it. She heard Su Qianzhang continue to scold, "Animals, get out!"

Lu Yanzhi's face was iron-blue, his eyes were cold and frozen, and the air was freezing with low air pressure. If she hadn't let him go last night, he would have left!

When he was willing to control her! !!

Lu Yanzhi turned around and heard a loud "bang!"

He turned back subconsciously, and found that Su Qianyu collapsed on the bed.

This stupid woman, Lu Yanchi muttered a curse, strode forward, hugged Su Qianyu who was faint, and lay down on the bed. One night passed, and her fever did not recede for long, and her body was still very hot.

He took her temperature and 38 degrees, gave her medicine, and put on fever reduction stickers.

In the middle, Su Qiandi opened his eyes stupidly, and then his poor mouth flattened, his nose unconsciously wrinkled, and his eyelashes shook a few times as if flapping cicada wings, as if who was in front of him?

When closing her eyes, Mouth Chen seemed to be thinking something.

He moved in subconsciously, and then his body stiffened slightly.

"Ah ..."

She's calling his name!

"Asshole ..."

She was scolding him again!

But it all has a bit of coquettishness. I don't know if it's because her voice is sweet, and she softly murmurs a bit of coquettishness, or if she's coquettish with him at this moment.

When he met Su Qianzhen, she would only be a little girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, but she had a beautiful enchanting face and a nice and exquisite figure.

It can be called a stunner.

Pure and charming.

Sometimes she looked at him, even with a faint look, she could crunch into the cracks of human bones.


PS: If you want to make more than fifty chapters, let's make forty-five chapters. It's too sleepy. I wake up to sleep, write the remaining five chapters, ask for a monthly ticket, and see if I'm still in the middle of the night. Moreover, vote for your monthly ticket, love you love you ~~

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