His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1129: Spend all my life loving you (29)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Lu Yanzhi said flatly, "If it wasn't for me **** to touch you, you would have burned encephalitis and pneumonia."

Does she know that it is him who takes care of her, or does she feel that the person around her will be him?

vicious! !! Su Qianji, who was ill, wanted to get up and stabbed Lu Yanfu, but his body was weak. Even if he sat up, he probably couldn't hit him.

She rolled over and slept asleep with her back to the landed words.

When she woke up again, it was completely dark and the room was very dark.

Su Qianzhuang frowned, raised her hands and rubbed her temples, and some inconsistent pictures flashed in her mind. What she thought of immediately was to lift up the quilt to see if her clothes were complete.

Fortunately, it was the same bathrobe.

Su Qianyi breathed a sigh of relief, sat up, and found that he was physically fit and mentally comfortable at the moment.

Raise your hand again to remove the burning paste, and then touch the forehead, it is not hot, and the burning is all back.

She got up, walked outside, and saw the dark living room, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, a tall figure standing.

When he heard the footsteps, he turned to look at her. His sharp-looking appearance was also very tough and handsome in the dark, but his sternness and slaying iron blood breath were obscured by darkness.

Su Qianyu turned on the light, and the light dissipated the darkness. When she saw the man clearly, she asked her face subconsciously, "Why are you still in my house?"

Lu Yan kept his face cold and didn't move. He also said, "Are you awake?"

Their voices sounded almost simultaneously.

Su Qianyi wanted to know how quickly he had a fever. It should be that when Lu Yanzhi had been taking care of him, he felt uncomfortable after slipping inside.

She muttered, "Don't expect me to thank you, this beast in danger."

Lu Yanzhi silently looked at her for a long while, then suddenly gave her a very light sneer, mocking softly: "Su Qianyi, you think I'm all day long, thinking about how to take advantage of you, right?"

Su Qianji snorted coldly: "..."

Is not it? I didn't know who it was last night and took advantage of her while she was drunk.

Lu Yan leaned back against the wall next to him, his arms crossed on his chest, stared at her lazily and elegantly, and said ironically, "I am stinking and dirty to a woman who vomited my body. Woman, has no interest! "

He was cold and casual, full of smell.

That disgusting look gave Su Qianji a slight hesitation.

What he said was that they did nothing last night?

But that doesn't mean that he is an innocent and good person. Su Qianji calmed for a few seconds and continued to calm his face and said, "The defense is indispensable. Who asked you to come to my house."

Lu Yanzhi said indifferently, "When you are willing, I have to ask me, and I will send you back, otherwise I won't bother you."

Su Qianzhen was blocked and said nothing. She thought that at yesterday's wedding, she must have been drunk because of drinking the must-have wine.

That's why Mo Feifei asked Lu Yan to send her home, but who is not good, why should she find Lu Yanzhi?

She's drunk, she doesn't even know, that drinking power is really great.

Plus she was a little uncomfortable, so she had a fever.

He had been taking care of her, but when she woke up she scolded him directly.

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