His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1130: Spend all your life petting you love you (30)

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Su Qianyi suddenly felt particularly embarrassed. She whispered, "Thank you."

Although his voice was low, Lu Yanzhi heard it, but he deliberately pretended not to hear it, and frowned slightly and asked, "What did you say?"

"Thank you?" The voice was very low just now. Su Qianyi believed that he didn't hear it, so he raised his voice slightly and said something.

"What? I didn't understand clearly." Then Lu Yanzhi was still indifferent, but his eyes revealed the evil spirit at the moment.

Su Qianyi was so full of shame that he really wanted to humiliate people. This old man must be intentional.

She frowned and looked at Lu Yanchi unhappyly.

Then every look and every action is saying, there is nothing for you here, you can roll away.

But Lu Yan's tall and erect body stood there silently, his handsome face was cold and indifferent, and he had no intention of leaving.

Su Qianyu: "..."

What else did he stay for? It was hard to make her want to give him a good man.

Suddenly, she felt that the room was full of seductive fragrances. She had been sleeping for so long and was already hungry. Now she was swallowing subconsciously.

She glanced at the kitchen and asked Lu Yanzhi, "What did you cook in the kitchen?"


"Thank you, do your favor if you have any problems." This is a drop off.

"I am not busy."

"But I also have to go out after eating something, please trouble the elderly to go out quickly." She said as politely as possible.

Lu Yan was determined to look at her for a moment, and then suddenly smiled, eyes like stars, slowly blooming a splendid brilliance.

With a smile on his face, Su Qianyi was inexplicable, "What are you laughing at?"

"I don't seem to go in now." Lu Yanzhi's eyes looked at her casually, his expression was lazy and calm, his eyes frowning were very unpredictable, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"What?" Su Qiandi didn't understand at all, what he meant.

"Since I didn't go in, why would I go out and talk about it?" Lu Yanzhi was still faint.

At this moment, Su Qianzhang understood. She stared inconceivably. She looked like she was struck by lightning. She almost did not stand still, and made a close contact with the ground directly.

Her face turned red as blood, and then she gritted her teeth and said, "Rogue!"

Lu Yan insisted and walked towards the kitchen.

After a while, he brought the porridge back, put it on the dining table, and looked at Su Qianyu said, "Look at the picture of your sickness now. It's like mosquitoes, and you can't hear you. Don't make people think that I tossed you into this, I didn't go in last night !!! "

Su Qianxian was full of black lines, his shyness and embarrassment, and his anger, such as the flooding of the Yellow River, were out of control.

After staring at Lu Yanji, she sat down at the dining table and took a bowl of porridge.

Lu Yanzhi was so thick-skinned that he didn't rush away, it was really annoying.

Now that she is weak and sick, it can be said that she has no fighting power. It is better to eat something and restore her strength before talking.

The tall figure immediately enveloped Su Qianyi's entire body, and a heavy sense of oppression came at will, Su Qianyi felt that this porridge was not a taste.

She raised her eyes and looked at Lu Yanchi, and seemed to be talking about how you stand when I eat like this.

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