His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1147: Could it be Rong Mo? (17)

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Could it be Rong Mo?

Shang Mo wasn't sure. What happened that night must have made him suspicious. It must be that Rong Mo was not a man, but a demon, and a man and a woman. Then Rong Mo could be allowed for a while.

But even if she is a demon, he must find out if Mo Feifei and Rong Mo are alone.

Suddenly, Shang Mo thought of grandma.

Rong Mo returned to Shang from her grandma. Grandma said that Rong Mo was the grandson of a good friend, so she took it home to take care of her.

But this saying is obviously false.

Because all the documents of Rong Mo were bought by his grandma after he arrived at Shang's house.

Where did Rong Mo originally live, and the grandson of his grandmother's friend could not be investigated? He appeared suddenly. At that time, he was suspected to be his father's illegitimate child, but there was no investigation. His name should also be fake.

Does grandma know everything?

At least for Rong Mo ’s identity, she should know, or she would not bring him back to Shang.

Grandma was very sad for Rong Mo's departure.

In the past, she thought that her grandson would find a person to marry at will, as long as she gave birth to the child. When she knew that Rong Mo was a girl, she decided that Rong Mo was the best candidate for Sun Fu.

But who would have thought that Rong Mo would have such an accident.

She was unwilling to accept the fact that she was about to fall ill.

And she couldn't believe it. Rong Mo really left like this. She always felt that one day, Rong Mo would come back suddenly and smile in front of her.

If before, she was hesitant and wondered if her grandson had special feelings for Rong Mo, then she was sure after Rong Mo's accident.

I don't like love, but I absolutely love it, otherwise he won't keep people looking for Rong Mo in the sea.

It was only a month that he had lost weight all over.

Moreover, she also found that her grandson did not know Rong Mo's true gender, and she regretted that she had tangled the issue of men and women without expressing her feelings to Rong Mo.

She was wondering whether to tell him.

If he is told his true gender and Rong Mo can't return, it will be a more severe blow to his grandson.

So when the grandson asked her about Rong Mo, how did she pick up Rong Mo in the park? Because Rong Mo was called momo, she thought of her grandson Momo who had n’t been home until she brought Rong Mo back. Home, after taking home, she became more and more fond of this child, and slowly regarded her as a relative.

And gender, she did not mention.


Shang Mo is thinking, this mo or not the stranger in her name, but her surname Mo.

But isn't she?

That night, Shang Mo dreamed again. In the dream, he hugged Rong Mo tightly. The entire chest was covered with Rong Mo's back. Rong Mo was her in his arms, still a woman, and slightly twisted and proactively kissed. With him, he kissed back, tangling with her lips, and later he did n’t know how he got in. He only knew that he felt good, and when he woke up, he knew it was a dream, and wanted to be there for a lifetime. Never woke up in a dream.

The dreams I used to have are always a little bit empty.

But after waking up drunk that day, it felt as if it was particularly clear.

Shang Mo woke her eyebrows from her sleep, her thin lips dry.

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