His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1148: Could it be Rong Mo? (18)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Shang Mo woke her eyebrows from her sleep, her thin lips dry.

He got up, went downstairs, poured a glass of cold water into the kitchen, and poured a glass of cold water in the winter. Then he felt that his body was no longer hot and uncomfortable.

Dashan walked into the villa, and after Shang Mo came out of the kitchen, he said gently, "There is something in the design institute."

Originally, this little thing did not need to inform Shang Mo. Shang Mo was too lazy to manage it, and had no time to manage it.

But ... "It's about Murphy."

Sure enough, Shang Mo heard his words, and immediately turned to look at him, and then narrowed his eyes deeply.


After Li Meihua was scolded by Chen Xiannian that day, her jealousy and hatred towards Mo Feifei grew like a seedling irrigated with water and fertilizer, and grew into a towering tree in her heart.

Could it be that this is the kind of woman who does n’t know what to pick,

Why did he blame her? It was because she was always by his side, and Mo Feifei was just a woman she had just met. How could he be so fond of Mo Feifei.

Is the relationship between them really worthless at him? !! !!

At the same time Li Meihua was jealous, she was also distraught because she really liked and loved Chen.

On this day, Li Meihua, while visiting a design forum, suddenly saw a design drawing, which is a bit like Mo Feifei's work.

She looked at the time of publication again, three months ago. But I have to say that the two pictures are really similar.

It is not too much to say that Mo Feifei is plagiarizing. If you think about it, Li Meihua's eyes light up, and her mind suddenly has an idea.

Li Meihua opened a post to check the information of the landlord. The landlord called ‘North of the City’, and there was a penguin on it.

She logged in to her Penguin, added the landlord, and noted that she saw his design from the post bar and wanted to cooperate with him.

To the north of the city is online, and it quickly passed verification.

Li Meihua opens a chat window.

[Li Meihua: Hello, north of the city, is this design your original work? ] Awake the picture just now.

[North of Chengnan: Yes. 】

[Li Meihua: Do you know a recent art design competition of the Design Institute? The first-prize work is almost 98% similar to your design. ] And sent Mo Feifei's work to the other party in the form of pictures.

The picture received to the north of Chengnan is not very clear, but compared to its size and shape, it really looks like his. Rather than being like, it is better to say that the other person is based on his work, plus some things.

[North of Chengnan :? ? ? ? ? Whose work is this? 】

[Li Meihua: A girl named Mo Feifei. Is the first place in this competition similar to the one you designed three months ago? 】

North of the city south frowned angrily, where it looks like, almost exactly the same.

This man actually copied his work and took away the glory and money that should have belonged to him.

Too much, but his wounds were all painstakingly drawn by strokes, and he couldn't tolerate plagiarism by others.

[North of Chengnan: Thank you for telling me, I will definitely report her. 】

Seeing his reply, Li Meihua ticked the corner of his mouth and smiled proudly in his heart. There was indescribable coldness in his eyes!

Mo Feifei agreed to go to work at the Design Institute, but the official time for work is next week.

Suddenly I received a call from the Design Institute and asked her to go to the Design Institute.

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