His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1150: Could it be Rong Mo? (20)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

She didn't plagiarize, of course she wouldn't admit it, unavoidably met their gaze, her gaze was natural, her expression was natural, and she was not half-hearted.

"You haven't copied, why do our two pictures look so similar. No matter who you look at these two pictures, as long as you have eyes, you can see that they are extremely similar in shape. You are obviously processed on my picture. Yes, you even said that you didn't plagiarize. Is this a laughing matter? "

Speaking north of Chengnan, Lengheng said, "Your design institute is also a well-known design institute in this city. If this matter is exposed, I'll see if your design institute has a face and stand in this industry."

Mo Feifei is still very calm, without any panic.

She looked at the dean and said, "Dean, I don't have the original picture I copied yet. Can you compare our original picture and see where the plagiarism is? And analyze the theory."

Dean has always had a good impression of Mo Feifei, and agreed to let them analyze the work theoretically.

To the north of the south of the city, he sneered, and he was so cool: "What different design concept is this obviously a matter of course? You are so ashamed of such a sophistry."

Chen Xinian said, "She is not wrong. When a piece of work is designed, you must understand the design concept of the other party to know whether it is plagiarism. The two pictures can only be said to be similar, but they can be seen. They are two completely different designs. "

Seeing Chen Xienian helping Mo Feifei speak, Li Meihuaer gritted his teeth fiercely.

She didn't understand why Chen Xienian would still help Mo Feifei now. She didn't want to get involved in this, but now jealousy swallowed her reason.

She couldn't help but vocally: "Plagiarism is a very serious problem, which not only affects the regularity of our competition, but also affects the reputation of our design institute. If verified, this bad behavior must be severely punished."

To the north of Chengnan, he took a deep look at Li Meihua, and there was a doubt in his eyes, but it seemed clear.

Then he said to Mo Feifei: "Is your design institute deceiving people too much? Her works are clearly embellishing my works, which is no different from plagiarism. I urge teachers to give me a reasonable statement. I want This contestant apologized to me solemnly and compensated me for all financial losses. "

As he said, he snorted, "If you design institute give me an explanation, don't blame me!"

Li Meihua said to the dean, "I think this matter has a great impact on our design institute, reputation is too important, so we should deal with it seriously, and we have no relationship with the design institute!"

The Dean's face was sad.

He stared at Mo Feifei coldly: "I know that your young people are very quick and quick, and always want to find shortcuts, but I think you are the exception. I didn't expect that you would do the same. You are so disappointed. Here !! This time ... "

Before he could speak, someone hurriedly pushed the door in.

As the dean's assistant, she walked to the dean's ear and whispered something. The dean's face sank severely, and she immediately stood up.

At this moment, a long figure stood at the door of the conference room, and the dean hurried forward with a smile: "Mr. Shang, why are you here!"

Shang Mo's glance calmly glanced at the meeting room, but his heart was like boiling water, scalding his internal organs and limbs, all shaking.

Every pore in the whole body was shouting, almost exhausting all the energy of the whole body, and restrained himself from questioning whether it was Rong Mo.


PS: Let ’s make four more chapters. There are updates later. Let ’s continue to write. I ’m going to vote for the list. Please vote for me monthly.

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