His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1151: Could it be Rong Mo? (twenty one)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Everyone looked at the door, and saw Shang Mo step in, and sat down directly in the position of the dean, in an elegant and noble pose. A designer next to him hurry up and gave his place to the hospital. long.

The dean didn't sit down immediately, bent slightly, looked at Shang Mo and said, "Mr. Shang, it's better to sit in my office."

Plagiarism is not a good thing, and Shang Mo is an important client of the Design Institute. He naturally does not want to let Shang Mo know this kind of shame.

But Shang Mo sat still, "I just heard some accidentally outside, as if you were talking about plagiarism. If I remember correctly, the dean said that the next person to cooperate with me seems to be this Mo Miss. "

His eyes were set on Mo Feifei, and he could not show any suspicion until he was absolutely sure.

If not, that's fine.

But if it was, she was obviously hiding from him. If she knew he was doubtful, she would leave quietly and no longer give him any chance to approach.

Could Mo Feifei feel a panic in his heart when Shang Mo came, and his hands clenched subconsciously.

As far as she knows Shang Mo, the account with the design institute is only a small matter to him, which can be handled by his subordinates, but he actually came in person.

This made her have to doubt that Shang Mo's arrival might have something to do with her.

Looking at Shang Mo north of the south of the city, I just felt that this manly field was strong. When he heard him and knew that he was a customer of the design institute, he immediately moved forward and said, "This gentleman is plagiarism. Is a copy of my work three months ago. "

Chen Xinian glanced at him coldly, then looked at Shang Mo and said, "Mr. Shang, it is just suspected of plagiarism."

Shang Mo gave him a cold glance, expressionless silence, and there was nothing wrong with looking at it, but the faint look made him feel a bitter cold.

Chen Xiannian was somewhat inexplicable. If he remembered correctly, he should not have offended the **** of wealth!

Shang Mo looked coldly and looked at the director and said, "I choose your design institute, and I want the most professional cooperation !!"

The dean quickly said, "Mr. Shang, you can rest assured that we will be the most professional."

He gave Murphy a hard look, as if she was responsible for the trouble she caused to the design institute.

Could Feifei froze his lips and gave Shang Mo a complicated look, some wondered what he wanted to do?

When she looked back, she saw that Li Meihua was smiling happily and ridiculed.

But the next second, the smile on Li Meihua's face froze again.

"That being the case, then check it carefully, no other cat or dog can come to your design institute to touch the porcelain !!" Shang Mo said coldly, leaning back on the chair, leaning his chin slightly, a look of kings all over the world .

A cat, a dog? !! !! The face north of the south of the city was instantly ugly.

Everyone stunned.

This is obviously helping Mo Feifei, but Mr. Shang doesn't know Mo Feifei, and for a while they were not sure what Shang Mo said.

Previously, the dean wanted to put all the responsibilities of the matter on Murphy.

However, Shang Mo is not an offender. The cooperation between their design institute and Shang's this year, if successful, will be the first design institute in the entire Z province.

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