His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1179: Can't help but want to go wrong (19)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Shang Mo said: "It was just my distance ..."

Mo Feifei squinted his eyes, calmed his face, and kept his lips silent.

Shang Mojun's eyes narrowed slightly, "It's because I don't want to deny it. Since I first saw you, I have a good impression on you. I didn't intend to go on a blind date. I knew that the blind date was you. I just came to know that we just met. It should be taken slowly by Tu Tuzhi, but I ignored my love for you, and I just couldn't help myself! "

Can't help but want to "enter" Feifei ~

Mo Feifei moved his eyes slightly, and looked at him with deep eyes, trying to say something, but was interrupted again.

Shang Mo continued: Deep eyes were full of seriousness and dignity, "Dating is not a hooligan for the purpose of marriage. I am not here to rogue, and I hope you do not rogue."

Could it be that the wind is messy! !!

She just wanted to scold him badly.

But the words were all blocked.

Could Feifei have an unpredictable hunch and said categorically: "Shang Mo, you have to figure it out, between us ..." I didn't fall in love.

"I do n’t take responsibility after a blind date, I do n’t recognize the relationship, it ’s a hooligan !!”

He is ashamed, deeply shocked by his shamelessness: "..."

Even if the blind date is in advance of marriage, even if Shang Mo is pursuing her, according to normal logic, how do you have to ask whether it is agreeable? How can it be that you are directly in love?

Could it be that he wanted to take a sip of saltwater and kill him directly.

He took a deep breath, trying to keep the surface calm, and asked him seriously: "Mr. Shang, I want to ask you, was it true that you said to chase me before?"

Shang Mo nodded: "Natural."

"Since catch-up is used, that is, if there is no established relationship, how can I become Mr. Shang's girlfriend?" Murphy asked indifferently.

Shang Mo was a little surprised, little liar, really smart.

He smiled and said, "Even if you marry me in the future, I will continue to pursue you."

Mo Feifei: "..."

How could Shang Mo's face be so thick now.

It seems that her conjecture may not be wrong. This is the split of personality and the change of person.

Shang Mo took all her expressions in her eyes, and he hooked his lips and said, "Fei Fei ... I know you are not the kind of girl, and I have no intention of insulting you, I have been I manage myself very well. I don't want to do it here, but I can't help seeing you. "

Couldn't hear the voice outside the string.

She stepped back and looked at him in surprise.

Shang Mo also moved, but instead of moving forward, she took a two-step back step away from her, looked at her very gentlely, and said bluntly, "No matter what you think, I choose you This is your life, whether you believe it or not, but I hope you can give me ... a chance! "

Could Fe Fei look at Shang Mo's eyes, he could feel his burning eyes, followed by fire.

This is, the dumplings rolled in the pan, Shang Mo glanced, "It's cooked."

Could it be like dreaming, she put the cut seasoning in the pot and seasoned it.

The dining table was very quiet. I looked at Shang Mo the opposite, slowly put a dumpling in my mouth, chewed slowly and ate, raised her eyes and smiled at her. The smile was light and light, as pleasant as the drizzle. .

Mo Feifei was shocked, and his mood was chaotic.


PS: Ask for a monthly ticket, and then I will continue to code ~

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