His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1180: Can't help but want to go wrong (20)

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Mo Feifei was shocked, and his mood was chaotic.

After letting "Rong Mo" disappear, she never thought about the picture of reuniting with Shang Mo, nor did she think that after sleeping in "Rong Mo", she would be just like a okay person, saying to me that I am to you Love at first sight, I fancy you, I want you in my life.

When he said that, did he think of "Rong Mo" who had fallen asleep?

Could it be a split personality? She chuckled and felt the absurdity of the matter.

I would rather believe Shang Mo is a liar.

She forced herself to look up, and she had to make it clear. She looked at Shang Mo and said, "I wasn't interested in what you just said. I believe you are a man of grace."

The meaning of the subtext: I hope you won't be entangled, we two stop here.

Shang Mo looked at her, his eyes were dark and dazzling, dazzling, with hidden strength, but hesitant in tone, and a little dazed, "I also think I am a very handsome man. You said so, I will never fight again, but ... I just don't want to give up, you say, what should I do? "

Dizzy ... Must have a tight-lipped mouth, saying that you have grace and you are not humble, you and grace are an Antarctic and an Arctic.

Shang Mo didn't know himself at all, and the impression in Mo Feifei's heart was actually so negative.

He looked at Mo Feifei and said, "What's more, the first time someone cooked me dumplings and gave me warmth, how could I give up?"

Could Feifei sting him: "Don't you always make other people's meals?"

"That's right, but no girl has cooked dumplings for me. And it's so delicious." Shang Mo's hand slightly supported his chin, and he looked at her deeply with his eyes tilted.

"It's just quick-frozen dumplings, just cook them in water," Murphy said mockingly.

"But other people just can't cook the taste. I want to eat the dumplings you cook all my life." Men are like a walking hormone, and they are always embarrassing.

Could Feifei's mouth be tighter, and her heartless speechless but helpless, she simply said, "Then you spit out the dumplings you have eaten and give them to me, and then never eat them."

Shang Mo smiled and said, "Are you sure I will spit it back to you? Not disgusting you."

Mo Feifei shame: "..."

There was really nothing he could do about him. This person's posture, such a method, and such a method completely played with her in the palm of his hand.

And he was really strange.

Could it be him, who already knew who he was, and all he was doing was deliberately playing with her?

Thinking about this, did Mo Feifei pick up the chopsticks and put a dumpling in his mouth, while chewing slowly, he glanced suspiciously at the opposite Shang Mo.

After the thought just flashed in my head, it was out of control.

Mo Feifei wanted to test Shang Mo, and she asked casually: "You don't always say that I look like someone else, in case I am the person you know, what would you do?"

Shang Mo blinked, as if the question was weird, weird, and incredible. He asked, "You mean to be with someone who looks like you. What would I do if it were a person?"

He asked very seriously, sitting because of the backlight, and the light projected in from the window was scattered behind him. He seemed to be crossing the light all over, cold and mysterious and extraordinary.

Hearing this, Mo Feifei was not relaxed.

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