His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1214: You are my love (24)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Mo Feifei: "..."

She really felt that Shang Mo was really evil, and she was so wicked that her speech was dirty, she wanted to kill him on the spot!

Shang Mo kept smiling.

In fact, he does n’t smile often. Even if he smiles sometimes, he smiles lightly, instead of smiling, instead of showing his teeth as he does now. Beautiful spring.

He twitched his lips, bent over in her ear, and said vaguely: "The next time I kiss you, remember to open my mouth."

An instant of heat rushed straight from the soles of the feet to the forehead at a speed that could not cover his ears, and he felt that his old blood was about to spit out on the spot.

She blushed like blood, and even her neck and ears turned red! She stepped back into the room, and then "banged", closing the door directly!

Mo Feifei was both shy and angry, and he wanted to bite Shangmo.

But it's funny again!

This kind of Shangmo, should nobody have seen it? If someone told her that Shang Mo still had this side, she would not believe it if she was killed.

The door was knocked again, and Mo Feifei thought that Shang Mo didn't leave. She didn't want to open the door, but the sound of knocking on the door became more and more rapid.

Could it be frowning.

At this hearing, I knew it was not Shang Mo, and Shang Mo could not knock on the door so impatiently.

She got up and opened the door again. When she saw the woman standing outside, she was slightly at ease: "Miss Zhao?"

Zhao Anny clenched her fists, her body shaking slightly.

Be angry!

The stare on Mo Feifei's face was like a poisonous snake calmly observing the food. It seemed that he was about to pounce on Mo Feifei in one second.

The interaction between Shang Mo and Mo Feifei just now saw that her heart was filled with resentment and jealousy, which made her whole person mad.

She said why Shang Mo is so cold to her now, because it is because of this non-male and female thing.

I don't even look at what he is, but I still want to marry Shang Shang.

Zhao Anni could not conceal her hostility, with a thin anger in her voice, "I really can't see it, Miss Mo is so capable!"

He didn't turn around, but opened the door directly to see the mountain. "You don't have to pretend, you also see that you have a few pounds and a couple of weights, and you are delusional about monk Mo."

Murphy was happy: "... is it difficult for monk Mo to be with you?"

This words stimulated Anni Zhao, she almost growled, "Don't be arrogant, don't show off in front of me."

Mo Feifei was speechless: "You seem to have misunderstood. I said this just now without showing off."

Anni Zhao sneered and interrupted her: "You don't look at your identity, a helpless little orphan girl, you won't want to marry into Shang family because Grandma Shang likes you, Shang family It ’s not what you can imagine. Do n’t lift yourself up and hit your feet, watch out for a bamboo basket to fetch water! ”

Mo Feifei was also not angry, but just said lightly: "Who am I? Miss Zhao should have seen it just now. Then Miss Zhao, who are you Shang Mo, and in what capacity did you say this to me?"

Could this be ironic for her? Laugh at her? Zhao Anni's face was extremely ugly, her body was shaking and she couldn't restrain herself, she was angry, the blue tendons on her forehead were exposed, and she looked particularly terrible.

"Don't be proud!" She hated it with a gritted tooth and wanted to tear it off!


PS: Big Brother should come out tomorrow. Looking forward? If you look forward to it, give a monthly pass. Here is the fancy way to ask for a monthly pass ~~

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