His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1215: You are my love (25)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Unlike the angry Zhao Anni, Murphy's face still understates, "I don't want to argue with you, but I think if I keep silent and ignore you, you will feel that I am afraid of you So I'm proud today. Since I'm proud, I'm not afraid you'll let me wait! "

After speaking, I stopped talking about Zhao Anni and closed the door directly.

Zhao Anyi's eyes widened and she stomped her feet directly.

"Muffy, you **** !!!"

She stared at the door, as if that door was Mo Feifei, she could not wait for her flesh, her resentment and jealousy.

"You give me ..." Wait! !!

Originally I wanted to say the same harsh words just now, but when I thought about the last sentence before closing the door, I suddenly got angry and converged, and changed the sentence: "Let's see!"

Zhao Anni turned and wanted to leave. Just passing the corner, she saw the man standing in the front passage.

She froze and shouted subconsciously, "Brother Shang."

At this moment, Shang Mo is different from the gentle and courteous person in front of Mo Feifei. It is almost like changing a person. His eyes are cold and his expression is cold. Occasionally, the bottom of his eyes slips away.

Anni Zhao shuddered all over!

She tried to calm her breath, staring calmly at Shang Mo, showing a touch of grievance.

"Brother Shang ~~" She yelled again, different from the surprise, just now the voice was soft and gentle, as if it could drip water,

But Shang Mo had no intention to move, and the coldness under his eyes seemed to freeze people.

She and Mo Feifei's conversation just now, won't Shang Mo hear all of it, Zhao Anni's nervous heart seemed to pop out of her chest.

"I'm not your brother." A word that Shang Mo didn't give to his face suffocated Zhao Anni's heart, and she was a little dazed.

She thought Shang Mo must have heard the conversation just now.

How to do? Her image in Shang Mo's heart must have fallen to a negative point at this moment. It's all because of which! !!

She pulled a corner of her mouth and smiled, "Well, you don't like me calling you Brother Shang. I feel too young, so I call you Shang Mo."

"I'm not that familiar with you." Shang Mo's tone was cool and his face remained unchanged like an iceberg for thousands of years.

Zhao Anni's pale face that was scared was red with anger. Now that she has known Shang Mo for so many years, the two can almost be said to have grown up together. Even if the two had had a bad time before, they never did. So don't give me face.

Fortunately, there will be no one else, and we can't really be ashamed.

"What's the matter? Why is it so fierce to me suddenly?" Zhao Anni grumbled sadly, with a look of extreme grievance: "I just passed by accidentally, and then Miss Mo saw me at the door and had to pull me to speak And warned me not to approach you, she was really weird. She was just an orphan picked up by her grandmother. She did n’t know how to be a man with her tail in her arms. I can't help but say two heavy words. "

Shang Mo froze his lips coldly, but there was no smile: "Grandma has been unwell recently and needs to rest. Some cows, ghosts and snakes are not allowed to jump around in the house."

Zhao Anni was stiff.


She never imagined that Shang Mo would use the cow, ghost, and snake **** to describe her. "What kind of ecstasy has been poured into you by this, you actually, you actually ..."

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